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Do you Vape?


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I've been vaping solidly for near enough two years now, have kept off the stinkies and found myself a new hobby at the same time!

Currently rocking the Troll V2 RDA on top of a Praxis Banshee, but I've been through and still own a silly number of mods and tanks that just get rotated through regularly.

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16 hours ago, QuinneyluvsNFL said:

I've been vaping solidly for near enough two years now, have kept off the stinkies and found myself a new hobby at the same time!

Currently rocking the Troll V2 RDA on top of a Praxis Banshee, but I've been through and still own a silly number of mods and tanks that just get rotated through regularly.

I've never been able to get into RDAs and RTAs and all the customization of everything. I like my Big Baby Beast tanks and my smok mod and honestly would just change to a Sigelei mod because I want the upgraded chipset and power output.

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  • 5 weeks later...

Bumping - my battery blew up yesterday. Absolutely insane, it's around 1 am and I hear a "POP!" and freak out, sounded like a gunshot. Come running out of my room and see my eleaf istick just up in smoke.

It was on a countertop, and not near anything flammable, thank goodness. I'm also lucky I wasn't holding it, or had it in my pocket - there are a few stories of these things blowing up in pockets, seriously injuring someone.

I'm pretty sure the reason it blew up is because I was using a charger that it isn't compatible to. I'm bad at that, just swapping chargers for my devices with a micro SD. Not going to make that mistake again...

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1 hour ago, EliteTexan80 said:

Bumping - my battery blew up yesterday. Absolutely insane, it's around 1 am and I hear a "POP!" and freak out, sounded like a gunshot. Come running out of my room and see my eleaf istick just up in smoke.

It was on a countertop, and not near anything flammable, thank goodness. I'm also lucky I wasn't holding it, or had it in my pocket - there are a few stories of these things blowing up in pockets, seriously injuring someone.

I'm pretty sure the reason it blew up is because I was using a charger that it isn't compatible to. I'm bad at that, just swapping chargers for my devices with a micro SD. Not going to make that mistake again...

Don't buy another eLeaf device. Go out and get something by Smok or Kanger. eLeaf is really bad about their internal batteries. I just got a Smok ProColor mod which is just an upgraded version of their old Aliens. They use 3rd party batteries and that's honestly the best way to go. Also, just get an extra set of batteries and a battery charger. It's soooooo much safer to do it that way.

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8 minutes ago, EliteTexan80 said:

I just bought a Smok Osub King Kit. Think I bit off more than I can chew, holy hell this thing hits like a shotgun.

Naw, that's a great kit. I use the big babies myself. If you're having trouble with the air flow, you can always adjust the piece at the bottom to lower it. My fiancée uses hers just slightly open where I tend to keep mine about halfway open (Don't go more than halfway, it over fills the vape with air)

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2 hours ago, scar988 said:

Naw, that's a great kit. I use the big babies myself. If you're having trouble with the air flow, you can always adjust the piece at the bottom to lower it. My fiancée uses hers just slightly open where I tend to keep mine about halfway open (Don't go more than halfway, it over fills the vape with air)

That makes a difference, and I set the strength to minimum. Much more manageable.

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1 hour ago, EliteTexan80 said:

That makes a difference, and I set the strength to minimum. Much more manageable.

Set the preheat to normal instead of strong or weak. Set the wattage to 40-55 depending on the coil you have in there. Q2/M2 should be around 40-45,T6 should be around 45-50, T8 should be around 50-55. I notice this helps with coil life. The Big Baby coils are SOOOOO easy to replace too.

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I smoked for about 12 years. Started smoking after my divorce.  Tried quitting so many times, I lost count.  I decided to start vaping because the cost of cigarettes was just too expensive at 1.5 packs a day.  I'm now over a year without a cigarette and feel so much better.  No more morning lung cookies being coughed out in the shower.  My doctor said my lungs no longer sound like velcro anymore, too.  

People can make all the vaping jokes they want, but I'm saving about $200 a month, I don't cough anymore, and best of all, I don't stink anymore.  I get the last laugh. 

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1 hour ago, Ataal said:

I smoked for about 12 years. Started smoking after my divorce.  Tried quitting so many times, I lost count.  I decided to start vaping because the cost of cigarettes was just too expensive at 1.5 packs a day.  I'm now over a year without a cigarette and feel so much better.  No more morning lung cookies being coughed out in the shower.  My doctor said my lungs no longer sound like velcro anymore, too.  

People can make all the vaping jokes they want, but I'm saving about $200 a month, I don't cough anymore, and best of all, I don't stink anymore.  I get the last laugh. 

My fiance quit smoking because of it. She's had just 2 cigarettes since March doing it and smells so much better.

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16 hours ago, Ataal said:

I smoked for about 12 years. Started smoking after my divorce.  Tried quitting so many times, I lost count.  I decided to start vaping because the cost of cigarettes was just too expensive at 1.5 packs a day.  I'm now over a year without a cigarette and feel so much better.  No more morning lung cookies being coughed out in the shower.  My doctor said my lungs no longer sound like velcro anymore, too.  

People can make all the vaping jokes they want, but I'm saving about $200 a month, I don't cough anymore, and best of all, I don't stink anymore.  I get the last laugh. 

What flavors do you tend to like? and what kind of mod do you have?

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