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Everything posted by Xmad

  1. They greenlit four adult animated shows, but didn't do deadpool. Really Marvel, well at least we know why they killed deadpool now, competition.
  2. I mean I'd be annoyed at the trench being a horror movie if it wasn't James Wan directing it, if he wants to do that sure why not.
  3. Bullsnark. The Director for the remake (Testsu nomura) aka the guy who just wrapped KH3 production, is going to be busy working on DLC for that for the next 12 months. 2020 is out of the question IMO. 2022/whenever the next gen of consoles gets here is more likely. I don't doubt SE will unveil that as their next big project with KH3 released, but they'll save that for E3.
  4. As a heads up, anyone who wants mahomes feel free to post that trade in the transaction thread and he's yours.
  5. Adam Sandler. It's just stupid enough that it fits exactly what WB would do.
  6. I'm guessing you flipped those games back within a year, whereas most people wait 2-3 years before. How much profit have I gotten from a digital copy of a game? That's a whole can of worms if we talk about lootboxes, items,skins that you can re-sell etc etc. You can potentially make 100x back what you invested in certain games for certain items (PUBG, CS:GO, insert other game with sellable items) Yeah and? Disks still break/eventually wear down. There are upsides to both and downsides to both mate. Congrats, you still lose money either way.
  7. You're never going to get back what you put in with either physical or digital, your options to re-sell a game are at best for like 25% of what you spent (if that) or hold onto that one disc forever plus you will only ever get that one copy. Once it's gone, it's gone. With a digital copy, say for whatever reason your data storage on your console goes poof. You can just re-download vs. if a disc gets cracked, RIP. Upsides and downsides to both, but with the way gaming is going expect digital to the main method of game sales going forward (It's already accounting for like 40-50% of console+PC sales depending on the figures you look at)
  8. Well I guess that's the reason why JL got Snyder canned, everyone dies and Darkseid killing everything isn't something you want for your "fun" "Fresh" exciting superhero movies. Granted that's all speculation but I can see that.
  9. Boredom/Why not? Mahomes isn't being moved unless it's for an offer I can't say no to.
  10. Another bidder has entered the ring, debating between the two. Initial offer included 4 1st rounders. - Source Andrew Luck the civil war general.
  11. Patrick Mahomes has been traded. Will post soon. After I win back to back Fishbowls. - Source Ian Rappaport.
  12. I've done no research on the draft, if you like any of my picks feel free to give me a profanity laced PM.
  13. Kind of the point, it's "hey we're doing the thing" announcement. Not official at all so eh.
  14. Do we give him a viking funeral like for the other fallen BDL owners?
  15. Especially considering we're going to get like 3 epic battles this season and that's probably going to be the majority of the 3 episodes that have them.
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