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By a vote of 3-2-1, @adamq...

The tribe has spoken. You made it a long way from being a replacement to surviving the whickers and their bickers all the way to the jury portion, where you will help determine a winner.

Thank you for playing. 

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ET, I won't make your Hero for you. If you don't want to do it, just bow out. 
Finn, if you can't figure it out, just pick a hero, give it health, dodge, defense, attack and speed based on how many points your hero gets.

Each player has to pick a hero to survive a monster threat. The problem is the players don’t know which monster threat it’s going to be. Once all players have selected their player, I will randomize which monster threat we will have. At that point, the only strategy will be selecting your dodge/health/attack/defense/speed. 

The object of the game will be to SURVIVE and TO KILL. We will play until only one Hero remains or until one of the remaining heroes kills the monster threat. 

*The monster ALWAYS starts the round. Regardless of speed.
*Monster’s target always randomized. 
*If there are duplicates, I will change the character name to a different character from the same franchise. 

25 Points to Spend is the baseline.
Dodge (max 😎

RJ MacReady
25 points to spend
-Cannot be assimilated if The Thing is chosen. 

Ash Williams/
22 points to spend
-Cannot be possessed by a deadite.-If his attack roll is 15 or lower, unleashes a fistful of boomstick and takes an additional 5 points from monster
Ellen Ripley
-Does not suffer damage from successfully attacking a xenomorph.
25 points to spend
-Does not get overwhelmed by bugs
25 points to spend
Van Helsing
-Immune to every monster’s special
19 points to spend
-Can see Predator if Predator is invisible.
-25 points to spend.
Gets 3 free health points

Monsters (Monster Gets Randomly Selected before the game starts, only one monster plays)

1. Alien Queen
Every 5th health point taken from her causes a loss of 2 HP from acid blood spray.
Health - 50
Attack - 5
Aim - 4
Defense - 5
Dodge - 3
2. Pokemon
20% chance for Pickledick’s Frankfurter to start on fire and kill every player except for one, which automatically ends this challenge.
Health - 15
Attack - 10
Aim - 10
Defense - 10
Dodge - 10
3. The Thing
-10% chance to assimilate a player at the start of each turn. Assimilation means death for the player, but the character fights on as a second monster. 
Health - 40
Attack - 5
Aim - 4
Defense - 5
Dodge - 4
4. Bugs
30% chance to overwhelm, which takes a health point off every player remaining at the start of each round.
Health - 50
Attack - 4
Aim - 5
Defense - 4
Dodge - 4
5. Deadites
20% chance to possess. If a hit, the number of possessions is randomized. Then, possessions are randomized. Everyone possessed does not attack for that round and also loses a HP.
Health - 30
Attack - 4
Aim - 4
Defense - 4
Dodge - 5
6. Predator
Always targets player with the highest remaining health points first.
20% chance to go invisible each round (nobody gets to attack it)
Health - 20
Attack - 7
Aim - 6
Defense - 7
Dodge - 7

1. @Malfatron
3. @skywindO2
4. @FinneasGage

5. @ET80

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