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Is being a players coach an advantage?


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Only enough so that players don't get you fired. Coughlin was not a player's coach and he almost lost the Giants before 2007. He had to loosen up a little. Coughlin won two Super Bowls with them (or so I'm told) and then he got scapegoated and was fired and the franchise is in turmoil. Harbaugh was not a players coach gave the Niner's incredible success, left and now the franchise is in shambles. Tomlin is a player's coach, he's a very good coach as well, but I think their are some internal things in a culture of players feeling comfortable to overstep some bounds have been negative. Ben publicly criticizing the ability to audible and passing the buck to the coaching staff at least twice this season, Brown's locker room video, Mitchell's antics, Leveon Bell's contract dispute talks coming before a big playoff game. 

Here's my thing, Coughlin and Harbaugh were not players coaches and were very good and they were proven correct when the team lost them. Tomlin being a good coach is separate from his being a player's coach "imo" and the players coach quality to him has probably brought a few more negatives than necessary. 

Carroll is also a good coach who happens to be a players coach, and it's appearing their is an issue with the culture in the locker room. 

So no, I don't think being a players coach matters. I think if you are a good coach, you are a good coach regardless. I think being a players coach is both unnecessary and can cause more problems than it's worth. I do also realize if you veer to far off in the other direction, you might not be around long enough to matter.


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