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1 hour ago, packfanfb said:

I've said this before, but this is a prime example why the current COVID rules in the NFL are not sustainable. They cannot continue to basically suspend a player or coach for 10 days, causing them to automatically miss at least one game, simply based on a positive test. Players and coaches who are asymptomatic should be able to play, especially if the positive test came 5-7 days before the game and the player/coach still has no symptoms. This is supported by the fact that there is no evidence of player-to-player transmission during games. The league cannot allow these big games, including the playoffs, to be dramatically impacted by a team having to put 8 guys on the COVID list when probably every one of them is healthy enough to play without symptoms. People are going to continue to test positive for COVID regardless of whether they are vaccinated, boosted or had it before. It's not going away. It's time for the league to adapt. 

All this post tells me is that you do not understand the NFL Covid rules...

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25 minutes ago, incognito_man said:

All this post tells me is that you do not understand the NFL Covid rules...

I mean I know there's a lot of nuances in timing with vax/non-vax players, you can come back with multiple negative tests, etc., but none of that information is really relevant to the discussion. For most players who end up on the list, they miss a game, very few end up being able to come back before that 7-10-day period with repeated negative tests. The point remains, why should they be sitting if they are asymptomatic, regardless of whether the underlying test is positive or negative? Vaccinated players are literally sitting at home, missing a game, with no symptoms of even a common cold. 

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4 minutes ago, packfanfb said:

I mean I know there's a lot of nuances in timing with vax/non-vax players, you can come back with multiple negative tests, etc., but none of that information is really relevant to the discussion. For most players who end up on the list, they miss a game, very few end up being able to come back before that 7-10-day period with repeated negative tests. The point remains, why should they be sitting if they are asymptomatic, regardless of whether the underlying test is positive or negative? Vaccinated players are literally sitting at home, missing a game, with no symptoms of even a common cold. 

Not sure how much more "liberal" you can get w/ vaccinated players than allowing them back immediately after they are no longer a risk of spreading it. Which is how it's currently set up.

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4 minutes ago, incognito_man said:

Not sure how much more "liberal" you can get w/ vaccinated players than allowing them back immediately after they are no longer a risk of spreading it. Which is how it's currently set up.

I mean, I think the next question is literally: Do you let asymptomatic players play, especially if the player has been asymptomatic for more than a few days? 

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17 minutes ago, packfanfb said:

I mean I know there's a lot of nuances in timing with vax/non-vax players, you can come back with multiple negative tests, etc., but none of that information is really relevant to the discussion. For most players who end up on the list, they miss a game, very few end up being able to come back before that 7-10-day period with repeated negative tests. The point remains, why should they be sitting if they are asymptomatic, regardless of whether the underlying test is positive or negative? Vaccinated players are literally sitting at home, missing a game, with no symptoms of even a common cold. 

I agree with you on this.  In the working world they are not sending you home if you were exposed to someone, but have no symptoms.  They don't even test you unless you get symptoms.  I do think if you test positive you should probably be sent home .. so maybe I don't agree with you after all ;)


Edited by {Family Ghost}
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7 minutes ago, incognito_man said:

yes, they do. That's how it currently works...

Not really though. A vaccinated player can return early but only if he tests negative twice, 24 hours apart. Difference obviously between being asymptomatic and having back-to-back negative tests. Right now, the league requires the latter. I'm asking, should the league go further and allow asymptomatic players to play regardless of a negative test. 

I think this could be on the table soon...


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32 minutes ago, packfanfb said:

Not really though. A vaccinated player can return early but only if he tests negative twice, 24 hours apart. Difference obviously between being asymptomatic and having back-to-back negative tests. Right now, the league requires the latter. I'm asking, should the league go further and allow asymptomatic players to play regardless of a negative test. 

I think this could be on the table soon...


They are discussing boosted players not getting tested at all…. meaning they can still have Covid, spread it, but who cares they have no symptoms.

Haha this is all hilarious.

If they care about Covid and the spread, not just in their buildings but communities too… it’s better for them to test regularly, everyone. It helps the general public understand what’s going on. Normally when outbreaks happen in teams…. that community itself (so like Cleveland) is experiencing an outbreak.

but on the positive if the nfl changes the dynamic… if you have no symptoms we aren’t paying attention anymore…that could change how nationally we start looking at all of this too.

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49 minutes ago, packfanfb said:

Not really though. A vaccinated player can return early but only if he tests negative twice, 24 hours apart. Difference obviously between being asymptomatic and having back-to-back negative tests. Right now, the league requires the latter. I'm asking, should the league go further and allow asymptomatic players to play regardless of a negative test.

Are there any other workforces that welcome back covid-positive employees prior to a negative test?

Can you imagine the lawsuits if they did that?

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I don't think the NFL covid system is ideal - but I do think it's far superior to most everything else out there. I'm all for continuing to tweak it to provide the best possible football when and where science says the risks are negligible. But I suspect the system is already optimized to that point as much as possible.

There is no one more incentivized to produce good football and avoid bad Covid headlines than the billionaire owners. So we're already likely seeing a pretty damn good system to give us the best solution money can buy.

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1 minute ago, incognito_man said:

Are there any other workforces that welcome back covid-positive employees prior to a negative test?

Can you imagine the lawsuits if they did that?

For normal jobs, I agree. But here, the "workforce" is the NFLPA and its players who I think would actually support allowing asymptomatic players play even without a negative test. I don't think you'd get much push back if the players union has a say in setting the parameters. 

Or, you could go the other way and just not test these guys as often (which would align with normal workforces who don't test their employees), and instead, only require a guy to test if he has exhibited symptoms. That could actually be harder though because guys could fake not having symptoms, etc. 

Just seems the league needs to find some alternative other than taking a team like the Browns who have lost half their team this week and making them play without their star players, most of whom are perfectly fine to play other than getting a positive test. Maybe make the players sit out practice, quarantine during the week and stay away from in-person meetings, etc. but then let them suit up on Sunday and play if asymptomatic... Games themselves should not be dictated by how many players are missing due to COVID.    

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