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Mind Character

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Everything posted by Mind Character

  1. Teams very rarely hire an Offensive Coordinator that is the primary play-caller; a Passing Game Coordinator; and a Running Game Coordinator. It's almost always a 2 of 3 or 1 of 3 proposition wherein if all 3 titles are given to coaches the passing/running game coordinator position is given mostly as a way to recruit either a previous Offensive Coordinator in a manner in which their resume won't reflect a total reset back to just a positional coach role OR as a staff retention tool to keep an ascending star assistant coach from the feeling that they've reached their ceiling with that organization. I think the Passing Game Coordinator title for O'Shea telegraphs that we're not going to hire a full time play-calling OC as the vast majority of time when an offensive positional coach has such a title designation it's because the Head Coach is the primary play-caller. Assuming Stefanski brings in offensive philosophy fits at other offensive coaching positions, O'Shea trust in a different offensive core philosophy gives Stensanski a fresh perspective on design and how to attack defenses. With many deficiences, O'Shea's offense was 32nd (last) in the run and 27th in the pass.
  2. Making O'Shea a Passing Game Coordinator does take away titles that can lure other coaches from other staff with the carrot of "more responsibility and role in the offense." It may very well hint that Stefanski has decided to play calls himself and will soon give the running game coordinator to another position coach (i.e., Scangarello or someone else) O'Shea is not a offensive philosophy fit with the zone run-pass scheme which provides thought diversity in the scheming. An OC at WRs Coach; an OC at QB Coach; and an OC as OC is a smart way to build in staff redundancies. I would've absolutely thought Drew Petzing would have been our WRs Coach as Stefanski has spoken glowingly of his work as QBC and then WRC this year often calling him his "right hand man", but now there's no place for him on this staff especially because he's still under contract with the Vikings and I seriously doubt we give him the massive responsibility of QBC nor is he going to be a first year Tight End coach with the Browns. Sometimes time and place make certain hires impossible. Wouldn't be surprised to see Petzing make his way to Cleveland down the line. O'Shea has Vikings connections that overlap with Stefanski's time ther. I mentioned this a week or so ago but players have affectionately called O'Shea "lizard man" in the past. Long-standing WRs coach with OC experience, O'Shea is a strong positional coach hire. I wonder if LaFleur, McDaniel or others have already indicated whether they'd interview or not. If Scangarello and O'Shea become the primary offensive assistant, that would mean that Stefanski would be the prevailing offensive expert in the room.
  3. It would be a serious mistake to categorize the talented and powerful NFL prospect Derrick Brown as being at all similar to Ndamukong Suh and Fletcher Cox just because their all big powerful and talented DLineman. Derrick Brown isn't anything close to the type of Defensive Tackle that Ndamukong Suh or Fletcher Cox were coming out of college in terms of style of play or play traits. Cox and Suh were both up the field multiple moves strung together, twitchy, understanding of leverage players. Suh played with length, keep defenders at length so they'll be easy to move left or right, numerous arm over, swims, one arm bull hump moves, push pulls, laterally agile, power player. Cox was a long, spin move, counter spin move, hands technician who won off quickness, length, and relentless effort more so than power in college. Derrick Brown is a 4-point stance Pure Power Playing Nose Tackle who goes to a stand up bull rush on Monday, then back to a stand up push bull rush on Tuesday, followed by another stand up bull rush on Wednesday, then stand up bull rush push on Thursday and Friday. On Saturday he does an insane explosive arm over move a few times before returning to the stand up bull rush on Sunday. With Brown, it's all one note. A note that is some of the most insane raw unharnessed, technically sound, no leverage upright in his stance Power play you'll ever see. His power is insane, but all he knows to do is to run his legs and push standing up tall. Occasionally, he'll flash when he berserks out the starting blocks low on his way through an OLineman headed to the QB, but those are rare occasions. Brown's a hold the point, push the pocket, two-gap defensive leverage player. he's not going to ever do the things Cox and Suh did AND THAT"S FINE. They couldn't be the effect 34-NT that Derrick Brown is going to be. They would struggle to do what Brown naturally does well. Derrick Brown is a truly special player, but he's not what people are making him out to be. If forced into a 43, he'll be utilized in ways that don't accentuate his play style and strength. We can't take him at 10. He's talented enough where he'll be a productive player off the strength of just putting him on the field, but it would be a gross misuse of abiltiy.
  4. Wow. Had no clue their contracts were up. LaFleur as OC and Scangarello as QBC would be wild.
  5. Yeah, it would be a major fail if we hired TC McCartney who worked with Scangarello as an assistant on the 49ers offensive staff in 2017 and 2018 as he's not the caliber or quality or personality-fit of a QB Coach that Baker needs despite Lock and Allen's progression for the Broncos. QB Coach is a huge hire for us, and it would be great if we could hire Scangs as QBC/OC instead of as OC and McCartney as QBC.
