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Super Bowl: San Francisco 49ers vs Kansas City Chiefs

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28 minutes ago, Forge said:

It's pretty much a non issue. I fail to see how it impacts anything on the field

More excuses for Shanahan. It would have taken 20 minutes to go over those OT rules changes in a team meeting. You had 2 weeks to prepare. It just shows a lack of attention to detail from a coach that continues to crumble in big games.

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35 minutes ago, Forge said:

It's pretty much a non issue. I fail to see how it impacts anything on the field

Agree. The defense didn't take the field thinking they could give up a TD. The reality is that the only difference is that both teams get to possess the ball unless the defense scores a TD because that is considered a change in possession. They knew when they went on the field that they had to hold them to a FG or less to either win or keep playing. Anyone focusing on this isnt acknowledging the real issues.

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1 minute ago, Swift21 said:

More excuses for Shanahan. It would have taken 20 minutes to go over those OT rules changes in a team meeting. You had 2 weeks to prepare. It just shows a lack of attention to detail from a coach that continues to crumble in big games.

I get what @Forge is saying.

Shanny makes the call so as long as he knows the rule, it's a mute point.

But I am in agreement that there should have been game planning and dialogue about EVERY scenario, including if the game goes in to OT so that everyone is on the same page and knows what to expect. Kinda crazy to me that our Harvard alumni fullback didn't even know the OT format. That's just a bad look all around for the staff and coaches imo.

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This sucked. 

I truly believe this team will not ever win with Kyle Shanahan as the HC. They lack focus and detail in the biggest moments. These things fall on the regime. 

Kyle once again fumbles it away. Keeping timeouts in your pocket before the half is as egregious as the other things I will mention, but it does not help. Wasted opps early in the game, abandoning the run game to start the second half. His inability to scheme up space for his horses. This guy is an offensive genius? This is what everyone says. Worst of all, he keeps 5 in on 3rd and 4 in a situation with the money on the table, knowing damn well that Spags is going to blitz and he calls a play that gets open no doubt, but calls for a chip from Kittle instead of keeping him in and blocking 6 with 6 resulting in a throw away from Purdy who couldn't even hit his back foot before having pressure in his face. Many are going to say Purdy needs to make that check, but why even put him in that position when we all know what is coming. He thinks its ok to pinch pennies on O lineman and the team pays the price.

My issue with Kyle will always be that he thinks he is the smartest guy in the room. The smartest guy in the room often times gets caught unprepared for the counter of someone else in the room. Kyle believes other teams have to gameplan around him, but when he needs to gameplan around what they do he falls apart. 

I know people are afraid of going back to what it was pre Harbaugh, but at some point it has to be realized he isnt the guy to do it. Belichick is sitting there. I get you have to sell him on the idea of Lynch being the GM, which I believe you can. I understand with a change comes an overhaul in coaching and players due to schematic things, but if this team has to wait another 4-6 years they wont get it done with this group. 

Im also aware that nothing I want will actually happen because Jed is a coward who is ok with just getting there.

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completely oblivious to game flow, momentum

over corrects/reacts to mistakes often compounding the issue

gets overly aggressive when he should be conservative

gets overly conservative when he needs to be aggressive

runs a glass cannon offense. has all pros all over the field but

if one player gets injured it all falls apart

one negative play too often stalls out an entire drive

Edited by Herodreamer79
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34 minutes ago, Swift21 said:

More excuses for Shanahan. It would have taken 20 minutes to go over those OT rules changes in a team meeting. You had 2 weeks to prepare. It just shows a lack of attention to detail from a coach that continues to crumble in big games.

Ah yes, I'm famously the guy who defends Shanahan and hasn't been at all critical of him. 

Again, its a non issue because it doesn't impact anything on the field. Do  you think that they don't try to score tds or are okay with giving them because they don't know the rules? The team isn't trying less. I'd rather them devote bandwidth to crap that actually matters on the field. It has no impact to what they are doing on the field. It has the same value as Shanny going over the icing rules in the NHL 

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OMG, some 49ers players didn't know the OT rules!!

Meanwhile Mecole Hardman catching the game winning TD pass..."I didn't know the rules"

Donovan McNabb, former Andy Reid QB, "I didn't know you could tie" 

I understand people are in their feels, but be upset about stuff that matters. If Shanny didn't know the rules and made decisions based on erroneous understanding of the rules, that is what matters. 

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34 minutes ago, clarkfn2284 said:

Agree. The defense didn't take the field thinking they could give up a TD. The reality is that the only difference is that both teams get to possess the ball unless the defense scores a TD because that is considered a change in possession. They knew when they went on the field that they had to hold them to a FG or less to either win or keep playing. Anyone focusing on this isnt acknowledging the real issues.

