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14 minutes ago, BLick12 said:

Blount is pretty god damn fat and slow and not good.

I'm gonna be super annoyed if he keeps poaching carries from Ajayi.

You really have to drop this narrative. What's your irrational hang up with Blount? He's been more than adequate and has wayyyy more than exceeded your expectations. 

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7 minutes ago, Jroc04 said:

You really have to drop this narrative. What's your irrational hang up with Blount? He's been more than adequate and has wayyyy more than exceeded your expectations. 

IMO He's been under performing all year, He gets 2-3 good runs a game other then that hes stopped behind the line or just looks sluggish and doesnt attempt to power through tackles and picks up 1-2 yards. 

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Just now, IrishHooligan00 said:

IMO He's been under performing all year, He gets 2-3 good runs a game other then that hes stopped behind the line or just looks sluggish and doesnt attempt to power through tackles and picks up 1-2 yards. 

Underperforming compared to who?

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Packerraymond's avy is throwing me off lol

And I'm cool with Blount. If he has space to use/a hole to run through he's an absolute terror coming downhill (especially in the cold). I do agree that Ajayi needs the ball more, he's a lot more explosive and can make more out of nothing.

I'm getting sick of the Blount runs on 1st down though. Everyone and their mother knows its a run in that situation.

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9 minutes ago, IrishHooligan00 said:

Compared to what every other RB on the roster is doing. He hits the line like a dud. 

If you want to say that Ajayi should be getting more carries, that's fine. But he's been getting the majority of the carries since like week 13 or so. To say Blount is "underperforming" or "not good" is silly. What exactly has he underperformed or has been not good at this year? Obviously, being reasonably comparative to what he is. If you had a reasonable projection for the guy going in, he's been very good for us. 

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Blount is really good when he has a hole to run through. Ajayi can make something happen even when the blocking isn't perfect. That is why Ajayi is much better than Blount, but if he can get in to space he is so hard to bring down and can punish defenders especially late in the game. Blount should get carries in the second half, but Ajayi should get at least 15 touches and Clement should be in on third down imo.

We really need a speed back, after losing Sproles that is the one dimension our offense completely lacks.

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26 minutes ago, AZ_Eaglesfan said:

Blount is really good when he has a hole to run through. Ajayi can make something happen even when the blocking isn't perfect. That is why Ajayi is much better than Blount, but if he can get in to space he is so hard to bring down and can punish defenders especially late in the game. Blount should get carries in the second half, but Ajayi should get at least 15 touches and Clement should be in on third down imo.

We really need a speed back, after losing Sproles that is the one dimension our offense completely lacks.

With Blout it is all about how you use him. Grinding the D late in the 2nd half? Perfect. General purpose back... not so much. 

That is all


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5 minutes ago, TENINCH said:

Tell you guys what. If you let us win this one we'll let you take next years Super Bowl down in Atlanta.

Going to have to earn it my man, playing in Philly is hard as hell but the Vikings have a good chance

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3 minutes ago, RBreezy said:

Going to have to earn it my man, playing in Philly is hard as hell but the Vikings have a good chance

I think Case will be play better with the Crowd noise. I worry about the offense line though. Not worried about the weather even though some people keep throwing that out there like it's going to be an issue.

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