  6. Stefanksi's play-sequencing calls, play-call flow, and off-script play-calling > Rich Scangarello's play-sequencing calls, play-call flow, and off-script play-calling. If we hire Scangs AND Stefanski retains play-calling responsibilities, we win Big... ... here's to hoping it goes down....
  7. Scangs is the perfect OC candidate for us to maintain continuity as he would be a great person for Stefanski to collaborate but not necessarily turn the play-calls over to ... Showed signs of brilliance and ability to develop young players... ...Then experienced hard times and struggles as well... ... he was a tremendously well regarding QB coach in his short time in that role and got rave reviews from vet QB coaches due to his work at popular QB clinics.... ... I've been calling for Scangs for a wide-variety of reasons... but it would be amazing to get a guy like that in our system AND have him NOT call plays, but instead earn that right over time and help us build continuity for many years to come with a OC coach that Stefanski could build a powerful attack with (I wouldn't want Scangs to call the plays right off the bat but if things got to be too much for Stefanski it would be a good fall back plan)>...
  8. Yeah, that would've been the best thing and would've helped maintain continuity. I don't doubt Shumur's capability to have done a good job with our offense, but I never took into account the fact that Shurmur's offensive philosophy is just too different from Stefanski's. The idea of hiring from a pool of OCs that aren't likely to get another Head Coaching job right away if they help the Browns be successful would've been optimal. I definitely agree that Stefanski can likely do well as an OC though. Fact facts right there... It's a natural inclination to prepare to live optimally as if the world isn't going to collapse... each time the Browns world does... It's all about maximization as thinkers... when in reality this sh*t falls apart faster than we can even enjoy a few games...
  9. We almost hired KS after 3 games called as an interim OC so if LaFleur had a productive year as our OC he might be gone after year 1 as the league loves hot name Coordinators.... It would be great for him not to call plays right away. Hopefully, he can find a competent guy he can trust.
  10. ... man oh man.... ... I see this scenario (the big 3 off the board) as literally the most likely scenario that I know is going to happen, but I dread what the Browns decision will be... Ultimately, what it comes down to is could we afford to take a developmental starter at a need position with huge upside and serious deficiencies like Becton at 10 OVER ready-made Stars at their positions like CeeDee Lamb, WR Oklahoma and Jerry Jeudy, WR Alabama ? Or Becton over lesser but still highly talented players like Isaiah Simmons, LB/Box-Hybrid Clemson, AJ Epenesa, DE Iowa, or Derrick Brown, NT Auburn? To me, it would be far wiser to trade down from 10 (maybe more than once even) and take a gamble on 1 of the 2nd-tier group of Tackles like Isaiah Wilson, RT Georgia, Prince Tega-Wanogho, LT Auburn, Jack Driscoll, RT Auburn, and Josh Jones, RT Houston later in the 1st round. Honestly, Becton is getting a ton of love currently all over the place. Daniel Jeremiah called him a top 10 guy on Rich Eisen's show although Jeremiah admits he hasn't gotten close to working through most of the players yet. The Tackle everyone has forgotten about because he was injured/missed a lot of games and his teammate Andrew Thomas gets all the attention is Isaiah Wilson, RT Georgia. He's every bit the mountain of the man and power player that Becton is except he has better feet, better technique, is a better lateral mover, better agility, and the superior player. He does have his deficiencies of course. If we MUST take a Tackle at 10, Isaiah Wilson is the guy to gamble on not Mekhi Becton. In terms of the prioritization of what we should do if we're in such a dilemma where the big 3 are all off the board It would be: 1.) Select CeeDee Lamb, 2.) AJ Epenesa, 3.) Trade Down for next tier of Tackles/Wide Receivers and accrue multiple draft capital assets, 4.) Isaiah Simmons, 5.) Isaiah Wilson, 6.) Derrick Brown, 7.) Jerry Jeudy, 8.) Mekhi Becton Becton is the ultimate BOOM or BUST pick.... a mountain... insane power makes college players look like high schoolers... vice grip size of lunch box hands .. bad technique... bad blocking instincts .... coordinated but slow mover with slow and sloppy feet ... plays high and doesn't use leverage ... destroyer of worlds in the running game... destroyer of worlds when he plays sound and with controlled aggression... on the ground too much... has serious horizontal movement scheme limitations.. not a lot of snaps against top competition or rushers... when he does go against them the deficiencies get exposed ... etc... .. Watching Becton is so similar to the feeling of watch the behemoth mountain power player Ereck Flowers coming out of Miami. Becton has more natural balance and body control, but almost in every other category their play traits manifest on film the same.... I remember then getting fooled into the size, power, highlight reel blocks, and domination against lesser athletes but being exposed against better defensive ends... I see top 10 projection of skills development, but nowhere close to a player likely to maximize those skills or worth our 10th pick ... picking Becton would in my opinion show a lack of value-maximization understanding by our GM and a forcing of a pick for a need instead of best player available. As such Becton at 10 would be thoroughly disappointing. He could boom though.