Exactly this. Focus on the stuff that actually made a difference. Criticize Shanny for giving up a possession at the end of the first half for no reason. That is legit. 


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28 minutes ago, Forge said:

Exactly this. Focus on the stuff that actually made a difference. Criticize Shanny for giving up a possession at the end of the first half for no reason. That is legit. 


My only criticism of him in this scenario is not deferring to essentially control what you have to do and then justifying it by saying he was hoping for the 3rd possession if they were still tied. This makes sense to a point, but then why kick the FG on 4th and 4 knowing you are giving it up to Mahomes and a score beats you? If the worse case scenario there is to lose the SB, why does it matter if you kick the FG or not? Either way if they score they win, so give yourself a chance to not be beat by the TD by scoring one yourself. 

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Also, I dont want to hear a damn word from this roster or organization next season about anything. This team has failed repeatedly and scapegoated player after player and used luck and situations as the reason behind their failure. There is one single common denominator in all of these and it's Kyle. Next season shut your mouth and figure out how to win despite your Head Coach.

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45 minutes ago, clarkfn2284 said:

This sucked. 

I truly believe this team will not ever win with Kyle Shanahan as the HC. They lack focus and detail in the biggest moments. These things fall on the regime. 

Kyle once again fumbles it away. Keeping timeouts in your pocket before the half is as egregious as the other things I will mention, but it does not help. Wasted opps early in the game, abandoning the run game to start the second half. His inability to scheme up space for his horses. This guy is an offensive genius? This is what everyone says. Worst of all, he keeps 5 in on 3rd and 4 in a situation with the money on the table, knowing damn well that Spags is going to blitz and he calls a play that gets open no doubt, but calls for a chip from Kittle instead of keeping him in and blocking 6 with 6 resulting in a throw away from Purdy who couldn't even hit his back foot before having pressure in his face. Many are going to say Purdy needs to make that check, but why even put him in that position when we all know what is coming. He thinks its ok to pinch pennies on O lineman and the team pays the price.

My issue with Kyle will always be that he thinks he is the smartest guy in the room. The smartest guy in the room often times gets caught unprepared for the counter of someone else in the room. Kyle believes other teams have to gameplan around him, but when he needs to gameplan around what they do he falls apart. 

I know people are afraid of going back to what it was pre Harbaugh, but at some point it has to be realized he isnt the guy to do it. Belichick is sitting there. I get you have to sell him on the idea of Lynch being the GM, which I believe you can. I understand with a change comes an overhaul in coaching and players due to schematic things, but if this team has to wait another 4-6 years they wont get it done with this group. 

Im also aware that nothing I want will actually happen because Jed is a coward who is ok with just getting there.

I agree with alot of this but I'm not ready to just start over and give Shanny the boot.

Your absolutely right, Shanny's ego plays a big part in how the team is constructed, the offense's identity and how it's designed to attack the opposing defense or the lack there of.

He really does seemed to misread the room at times and zig when he should have zagged. 

But as I've said before, Reid was in the same boat and he figured it out with help from Mahomes.

I really believe Purdy can be his Mahomes but he has to acknowledge that he can't treat the interior O-Line like an afterthought moving forward and actual invest into making that group a strength of the team and not the glaring weakness it's been over the last 3-4 years.

Brock could be lethal from the pocket if this roster is tweaked just a bit and catered to keeping him upright in the biggest moments.

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My thoughts on Kyle. Obviously he's a great HC. Yes he's great offensive mind. Andy Reid and Kyle might be the 2 best when they're in their offensive bag. Difference excluding QB of course... is Reid will scrap it and do whatever is necessary to win. I don't question Kyle wanting to win... of course he does. I think he wants to win a certain way with his system on display. Reid saw the initial gm plan wasn't good enough. Kyle seems to stay the course no matter what or just can't make the on the fly adjustments quick enough. 

I don't have the confidence he'll make the necessary changes needed to over come those moments. I'm a 49ers fans first so of course I'll be all in next yr lol. Like I said before he won't have 100% buy in from the locker room next yr. Idk what the number will be but that has to have taken a hit.

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did you guys see baldy's breakdowns?

two wide open touchdowns on two different plays... and the oline just horrifically massacres the pass protection.. guys going the wrong way,.. running into eachother,  sending free rushers right up purdy's nostrils. just destroying the play all by themselves. 

stuff that makes you want to scream your head into a pillow. 

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