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  1. Sacks/pressures over the last 5 years compared to other ends? I think he's at the top or very near to it. Obviously there are younger pass rushers who we don't have as much data on, but not many players have this kind of consistent production year in and year out. Maybe you are right though, and its just him being undisciplined. Are the penalties that much worse than his peers? He had 4 offsides in 2022 and 5 in 2021. He's had bad years, but I think it's overblown how much worse he is than everyone else. Not enough for me to care that much I guess.
  2. I would argue that if stopped timing the snap completely, he would do worse overall. Less penalities but also worse good stats. I guess you could argue that he should just time it better, but I have a response to that below. Thanks for looking that up. I guess my general point that I was trying to come up with is that there are a lot of stats related to being a good pass rusher. I assume Myles is better than most of those guys in terms of stats/game impact overall, and him timing the snap is a big reason for that. It can make a tackle jumpy if he feels he can't get back quick enough. Maybe you are right though and it doesn't matter though. Our biggest source of disagreement is going to be whether every defensive lineman times the snap. I would argue most lineman are more reactionary instead. Think about it. Why do you think Myles Garrett gets more offsides penalties? He's guessing when the snap is going to happen instead of reacting to visual cues. Maybe he could do a better job of guessing, but he's clearly going to have a better start than most ends when he gets it right. I don't know if that translates to more pressures or sacks or what, but he's the defensive player of the year for a reason. Even amongst the top of the league, his production is consistently better.
  3. I don't know if it's absolutely necessary, but I don't think you can rule out that it's completely unnecessary either. We don't know what his sack numbers would look like if he stopped. Also, how many strip sacks does Myles have compared to the rest of the league? Maybe jumping the snap helps in that regard because it gives him a better path to the qb? What about opposing tackle false start penalties related to trying to deal with him jumping the snap?
  4. Yep. This may be an unpopular opinion, but I'm fine with the offsides. He's clearly taking a risk by trying to jump the snap count, and the payoff is usually worth it. He's already had two strip fumbles this season so far. I'll gladly accept 10-15 yards of penalties each game if he can keep it up.
  5. Yeah, I kind of called it in the preseason thread. It happens in more than 50% of domestic violence cases in my jurisdiction, and all of those abusers aren't even making close to NFL money.
  6. https://fox8.com/news/i-team/i-team-victim-recants-statement-in-michael-hall-jr-domestic-violence-case/amp/ Yeah, I had a feeling this would happen.
  7. I'm not familiar with how the legal system within Lorain County operates, but I've seen stuff in my jurisdiction get dismissed when the victim recants even if there is another witness willing to testify. Juries get pissed when the victim doesn't want the crime prosecuted, and this can lead to not guilty verdicts even if the evidence suggests otherwise. Unless there is video evidence, a recanting victim is a huge issue.
  8. Look, if the report is true, the dude has some serious emotional and impulse control problems. I don't know what our front office's tolerance is for this type of stuff if it leads to a conviction, but that hasn't happened yet. I also don't know the details of what happened, (for example, was mom actually there or did she simply relay the story to police that she got from the fiance) but I doubt an additional civil suit on top of a criminal conviction are going to change anything regarding whether he stays or not. It will be based on the same conduct at the end of the day. I'm sure the front office can justify keeping him if this case gets dismissed. Get him some counseling/mental health treatment... Go from there. If it's a conviction/plea, I have no idea what they will do.
  9. Talented 2nd round pick + misdemeanor dv charge = leniency from the front office. I work in the criminal justice system and unfortunately, a lot of these dv cases end up being dismissed because a large percentage of victims recant. I imagine that the victim understands the potential ramifications to Hall's career and could potentially testify that it didn't happened to preserve the relationship/be nice/to prevent retaliation etc...
  10. What happened to this dude? He had a promising start after joining the league, and it has been downhill for him ever since.
  11. I get that, but he is disproportionately being rated poorly. For example, 87% of players feel that former head coach Pete Carroll was efficient with their time (21st overall). The top 5 guys are hovering around 97%+ percent.
  12. Anyone surprised by this?: https://nflpa.com/cleveland-browns-report-card-2024 "Only 70% of players feel that head coach Kevin Stefanski is efficient with their time (29th overall) Players feel that Kevin Stefanski is somewhat willing to listen to the locker room (23rd overall)"
  13. I'm just curious given the modern trend of hiring successful play callers. Who performed the best in their role as an offensive coordinator but still didn't get an opportunity to be a head coach (last 25 years)?
  14. It was awesome. After going to Browns home games for 10+ years, I finally got to see my first win in person. I was sitting in the top deck, which isn't as loud (lower bowl always feels louder to me), but the whiteout, the light show, and the energy was awesome. There was a very cool moment in the 3rd quarter where they turned the lights off, synced peoples phone lights to thunderstruck as it played, and had that kid with the guitar do a solo. We kind of suck at getting quiet when the offense is on the field, but it's whatever. Nothing more funny than the offense trying to hush the crowd while they were chanting Flacco's name when we were up 17 or whatever.
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