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FF Big Brother 7: Whicker wins! Diary Sessions now!


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I learned my lesson last time.

Since I’m a lazy SOB I’ll just nominate the same folks as last time.  Whicker and gopher going up.

Nothing personal just easier not to piss new people off.  May the best man win.

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Veto: TimeShare!


You each will send me 6 dates of the year where you'd like to start paying for the timeshare (for instance, Jan 4th, June 27th, etc)
We will start from Jan 1 and end at December 31.

We will play out the year in chronological order (from January 1st - December 31st).
The "earliest" date will start paying for the timeshare and will owe 1 dollar per day as long as they remain TimeShare owner.

When we get to the next player's date, that player will start paying for the TimeShare instead, and will start owing 1 dollar per day until the next player's date comes up.
The game keeping going like this until all players moves are finished (with the current TimeShare owner owing 1 dollar per day)
The last player who is the
TimeShare owner owes 1 dollar per date until we get to December 31st and the game is over.

Also, to clarify, you start paying on the date that you become timeshare owner, but not on the date that you lose it.

Note: If two+ players pick the same exact date, they BOTH start paying for the TimeShare  at the same time, and are additionally charged a fee of 20 dollars each.

Note: If you have 2 timeshare dates back -to- back (without another player's time share between them), you are charged 100 dollars per offense.


More Stipulations:
1. Your first TimeShare date must be in January or February.

2. Your last TimeShare date must be in November or December

3. You must have at least 1 time share in June/July.

Whoever has owed the least amount of money wins!
(Thus, whoever was the TimeShare owner for the total shortest duration).

Friday 10 PM CST. If you don't move, you spin.


PM me 6 dates  (Month/Day) of the year.





@Shady Slim



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3 hours ago, MathMan said:

Veto: TimeShare!


You each will send me 6 dates of the year where you'd like to start paying for the timeshare (for instance, Jan 4th, June 27th, etc)
We will start from Jan 1 and end at December 31.

We will play out the year in chronological order (from January 1st - December 31st).
The "earliest" date will start paying for the timeshare and will owe 1 dollar per day as long as they remain TimeShare owner.

When we get to the next player's date, that player will start paying for the TimeShare instead, and will start owing 1 dollar per day until the next player's date comes up.
The game keeping going like this until all players moves are finished (with the current TimeShare owner owing 1 dollar per day)
The last player who is the
TimeShare owner owes 1 dollar per date until we get to December 31st and the game is over.

Also, to clarify, you start paying on the date that you become timeshare owner, but not on the date that you lose it.

Note: If two+ players pick the same exact date, they BOTH start paying for the TimeShare  at the same time, and are additionally charged a fee of 20 dollars each.

Note: If you have 2 timeshare dates back -to- back (without another player's time share between them), you are charged 100 dollars per offense.


More Stipulations:
1. Your first TimeShare date must be in January or February.

2. Your last TimeShare date must be in November or December

3. You must have at least 1 time share in June/July.

Whoever has owed the least amount of money wins!
(Thus, whoever was the TimeShare owner for the total shortest duration).

Friday 10 PM CST. If you don't move, you spin.


PM me 6 dates  (Month/Day) of the year.





@Shady Slim




@Shady Slim

need to send moves in

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Note: If two+ players pick the same exact date, they BOTH start paying for the TimeShare  at the same time, and are additionally charged a fee of 20 dollars each.

Note: If you have 2 timeshare dates back -to- back (without another player's time share between them), you are charged 100 dollars per offense

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Jan 1:  Whicker and mission  (both fined 20)

Jan 12: Slim Shady

jan 18: gopher

jan 22: Whicker

Feb 20: Ragnarok

April 2: Ragnarok (Rag fined 100 dollars)

May 18: Gopher

May 21: mission

May 24: Whicker

May 29: Shady

June 7: Shady (Shady fined 100 dollars)

June 12: mission

June 30: Whicker

July 1: gopher

July 4: Rag and mission (both fined 20 dollars)

Aug 4: Shady

Aug 27: Ragnarok

Aug 31: gopher

Sept 11: mission

Oct 15: Whicker

Oct 29: Shady

OCt 31: Rag and gopher (both fined 20)

Nov 29: gopher ( gopher fined 100 dollars. Technically, Rag's 10/31 entry isn't between gopher's 2 posts.)

Nov 30: Whicker

Dec 25: mission

Dec 26: Shady

Dec 30: Rag




Money owed:

Ragnarok: 293

gopher :171

Shady: 149

mission: 138

Whicker: 105



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