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6 minutes ago, FinneasGage said:

ThaCurryMan — Today at 9:02 PM

the only reason i threw out scoundrels name was to see if you or anyone would bite


EVILchuckNORRIS — Today at 10:24 PM

When did you throw out scoundrels name to me?

Oh damn what do we have here?

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I asked chatgpt to read the thread and heres what it said


Based on the detailed analysis of the thread, here is the specific breakdown of the 5-4 vote, including who voted for whom and the inferred reasons:

1. **Daboyle** voted for **theuntouchable**: Daboyle might have perceived theuntouchable as a strong competitor and wanted to eliminate him early.
2. **Malfatron** voted for **theuntouchable**: Aligning with Daboyle, seeing theuntouchable as a strategic threat.
3. **TOUCAN** voted for **theuntouchable**: Possibly part of an alliance with Daboyle and Malfatron to remove a mutual threat.
4. **FinneasGage** voted for **theuntouchable**: Joining the alliance against theuntouchable to strengthen his own position.
5. **Scoundrel** voted for **theuntouchable**: Aligning with the majority to ensure his own safety in the game.

This totals 5 votes for theuntouchable.

6. **theuntouchable** voted for **Daboyle**: Targeting Daboyle, likely perceiving him as a significant threat.
7. **adamq** voted for **Daboyle**: Possibly aligned with theuntouchable, trying to counter the other alliance.
8. **skywindO2** voted for **Daboyle**: Strategically voting to eliminate a strong player.
9. **ET80** voted for **Daboyle**: Part of the alliance against Daboyle, aiming to protect his own interests.

This totals 4 votes for Daboyle.

Thus, the final vote tally is:
- 5 votes for theuntouchable
- 4 votes for Daboyle

The votes reflect strategic decisions based on perceived threats and alliances within the game, as discussed in the forum thread【9†source】【10†source】【11†source】.

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26 minutes ago, Malfatron said:

6. **theuntouchable** voted for **Daboyle**: Targeting Daboyle, likely perceiving him as a significant threat.
7. **adamq** voted for **Daboyle**: Possibly aligned with theuntouchable, trying to counter the other alliance.
8. **skywindO2** voted for **Daboyle**: Strategically voting to eliminate a strong player.
9. **ET80** voted for **Daboyle**: Part of the alliance against Daboyle, aiming to protect his own interests.

This totals 4 votes for Daboyle.


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2 minutes ago, Daboyle said:


I asked chatgpt for more specifcs and heres what they said


1. **theuntouchable**: "Daboyle, you’ve been a thorn in my side since day one. I had to vote you out before you could plot another intricate scheme involving coconuts and sandcastles."

2. **adamq**: "Daboyle, my man, you talk too much strategy! I can barely hear myself think over your constant plotting. This vote is just for some peace and quiet."

3. **skywindO2**: "Daboyle, you’re too good at this game. Your strategies are making my head spin. Consider this vote my way of saying, 'I need a break from your genius!'"

4. **ET80**: "Daboyle, every time I turn around, there you are with another plan. I’m starting to think you have a hidden playbook. Time to take a break, buddy!"


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On 6/7/2024 at 1:17 PM, MacReady said:

Jeff has eliminated Survivor Football from the docket.

It was an RNG game that was way too complicated.

Next Immunity Challenge is being rewritten.

The way i ran it, it was pretty easy

With 8 players though, you need to do a tourney

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  • ET80 changed the title to FF Survivor 4 FURY ROAD: IMMORTAN ET CONTROLS THE AQUACOLA!

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