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12 hours ago, TedLavie said:

I can give my spot 

I wish I could accept. I’m confident I’d win this one. If only I had won the briefcase one instead of Nazgûl lottery win into the jury. I would have loved to kick him out at tenth 

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1. This little bastard who got me, well he got his comeuppance earlier in this movie thanks to a piece of nasty french toast

touch/skywind/dwight say Road Trip

And yes!

That bastard who SWORE HE WAS NOT A COP, was given a french toast that was put in the cooks areshole


touch - 1

Skywind - 1

Dwight - 1

daboyle - 0

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2. Hey jimmy, can i go on vacation with you to this place too? Sounds awesome!

Touch says omaha

Dwight says Omaha, Nebraska

Skywind says Hyatt resort


Yall are wrong!!!!

Jimmy got offered to be sent to Belize!

Same where julie went!

On 3/15/2024 at 7:58 PM, Malfatron said:

Also just got word that Julie is in Belize right now and should be coming back for good maybe in like 12 days or so


Scores stay same

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3. Its part of marie likes to do, and its part of what marie is...and when you put it together a jerk and a so-called person is together

Touch- toxic

Dwight - a ***** (think its the b word)

And nop!

Marie like to SHOPlift and is a GIRL

and steve martin was The Jerk, and my so-called life starred claire danes, and they were both in SHOPGIRL

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4. People like to rating bomb this auteur who subverts expections in a bottle


touch - hajime isayama 

Dwight - LeBron James



this director directed the "bottle episode" The Fly and also the Last Jedi where he was rating bombed

And rian famously subverted expectations in TLJ where rey was nothing and none of the payoffs happened

Its rian johnson

Edited by Malfatron
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5. Could it be an acronym for people who love the french?

I have to admit that Ted from this game had a headstart in this game, as well as anyone who got to know him, namely that hes french

Ted is also a breaking bad character and an epsiode is called IFT, which stands for I ****ed Ted.

Nobody got it and i weep

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6. What two colors are most prominently (prominantly?)displayed in Breaking bad?


6. Green and White

Dwight: Green and Blue


Depends on context. if it’s about what color is physically shown, then I’d say green and yellow. WW usually has some kind of Green and Jesse wears a lot of yellow.

if it’s a play on names then I would say white and pink



Of course the two more featured colors are Walter WHITE and jesse PINKman


And even though touch technically gave two answers, he got there from two povs, and i am awarding him points on it

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