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Cold Winter Nights Mafia CIVS WIN


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25 minutes ago, MathMan said:

Possibly a civ with a crappy power could visit ltbf, and ltbf could clear himself by saying who it was by using his selfwatch.

Assuming we even do have such a civ.


I don't think I like this suggestion. This seems like you know LTBF is telling the truth and you're going to use him wanting to clear himself as a way to clear yourself. There's no guarantee a "crappy power" would be a civ power. 

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Just now, Whicker said:

I don't think I like this suggestion. This seems like you know LTBF is telling the truth and you're going to use him wanting to clear himself as a way to clear yourself. There's no guarantee a "crappy power" would be a civ power. 

It could only semiclear ltbf. Not his visitor.

It could backfire though, so maybe people should do it.

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1 minute ago, Whicker said:

I don't think I like this suggestion. This seems like you know LTBF is telling the truth and you're going to use him wanting to clear himself as a way to clear yourself. There's no guarantee a "crappy power" would be a civ power. 

Yea, I'm not sure I like anyone coming out and saying exactly what they are going to do tonight (using their power).

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On 12/28/2017 at 6:58 PM, domepatrol91 said:


Raves - malf (53)

Mookie - Pats (54), ET (56), md4l (67), rag (72)

ET - Rags (54)

malf - pats (55), Ksj (57), pats (58), ksj (58), famous (59), raves (62), rags (66), ted (72), rags (72)

tk3 - md4l (57), mookie (67)

ksj - malf (58)

untouch - rags (62)

ted - Whicker (63), rag (68)

LTBF - Raves (64)

famous - rags (65)

rag- ted (71)

whicker - ted (72)



6 rags - ET, untouch, famous, ted, mookie, malf

2 ted - ragnarok, whicker

2 malf - raves, ksj

1 raves - LTBF

1 mookie - tk3


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Just now, Pats#1 said:

Yea, I'm not sure I like anyone coming out and saying exactly what they are going to do tonight (using their power).

They definitely shouldnt. There are hits flying around


Thoughts from the group on the stallyns post?

Seems like hes claiming alien. Saying he has hit protection and such.

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Just now, MathMan said:

It could only semiclear ltbf. Not his visitor.

It could backfire though, so maybe people should do it.

But how would his visitor confirm that ltbf is telling the truth or lying?


Only way would be to try and start a bandwagon on LTBF if he was lying, and all that would do is out the person that visited him the night before, therefore outing a civ special, allowing mafia to have a new high priority hit

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On 12/27/2017 at 7:58 PM, domepatrol91 said:



mathman - bucs (35)

ksj - bucs (35), pats (36), et (43)

tk3 - bucs (36)

raves - math (38)

md4l - bucs (40)

famous - bucs (41)

whicker - bucs (42)

et - bucs (42), tk3 (42), bucs (49)

bucs - rags (42), ksj (51)

ted - bucs (42)

mookie- bucs (44)

LTBF - bucs (45)

bcb - bucs (49)

rags - bucs (49)

untouch - bucs (49)

stallyns - bucs (52)

pats - bucs (52)



14 bucs -mathman tk3, md4l, famous, whicker, ted, mookie, LTBF, ET, Bcb, rags, untouch, stallyns, pats

1 ET - ksj

1 math - raves

1 ksj - bucs 


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Just now, Pats#1 said:

But how would his visitor confirm that ltbf is telling the truth or lying?


Only way would be to try and start a bandwagon on LTBF if he was lying, and all that would do is out the person that visited him the night before, therefore outing a civ special, allowing mafia to have a new high priority hit

LTBF wouldnt out his visitor.

He would say whether someone visited or not.

So, specials need to decide for themselves whether or not they should do it.

Because ltbf would need to make a definitive claim whether or not someone visited 

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On 12/26/2017 at 9:17 PM, domepatrol91 said:

NIGHT TIME NO TALKING. @bucsfan333 will be lynched. 

Moves can be sent in/changed for the next 10 minutes.



md4l- Rags (13), tk3 (19), stallyns (24), pats (31)

raves- famous (13), ksj (13), mathman (30)

rags- md4l (13), ted (28), bucs (33)

bucs- jfin (13), mookie (18), pats (25), mookie (27)

whicker- touch (14), rag (20), md4l (22), bucs (31)

mookie- raves (14), touch (14), pats (19),  pats(24)

pats- LTBF (15), ted (19), md4l (31), bucs (34)

jfin- LTBF (15), pats (16), jfin (28), mathman (30)

et- jfin (16), ksj (24)

bcb- jfin (16)

ksj- raves (17), rags (22), md4l (25)

LTBF- jfin (18)

Ted- md4l (18), pats (28)

tk3- bucs (19), md4l (25), bucs (33)

famous- ted (21), pats (22)

mathman- md4l (22), pats (25), bucs (32)

stallyncs- md4l (26)

theuntouchable- ksj (27)



5- bucs - whicker, mathman, rag, tk3, pats

4 pats- mookie, famous, ted, md4l

2 md4l - ksj, stallyns

2 ksj- et, untouch

2 jfin -  bcb, LTBF

2 mathman- raves, jfin

1 mookie- bucs


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1 minute ago, MathMan said:

LTBF wouldnt out his visitor.

He would say whether someone visited or not.

So, specials need to decide for themselves whether or not they should do it.

Because ltbf would need to make a definitive claim whether or not someone visited 

But what I'm saying is if LTBF comes up scum, then how would the civ special that visited him let everyone know without outing themselves?


They would need to go hard at LTBF come vote time and that would give it away. Then this opens up all kinds of bad possibilities, like for example, LTBF is actually town, but one of the mafia decides to pretend they visited them, and push for BW knowing that none of us know who was going to visit LTBF in the first place.


I just think it could create more confusion than clarity.

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12 minutes ago, MathMan said:
2 hours ago, stallyns said:

Sorry I didn’t make it on yesterday, this cold weather beat the h-e-sticks out of me. I came home from work and NyQuil’d myself.

@Raves I can promise you I’m not worth a lynch. Investigate me, force the vamps/wolves to hit me. Chance they fail, or not.

If any teenager has a hit don’t do it. You could fail. 


just for the moment until I figure this out 

Wow, this post just screams that you are the alien.

Are you on civs side?

Thoughts from the group?

I can see the alien having hit protection.

Saying that you "arent worth a lynch" says that you arent on the civs side. But its not in our best interest to lynch you, and instead make mafia hit you instead 

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Just now, Pats#1 said:

But what I'm saying is if LTBF comes up scum, then how would the civ special that visited him let everyone know without outing themselves?


They would need to go hard at LTBF come vote time and that would give it away. Then this opens up all kinds of bad possibilities, like for example, LTBF is actually town, but one of the mafia decides to pretend they visited them, and push for BW knowing that none of us know who was going to visit LTBF in the first place.


I just think it could create more confusion than clarity.

Yeah, lets just drop this particular conversation and see what potentially happens tommorrow.

Thoughts on stallyns?

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1 minute ago, MathMan said:

Yeah, lets just drop this particular conversation and see what potentially happens tommorrow.

Thoughts on stallyns?

I don't understand his "not worth a lynch" comment.


What's he trying to say? It's as if he knows he's going to die eventually, so might as well not waste a vote on him. Some type of suicide bomber roll maybe?


I was also thinking "anxious gun owner" type roll, with him openly saying that he wouldn't mind vamps/werewolves trying to hit him. Maybe he figures he'll take one or two down before they get to him?


All around I don't like the post that much. I feel like him openly saying that a hit attempt may or may not work is him just trying to protect himself by making others scared to check him out or try and hit him.

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