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5 minutes ago, KBS756 said:

I really don't want Rosen ... I feel like hes over rated now ... and his arm isnt as strong as advertised ... darnold mayfield jackson and of course allen have stronger arms

and we play at 7 of division games a year in bad weather / windy stadiums ... our own and the Patriots and bills

Also think Rosen's stats are padded by his offense 

Darnold definitely doesn’t have a stronger arm than Rosen my man. 

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Thought I would post a few wonderlic scores for current NFL QB's for comparison (see link below)

2015 Starters:

Ryan Freaking Fitzpatrick with the 48

Nobel Prize Winner Alex Smith: 40

Colin Kaepernick: 37

Andrew Luck: 37

Aaron Rodgers: 35

Kick Cousins: 33 

Matt Ryan: 32

Josh McCown: 30

Payton Manning: 28

Cam Newton: 21

Teddy Bridgewater: 20 (surprisingly lower than I would have expected)

Tyrod Taylor: 15





Edit: This website has a wonderlic test sample. I took it for fun to see how I would compare and to see if this has any validity. I didn't finish all the questions in 12 minutes. So, lost out on some. But got a 39. So, move over Andrew Luck. If only I was 2 inches taller and 65lbs heavier and could throw the ball accurately. What could have been.


My take is that this shows how quickly a QB can process information. The questions are not hard, it's just that they throw random stuff at you. And you have to recall stuff and think about things in your head. So, it has some relevance in terms of assessing a players mental processing.


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18 minutes ago, barnaby8787 said:

Darnold definitely doesn’t have a stronger arm than Rosen my man. 

Somebody is giving you bad Info on Rosen, the kid has a very strong accurate  arm. He proved that at the combine.

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Rosen also threw in the wind during his pro day and looked really good. I think all these guys have good or great arm strength. I really don't see and of the top 4 having problems making any throws. This is why I'm so excited about these QB and I have not been this excited about a QB since Andrew Luck and to think one of these guys will be a great is a true dream. 

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I would also like to add a few things on Lamar Jackson. He did not run a 40 at the combine or pro day. He told the teams to look at the film and see how fast he is. Teams have also reported they have had trouble getting a hold of Jackson for personal work outs because he does not have a REAL agent. This guy is looking more and more like a loser. I hope we stay WAY FAR AWAY from him. 

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5 minutes ago, jetfuel34 said:

I would also like to add a few things on Lamar Jackson. He did not run a 40 at the combine or pro day. He told the teams to look at the film and see how fast he is. Teams have also reported they have had trouble getting a hold of Jackson for personal work outs because he does not have a REAL agent. This guy is looking more and more like a loser. I hope we stay WAY FAR AWAY from him. 

Now at 3 I think there’s 0 chance we target him

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56 minutes ago, SDotNova said:

Saw this in the draft forum and thought I would post it here also.

Wonderlic Scores

Josh Allen 37
Josh Rosen 29
Sam Darnold 28
Baker Mayfield 25
Lamar Jackson 13

So yea im about ready to pound the table for Allen ... (Wonderlic just helps doesnt define)

Pretty sure someone like the Giants takes him before us


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3 minutes ago, Sandwhich2 said:

I got a 41 on that, Wonderlic  kinda easy. Has nothing to do with playing QB. 

yea i know it doesn't specifically but since u know its coming i think it does say something about how you prepare 

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The wonderlic has nothing to do with playing QB. If that were the case McElroy would have been our franchise QB. As fans we have no control except study the prospects to see who we like and don’t. So I choose to just watch these top 4 QBs actual game films to see who I like.

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2 minutes ago, KBS756 said:

yea i know it doesn't specifically but since u know its coming i think it does say something about how you prepare 

I guess. There's not really a way to prepare for that. It's mostly a logic/recognition test. Maybe teams like it because you have to diagnose things quickly like being able to tell if a set of two numbers is the same or not. 

But there's a lot of weird math that I definitely can't understand how it is applicable to playing in the NFL. So maybe you can prep for the math but not for "how many of these are four legged mammals typically kept as a pet" kind of questions. 

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29 minutes ago, Sandwhich2 said:

I got a 41 on that, Wonderlic  kinda easy. Has nothing to do with playing QB. 

Nice! You need to tryout for the Jets. I hear they are throwing everything at the QB position and seeing what sticks.

That was mostly my takeaway as well. At best it test a QB's mental processing skills and their ability to handle pressure. 


Edit: With that said, 13 is a bit of a red flag. Since it's multiple choice (4 answers), you can guess and get close to that score. 

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if you prepare for something like the wonderlic sure your gonna do better than the low 20's ... 

Wentz 40

Goff 34

Lynch 18

Definitely not a stand alone definer but it doesnt have some value. (Same time it isnt a full on defining thing) ... Just saying Id rather have a guy who knew it was coming and prepared rather than one who blew it off and score like a 23-24 or below 


Sure there are exceptions to it to due to other factors but still if you like the guy and see a high score here too it just backs up your assessment it helps.

if you like a guy and see a really bad score it definitely hurts.

(I know Gabbert is an exception [tho I never liked him])

Decker 43

Calvin Johnson 41

Eli Manning 39

Stafford 38

Kaepernick 38

Tony Romo 37

Bosa 37

Luck 37

Bradford 36

Bledsoe 36

Brady 33


Pryor 7

Young 6

Cant think of a QB under 13 that was successful tho (so thats really bad for jackson)

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