  11. ... need it ... someway somehow.. If we did hire him, he'd be gone by the end of year 2 for Head Coaching positions so we'll need to hire a offensive quality coach or QB coach that can serve as a redundancy...
  12. With Stefanski hired, there is no better merger between team positional needs, prospect ability, and prospect familiarity of scheme than Tristan Wirfs. Kirk Ferentz is one of the 3 main originators innovators of the zone run-pass scheme along with Alex Gibbs and then Mike Shanahan. I've made the point ad nauseam that Wirfs is a Guard but that was simply because most schemes don't utilize their Tackles to his ability strengths. However, in the zone run-pass scheme and what it requires of it's Tackles Wirfs' abilities will shine bright if selected in that role. Interestingly, the most important positions on a zone run-pass team are Center then Guard then Tackle. The center has the widest reach and stretch block area and their decisions effect the Guards and Tackles tremendously. I wonder if JC is the longterm solution a Stefanski would like. No matter what when the dust settles on evaluating prospects, the Browns are likely to have Wirfs rated as a top 5 prospect. At the combine Wirfs, Wills, and Thomas are going to test off the charts. What are we willing to give up to make sure we get one of them? Ultimately that's going to be the question the Browns have to answer as the trio won't likely make it to us imo. I think a 3rd would feel costly, but it might be what we need to do.
  13. For coaches still in the playoffs, we can't officially announce their hiring as they are still under contract. Therefore, if we truly want to hire Joe Woods as our DC and likely allow him to bring some 49ers staff with him, we can't officially announce such moves until their season is over. The same would be true if Stefanski wanted staff members from Kansas City, the Titans, or Green Bay. It's important to consider that because Stefanski loves the Shanahan system and two offensive coaching staff from that system are the 49ers and Green Bay. So, it may point to the fact that we primarily want either Mike LaFleur or Mike McDaniel on Offense and Joe Woods on Defense followed by many of the Vikings Coaching Staffs that Stefanski already worked with. The non-49ers and Green Bay coaching names to watch are Klint Kubiak, Rich Scangarello, Gary Kubiak, and Gus Edwards. Hopefully, all of them will be available by the time the 49ers or GB are out of the playoffs. They likely also don't want to officially announce other hires until they have the GM in place. It does suck with how slow the official hirings are going.
  14. I wouldn't trust that most of those places have watched this year's games and updated their evaluations man. Most of those places are really cool places to get a list of names, but detailed evaluations that incorporate this last season's 3rd year and 4th year athletes are still far out from being posted. Draft Network consists of various draftniks of which when you go to Tyler Johnson's specific profile, the last update was on 7/26/19 for 3 out of 5 of their primary analyst. The vast majority of their other analyst only have a Wide Receiver rank list that goes to a top 10 or 15 and almost all include the big names that we all thought would be on the list before the seasons started (like Tyler Johnson). CBS lags so far behind and their evaluations cannot be trusted until Matt Miller and Dane Brugler make their big push to really watch and rank players around early March. They have really hard and difficult jobs of trying to paint and illustrate strengths of the entire draft crop at this time so admittedly they make it known that they don't start digging in detail until much later in the process. They had Orlando Brown Jr as a top 10 pick at OT for the longest of times. Draft Tek has Trey Adams over Josh Jones, Mekhi Becton, Prince Tega Wanogho, Terrance Steele, Isaiah Wilson. They have a wide variety of other puzzling rankings that suggest that they aren't close to doing an up to date full evaluative coverage of the wide receivers. Walterfootball has Tristan Wirfs going 26th and Austin Jackson top 12. It is a nice place to get names but over the years I know for a fact that their rankings take giant swings as we get into late February and early March when they start taking into account other people's opinions that actually watch prospects in detail or they themselves start to watch things. All you need to know about their WR rankings is that they have Denzel Mims 42nd (42nd!!!),Bryan Edwards 18th, Jauan Jennings 25th, and people like Stephen Guidry of all people 17th. Madness. They aren't doing full coverage on the Wide-Receivers yet man, there's just no way. ----- I'm telling you man... by the time we get to April and most of those websites start to really vet the Juniors, then when they calibrate their rankings to PFF and the big wig draftnik rankings, I have no doubt that Tyler Johnson will be much further down. There's a lot of Wide Receivers to work through. I trust my evaluation. As I said, who 17th and above on my list is Tyler Johnson better than film-wise? If you set out to answer that yourself I have no doubt that you would find that a lot of those sites rankings are off on a lot of guys. For a comprehensive database on Senior prospects, list of namescheck out draftscout.com. Then, on your own you can rank the Junior prospects. Tyler Johnson is their 12th rated senior Wide-receiver. Lastly, 2 players on my list have returned to school leaving Tyler Johnson to be the 22nd WR on my list, but I think it's arguable that he could be as high as 17th. When April rolls around I'm will to bet that Johnson will bet that unanimously Tyler Johnson will be as low as the 15th or 17th rated Wide-Receiver at least in the minds of draftniks that actually update themselves with all the tape from this year. If either of us remember (which we probably won't or won't care), we can bring it up later to see how people's evaluations change on Johnson. I'm willing to bet mine will stay consistent and others' will be less and less high on him.
