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The Ben Wade Gang Mafia - It's Day 5


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7 hours ago, MathMan said:

gopher might have done it 

i doubt fj would put himself on the mix.

if i was mafia, id use this thing to force a mislynch every other night.

now i really doubt mafia bussed mission n1.

just get through the odd rounds and force a ml in the even rounds.

i think those 3 players were picked so everyone wouldnt think there were 3 obvious civs to pick from.

thoughts from anyone else?


Being down 1 alien already I doubt they would put one of their own in the 3. This would be way too risky bc after n2 they might be down to 1.  The 2 aliens are not currently floating in the air 



2 hours ago, bucsfan333 said:

No vote

Let them all die. It'll be 6:2 at worst. Otherwise we'll spend tomorrow figuring out who to lynch of the three, if we mislynch tonight.

Noted for the future 

Since there are 3 civs to choose from I think gopher is the best choice here.  

Thoughts malf? 

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Odds are all 3 are civ, though the first time this is being used would yield the best chance to hide a mafia in plain site right? As the game continues they can't hide in the 3 nominations because the numbers will drop. 

I may be thinking crazy like usual, but I'm thinking 1 of them is mafia. Gopher was taunting earlier, so I wouldn't put it past him to try it. MathMan is so good...could he try it? FJ seems unlikely based on how he has been posting, though I could totally see him trying it.

This is a tough decision

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3 minutes ago, Famous Jameis said:

Being down 1 alien already I doubt they would put one of their own in the 3. This would be way too risky bc after n2 they might be down to 1.  The 2 aliens are not currently floating in the air 



Noted for the future 

Since there are 3 civs to choose from I think gopher is the best choice here.  

Thoughts malf? 

since we both claimed vanilla, yes.

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2 minutes ago, LetTheBallFly said:

Odds are all 3 are civ, though the first time this is being used would yield the best chance to hide a mafia in plain site right? As the game continues they can't hide in the 3 nominations because the numbers will drop. 

I may be thinking crazy like usual, but I'm thinking 1 of them is mafia. Gopher was taunting earlier, so I wouldn't put it past him to try it. MathMan is so good...could he try it? FJ seems unlikely based on how he has been posting, though I could totally see him trying it.

This is a tough decision

if i was mafia, i wouldnt bus mission n1, and i wouldnt put myself in harms way d2. i would play to win

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2 minutes ago, Famous Jameis said:

Being down 1 alien already I doubt they would put one of their own in the 3. This would be way too risky bc after n2 they might be down to 1.  The 2 aliens are not currently floating in the air 



Noted for the future 

Since there are 3 civs to choose from I think gopher is the best choice here.  

Thoughts malf? 

But thinking the other way...if all 3 die and are civ as suspected, that means out of the 8 people left 2 are guaranteed mafia. Maybe losing all 3 will yield more info at this point. If all 3 are civ, I'm willing to bet I know 1 mafia based on some earlier posts

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2 minutes ago, LetTheBallFly said:

But thinking the other way...if all 3 die and are civ as suspected, that means out of the 8 people left 2 are guaranteed mafia. Maybe losing all 3 will yield more info at this point. If all 3 are civ, I'm willing to bet I know 1 mafia based on some earlier posts

Losing all 3 would put it down to 5 to 2 assuming an alien hit, that's not the best play here bc a mislynch after that would put it down to 3 to 2 

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Just now, Famous Jameis said:

Losing all 3 would put it down to 5 to 2 assuming an alien hit, that's not the best play here bc a mislynch after that would put it down to 3 to 2 

True. The question then is who to go with in this lynch if all 3 lynched at once  would possibly put us in worse shape

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Just now, LetTheBallFly said:

True. The question then is who to go with in this lynch if all 3 lynched at once  would possibly put us in worse shape

There are 2 options.

1. Vote for a claimed vanilla. Me or gopher. Guaranteed to not lynch a civ special

2. Vote for the unknown (FJ). May lynch a civ special, but it's possible that he's mafia not willing to sacrifice himself.


I personally like option 1 because the ratio is in our favor.


It's 10-2. Lets not play into the mafia's hands by letting them pick all 3 lynches in the same night.

Part of the reason I don't trust bucs. He usually uses better logic.

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2 minutes ago, LetTheBallFly said:

True. The question then is who to go with in this lynch if all 3 lynched at once  would possibly put us in worse shape

Gopher is the choice.....

8 hours ago, gopherwrestler said:

I am also vanilla... damnit.

tbh, I will probably be the least active. For the next week and will only be on at nights. If we need a sacrifice I am fine with me.

but don’t forget about what I said about LTBF on page 11


2 hours ago, gopherwrestler said:

You were already voting me anyway, why quote it and do it again? Are you getting nervous? 

This cements it for me 

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2 minutes ago, MathMan said:

There are 2 options.

1. Vote for a claimed vanilla. Me or gopher. Guaranteed to not lynch a civ special

2. Vote for the unknown (FJ). May lynch a civ special, but it's possible that he's mafia not willing to sacrifice himself.


I personally like option 1 because the ratio is in our favor.


It's 10-2. Lets not play into the mafia's hands by letting them pick all 3 lynches in the same night.

Part of the reason I don't trust bucs. He usually uses better logic.

I agree with this.  

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9 hours ago, MathMan said:


i am vanilla. hammer me and get it over with




8 hours ago, gopherwrestler said:

I am also vanilla... damnit.

tbh, I will probably be the least active. For the next week and will only be on at nights. If we need a sacrifice I am fine with me.

but don’t forget about what I said about LTBF on page 11


4 hours ago, MathMan said:

ok gopher


2 hours ago, gopherwrestler said:

You were already voting me anyway, why quote it and do it again? Are you getting nervous? 


I think gopher might be getting nervous because he didn't actually want to be the sacrifice, but wanted to offer himself up.

He clearly saw my vanilla post claim where I self-voted, because he made that post immediately after.


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