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Everything posted by Xmad

  1. WAR Trades: Int Malik Jackson Portland Trades: 5.3
  2. If anyone is left over you're welcome to join the Portland Horned owls as a co-owner. We have bagels.
  3. So this doesn't clog up that thread. He takes up 2k in cap space compared to other players on your roster. Waste of a 3down IMO, you do you but you'd probably get something more in a trade for that 3down than just the 2k in cap.
  4. Are you 3downing him or eating the cap? Cause either way you might wanna hold off.
  5. Black Birds is too close to Portland's alternative name and we will fight Chernobyl on that.
  6. The Williamsport Wendigos. Williamsport Land. WIlliamsport Team
  7. Mahomes had 3 starts under his belt, it was a gamble. Also not relevant when we're talking about allowing an owner who has been in the league not even 24 hours to trade.
  8. Could care less about trading Boyd. This isn't about you, this is about a guy who joined less than 24 hours ago doesn't make a few trades he'll regret.
  9. That Mike Williams trade is kinda sketch, agree with Bcb.
  10. WB Executives on a whole other thought process. They're thinking about spinoffs of those spinoffs.
  11. 2020 6th and a refund receipt for an item I got 5 years ago.
  12. https://www.nexusmods.com/witcher3/mods/1862/ If you have it on PC there's a mod for it, I can't attest to how good it is but there is an option.
  13. Yeah but this isn't marvel studios this is marvel TV, which generally has good shows but they've also done the inhumans and the Netflix shows so there's room for hesitation here.
  14. They greenlit four adult animated shows, but didn't do deadpool. Really Marvel, well at least we know why they killed deadpool now, competition.
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