  15. He's not a "Pro-Bowl Upside, High Quality Immediate Starter." He's not a "High Quality Developmental Starter." He is a "Quality Developmental Starter." Good player. Smooth, but I just don't see he or Brandon Aiyuk as highly as the rest of the draftnik community, and I ranked the WRs independently of other lists. I was surprised to see him ranked so highly. I think it's arguable that he could be moved up to 19 or so, but him being where he's ranked speaks to how special this class is. Who rank-19 and above is he better than? I can't see who.... Ball don't lie.
  16. What?? I'm just helping my FF brethren. Just doing my part in the righteous patriotic work that our dear senator McCarthy asks of us so that we can finally rid our Internet promised-land that we built of the scourges and charlatans like @BayRaider . I've sent his name along with his thought crimes to HUAC's central office. Be at peace brethren for now the sweet siren songs of patriotism shall again bring forth the light of freedom twonce more and forever ...
  17. Yeah ya think... Really strong commentary. .. hence the non-assertion phrasing: "He may be declining it of his own accord but maybe he's received some info that lets him know he's not likely to get it in the first place"
  18. Reportedly, Paton may not officially accept an interview here. One way to guarantee the GM DePo and the Haslam's want (Andrew Berry) gets the job is to eliminate Paton from the GM search from the outset. He may be declining it of his own accord but maybe he's received some info that lets him know he's not likely to get it in the first place.
  19. He's the truth... TE1.... hope he falls to the 2nd round. If we take him there, though it wouldn't be my preferred position group to select, he'd be well worth it. Stefanski utilized Irv Smith Jr. and Kyle Rudolph and the zone run Alex Gibbs/Mike/Kyle Shanaha/Kubiak offense requires two tight ends that can block and receive in order to mirror pass and run play initial presentation. Kmet is the clear TE1 and he'd be a great fit on the team.
  20. I don't know man ... ... you can walk it back all you want ... but I think it's too late... you've been outed... ... based on your previous comments you're starting to sound like a draft-dodger, a red, or one of those dissenters I heard about on television programming news ... ... don't you know what society or country this is... you better get in-line ... ... to help your mind back on track ... I've provided two aids below .. just stare at both of them for an hour each while humming patriotic songs in ... ... then your thoughts and beliefs will be corrected and you'll give up your foolish ways ... order will have its day then all will be right again in the world ...
  21. I guess Stefanski did a reddit AMA and answered a few interesting questions ...
  22. @BayRaider GASP!! You troublemaker you ... how dare thee... you must've not seen 1 of the hundreds of "feel-good" cop drama shows on television programming ... ... if you had seen one of those shows you'd know they are always here in every case to bring light and freedom to the galaxy ... ... as punishment and to pay for your crimes of dissent ... you must watch at least one of the shows each night from now until the end of the year or face banishment ...
  23. I for one am proud that OBJ was trying to pay the players at least a bread crumb fraction compared to the Billions of dollars they generated in two college football playoff games for the NCAA parasite execs, TV revenue, Online revenue companies, the schools, jersey sales companies, business advertisement, local/city business around the stadium in which the games were played, and more. He was really doing the players a service and he should be commended. Now, as to slapping a rent a cop on his butt. **GASP! Clutches Pearls** .... this wild man must be stopped before he destroys our society. More outrage for OBJ than for the foolish Forever Wars, the perpetual Trash Local and National Government decisions that go on with no end in sight, or anything else truly worth being upset about. OBJ needs to hold his liquor better... and chill ... other than that it's not a big deal... Outrage machine to infinity and beyond .... What a time to be alive ... Live Look at OBJ about to go on a butt smacking spree....
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