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8 minutes ago, Malfatron said:

One of yall might have to do that comp


1 minute ago, MacReady said:

I posted it. 


I posted it


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On 7/2/2024 at 8:49 AM, MacReady said:

@skywindO2, the tribe has spoken.

@Malfatron, @ET80, @FinneasGage, the deadline to complete the final challenge is Wednesday at 5 PM.

The deadline to guess each other’s words will be Thursday at 5 PM.

The winner will have until Friday at 5 PM to decide who to take to the final 2.

The Jury will have all weekend plus Monday to vote.

The winner will be crowned on Monday at 5 PM.

@ET80 @FinneasGage

All hail ET!

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On 7/1/2024 at 8:22 AM, MacReady said:

Risky Business

This one probably would have been my best original challenge had anybody cared. At this point it’s probably going to feel like a chore, but tough mammaries. 

Each of you will be given a word. Three unique words. Your job is to risk having that word exposed. Each player has to post five posts in this thread for this challenge. Those five posts can use your individual word as many times as you’d like or as few times as you’d like. You get a point for every time you use your word, however! The other two players get three chances to guess which word was yours. If they correctly guess your word, you lose half your points. So if both players guess which word was yours, you get zero points. If you correctly guess the word of one of your opponents, you get a point every time the word was used. 

1. No editing any posts. An edited post is disqualified. 
2. Each post can be a max of 100 words. 
3. Each sentence has to make sense. You can’t just post nonsense. 
4. No working together. 
5. This is the final challenge. Try not to be a **** and ruin it. 
6. Plural and adjectives (strategically = strategy, strategies = strategy) count as the word. 

Say my word was strategy. 

Post 1. In the beginning of this game, I tried to play as a mouse. A sneaky, silent, slithery mouse. However, I knew it was important to slither away from any snakes. Snakes are often sneaky, silent and slithery until they strike. (42 words)

Post 2. Beginning with that strategy, I tried finding another mouse to play with. I figured if I could find another mouse, one who wasn’t as sneaky as me, I could send every snake after the other mouse and pretend it was that mouse that got rid of every snake. That way, the snakes would zero in on the other mouse or mice, not me. (65 WORDS)

Post 3. This strategy didn’t go as I hoped. I was instantly labeled a snake. So I needed a new strategy. If my old strategy as a mouse was no good, it was time to pick a strategy in which I was higher up and more capable of pulling strings. So I became an eagle. I liked my eagle strategy a lot more than my mouse strategy. (67 words)

Post 4. As an eagle, I could see every mouse and control every mouse. I could protect any mouse I wanted from any snake I wanted. If this strategy was going to work, though, I needed both a snake and a mouse on my side. One snake to kill the mouse when it was time, and one mouse to be friendly and entice all the other snakes. The strategy worked out perfectly. (72 words)

Obviously, if these were my posts I would make it seem as though my word was either mouse or sneaky or eagle and there was a misdirection. The word was strategy. The word strategy was used 9 times. The word mouse was used 16 times. The word snake was used 10 times. 

@ET80 @FinneasGage

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Post 5

As the sun began to set, long shadows stretched across the ancient courtyard, creating an intricate dance of light and dark. Each shadow seemed to have a life of its own, merging and separating in a hypnotic rhythm. A single ray of light managed to pierce the thick canopy of trees, illuminating a hidden alcove. In this alcove, the shadows grew deeper, almost tangible in their darkness. The contrast between light and shadow added a sense of mystery to the place, making it both enchanting and eerie.

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3 minutes ago, Malfatron said:

Post 1: I am a shadow of Malf.



2 minutes ago, Malfatron said:

Post 2: i enjoy the show What we Do in the Shadows


2 minutes ago, Malfatron said:

Post 3: a five oclock shadow is when you dont shave.


1 minute ago, Malfatron said:

Post 4. A groundhog sees his shadow and we get more winter. Or maybe its when he doesnt see his shadow


Just now, Malfatron said:

Post 5

As the sun began to set, long shadows stretched across the ancient courtyard, creating an intricate dance of light and dark. Each shadow seemed to have a life of its own, merging and separating in a hypnotic rhythm. A single ray of light managed to pierce the thick canopy of trees, illuminating a hidden alcove. In this alcove, the shadows grew deeper, almost tangible in their darkness. The contrast between light and shadow added a sense of mystery to the place, making it both enchanting and eerie.


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2 hours ago, Slappy Mc said:

The other two players get three chances to guess which word was yours. If they correctly guess your word, you lose half your points. So if both players guess which word was yours, you get zero points. If you correctly guess the word of one of your opponents, you get a point every time the word was used. 

Note to @FinneasGage and @ET80

I legally cannot tell you what my word is but you should be able to guess!

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