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RIP Big LA!!!

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This saddens me.  Larry Allen was a destroyer.  Like John Randle said going up against Larry was like wrestling a bear.  I doubt if we will see a guard so physically dominant again.  Rest in Peace big man.

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Felt sick during my lunch break… no surprise ESPN never lead with this story all day.

At some point, you just got to stop watching… at least less and less as you get older. 


Edited by WheatieMan
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I had the pleasure of meeting Larry back in '96 as part of leadership thing I did when I was still trying to advance in coaching and was in line for an OL coaching position.

He was so young back then but already knew and understood so much about the position. Everyone remembers him as this massive, behemoth, monstrously strong lineman but if you ever had the luxury of talking blocking schemes with him, you would have been blown away by how much of a student of the game he really was. His body was just a tool. His weapon really was his mind.

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