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Everything posted by Xmad

  1. I'd buy you a case of beer. Like you name the brand and it's yours if that happens.
  2. One of the two actives for me is Martavis Bryant. I have no words.
  3. Who had January in the pool? I had March sadly.
  4. Give me a 1st and I'll take Kizer off your hands.
  5. Mate you're entitled to your opinion but the fact you're letting basically a PR report judge whether you'd watch a show or not is kind of whack. The reason most PR reports are "Look at who we hired and how X thing they are" is 95% of the time because it's the standard response nowadays. Like by all means judge the show how you see fit and all but if it's only on that one thing, you need to reevaluate some things. Anyway, who else is disjointed this show won't have dragons because this is more than likely set before Valyria exists (the pre-targaryens who tamed dragons)
  6. Im 14 episodes in and the MC is not the selling point of the show, the supporting ones are. Think they show up within the next 2 episodes or so but my memory is fuzzy.
  7. No denying that's a concern but considering his resume in Miami (I mean the dolphins were a 2-4 win team the last 2 years IMO) he's a solid hire and if he can develop Darnold, shouldn't be an issue. Plus if he's throwing his players under the bus in public he's 100% the next bellicheck.
  8. Veteran preference doesn't make him a bad coach, just one who probably pitched gore on signing in miami on the fact he'd get touches.
  9. It's fresh in your mind right? So you want to rush to fix the issues, when in reality most of what you described isn't fixable/can't be fixed by BDL rule tweaking. 1. No one showing up to vote, this will always be an issue for the playoffs because 50%-25% of the league is in the playoffs. Plus voting turn out is at best inconsistent throughout the year. 2. Holidays, we can change the playoffs to not be during weeks 15-17 but no matter what they'll most likely still be in December/after thanksgiving. 3. Injuries have always been a gray area that time of year, there's nothing we can do to fix that aside from provide a 100% " this is how it is" definition which I don't think we should provide given every circumstance is different for injuries. Aside from what we already have, it should remain as is. It's not the best time to address it because it's a long off-season, a lot of things will change between now and the summer meetings. Why shouldn't we wait to address the problems so we can solve all of them during a dead period of the year when everyone will be less busy?
  10. That's generally how it goes yes, unless it's a rule change that addresses a loophole or something. It's for both meetings, we let the rules play out a year so we can see the effect they have. This pretty much. Because the rule changes that take place this year (if there are any) will still take effect this year regardless of when they're implemented. Specifically there are a number of rules that would affect the current FA/draft and we should see how they play out so if there's any bugs we can fix them in the summer meeting so we don't have to have 2 owner meetings this year.
  11. To be fair half the changes we'd be making would have impacts on those, it makes sense to wait and see what last year's changes would have on FA/the draft.
  12. Mate it's GOT, ya think HBO is gonna let their biggest series (successor?) get bogged down with that stuff?
  13. Mate I hate to tell ya....it's way too late for that. Politics has gotten so many people killed in GOT I'd need a spreadsheet.
  14. Oh no my trash talk is meaningless. 1000%.
  15. Yep this is exactly how it works, you can play single player and then do a co-op but it's smarter to do a co-op because I'm gonna be honest the netcode in SDV is jank as all hell. Like it's passable but if one of you has bad internet...One day they might have pants, the other day they might have legs for hands.
  16. Thought about doing this when madden came out on PC this year tbh but put it off because of the time of year. I applaud you wWicker, my only complaint with the sim is I don't have any. I'd suggest creating another Youtube channel for this unless you want people to know your name.
  17. 10:30PM est to 11PM EST for you heathens.
  18. I remember trading him for a 5th, that's an overpay.
  19. https://www.drafttek.com/2019-NFL-Draft-Prospect-Rankings/Top-College-Centers-2019-Draft.asp Not sure if drafttek fits but I've used it in the past.
  20. To a brilliant 2018 that has the future looking great for BDL. May the voting always remain about as consistent as the browns playoff chances.
  21. Sub 500 Cuts for Portland QB Connor Cook WR Roger Lewis OC Spencer Pulley Edge Daeshon Hall Retirement Party Edge Brian Orakpo
  22. Whicker's reveal of the fact he doesn't play poker but instead plays strip poker?
  23. Gotta say I love the new spreadsheet, if I haven't said it already thank you mike & to the spreadsheet people who make this 1000x easier.
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