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Cold Winter Nights Mafia CIVS WIN


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Just now, MathMan said:

Raves, when i flip civ, your whole game will be for nothing.

Unless you are mafia. Then you did well for tunnelling on me. But the moment i die, you will get heat.

I'm def Civ-Aligned but I highly doubt you will flip civ, though it's not like the lynch would ever go through.  THe little support I do get then dissipates at the smallest interest in someone else as though it's the rest of yoru scum buddies trying to give credence to the possibility of you being scum and then going back to your original bw plans.

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Just now, Raves said:

I'm def Civ-Aligned but I highly doubt you will flip civ, though it's not like the lynch would ever go through.  THe little support I do get then dissipates at the smallest interest in someone else as though it's the rest of yoru scum buddies trying to give credence to the possibility of you being scum and then going back to your original bw plans.

If i do flip civ, will you admit that you played a bad game?

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Just now, MathMan said:

Smat play is to lynch a teenager claim today 

Ted or et80.

Those are the only roles mafia can hide in.

Thats the logical move. Am I wrong?

Yes and no.  Because although they might be trying to hide, it's also unwise to come out as any role, especially since there is no clue what 2 of them do and only a guess at the other.  Why would Ted or ET come out as a cop, or other role, if they don't think they can be protected and with multiple possible hits a night at that.  I mean we've had numerous civ-roles get hit already, why role claim unless you absolutely had to and claiming Teenage is the least likely role to get people to jump off your wagon anyways as people would think like you about it.

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Just now, Raves said:

Yes and no.  Because although they might be trying to hide, it's also unwise to come out as any role, especially since there is no clue what 2 of them do and only a guess at the other.  Why would Ted or ET come out as a cop, or other role, if they don't think they can be protected and with multiple possible hits a night at that.  I mean we've had numerous civ-roles get hit already, why role claim unless you absolutely had to and claiming Teenage is the least likely role to get people to jump off your wagon anyways as people would think like you about it.

Well, both ted and et80 already claimed teenager.

I agree that it was a bad move if they were civ.

If they were mafia, it would be the only logical thing they could claim because there are multiple of that role. If they claimed a power role, the real pr would cc. And they would be lynched.

Its a numbers game now. Lynching teenager claims are super low risk. And forces mafia to need to try to claim a PR to avoid a lynch 

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10 minutes ago, MathMan said:

Because you think untouch is a vampire/alien, right?

More of a threat to the wolves?

No, silly. Because he's scum, played his scum game, got called on it, flipped his approach - but the damage is done. 

I firmly believe you are too - vamp, wolf or alien, doesn't matter to me. Scum is scum.

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53 minutes ago, MathMan said:

The mafia is most likely the werewolves.

The vampire (bucs) probably acted alone, and may have converted 1 other person (i believe touch)

I think it's more likely we're dealing with two mafia houses since vampires were colored red. if Touch had been converted by Bucs then Touch would have tried all the tricks to keep us from lynching Bucs on D2.

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1 minute ago, MathMan said:

Well, both ted and et80 already claimed teenager.

I agree that it was a bad move if they were civ.

If they were mafia, it would be the only logical thing they could claim because there are multiple of that role. If they claimed a power role, the real pr would cc. And they would be lynched.

Its a numbers game now. Lynching teenager claims are super low risk. And forces mafia to need to try to claim a PR to avoid a lynch 

A civ should claim teenager regardless of actual role until they need to make a true claim of their role, otherwise it's just opening the PR up to being hit by the scum, which they've already had happen every night so far it seems.  Obviously Mafia can also only claim teenager because if they don't the real role will come out and unless they are low on numbers, such as by lynching claimed teeanagers that might actually be just that, they can win by trading 1 member for 1 PR.  If I was the cop I wouldn't come out as a cop unless I had at least 1 scum and 2 clears at this point and that's a minimum.  At that point you could safely widdle down the people to lynch.


Though the number games is correct, it can backfire too based the fact if scum/alien/other get multiple kills in a night it could take the civs to an unwinnable position.

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57 minutes ago, Raves said:

But he was also lynched two nights in a role and lynching normally keeps you from using your ability, especially if it's a visit ability.  Which I admit I was wrong in not wanting to lynch him two days in a row.

Isn't it like your 2nd mafia game?

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