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  1. Jake Long over Joe Flac-hahahahahaha I mean Matt Ryan. Once again proof how this dude is underrated af since it takes 3 pages for a first mention on MR when he was really up there with Jake Long, Chris Long and even Glenn Dorsey back on draft day.
  2. Wow, this has to be one of THE most Patriot comments ever on this forum. I know it's been a long, long time since NE has won a SB (jfc they haven't won since 2019? lmao) and back when Gronk got drafted it was even worse (2010 vs 2004? I think) but it wasn't like NE was winning the NFC East every year while featuring a highly competitive roster that was in perennial SB contention. I can only imagine the anguish Gronk must have been going through being drafted by NE compared to the real premium contenders playing on cold weather like the Browns, Lions, Bengals, Bills, Bears or Broncos. No sir, NE would 100% be the worst place for him to land, disregarding hindsight. Maybe he would have preferred Pittsburgh or Green bay at the time time when it comes to cold weather teams, but otherwise I don't see how NE wouldn't have been his #1 choice. Unless you were being sarcastic, then I guess it was decent bait.
  3. I laughed at vatniks claiming the west was lost due to marvel syndrome but after this thread I'm not longer so sure. I thought better of you Ace. Unless I'm getting a X is factually a reincarnation of Sean Taylor thread to compensate for this thread the next time Washington drafts a safety that has two good games in a row as a rookie I'm no longer subscribing to your newsletter.
  4. Hall of Fame might be a though task but he's a solid contender for the Hall of Always Hurt. He's in a bit of a weird spot imo. Consistently overrated by Ravens fans but underrated by the rest. I'm guessing he'll be remembered with warm but mixed feelings in Maryland but soon forgotten by the public at large.
  5. You're right! In my mind Lewis and Reed are joined at the hip but the latter didn't join the team until 4 years after the first was drafted. In my defense, it's pretty late where I live.
  6. I guess Lewis, Reed and Woodson are more memorable but Siragusa is right after them in my book. Not sure how that makes him underrated. I think I'd even rate Siragusa over Woodson for that year but not sure. Overall I wouldn't call him underrated unless I'm missing something.
  7. Should have updated ages ago and used the duracell font imo
  8. Hope he makes Canton as a Falcon.. oh wait. Good for him that he made his career last and he seems to be quitting on his own terms. Hope his savings will last.
  9. I think that is looking a bit to much at the results and not at the process. Big Ben and Tomlin might have been clutch almost two decades ago but those times have clearly passed and I don't think they should get a pass for that. Following your logic the 1990 - 1993 Bills wouldn't have been chokers if they only had won that first SB.
  10. I can't argue the Falcons being chokers but I will argue Ryan isn't a choker. Apart from one disastrous game vs the SB champs to be in the NY Giants he's been great in the playoffs. 2012 vs Niners should have been a win but Harry Douglas was the one that choked. For the SB it was Freeman missing a key block in pass-pro and Shanahan for going full dumbass with the gameplan in the 2nd half. Thinking about it I do feel like the Saints deserve a honorable mention. Beastmode was a great play but also an amazing choke. Same goes for the Diggs catch in 2017 against the Vikings in the WC round. Steelers/Big Ben/Tomlin also deserve a mention. Generally pretty stacked teams that haven't done much in the playoffs and deserve the choker moniker for getting dunked on by Tim Tebow.
  11. Apart from that one run Tannehill has had a better career then Flacco, let that sink in for a moment. Even so, no way Flacco is first ballot. He'll get in because of SB bias but he'll be the Namath tier once he does. Also it doesn't take 1000's of people to throw a game, it takes a handfull and a convenient power shortage, that somehow happened during THE most important event of the year. Understood, my bad.
  12. El-oh-El at people voting Joe "PI" Flacco. Most scripted SB win I've ever seen with Lewis getting his last hurrah win and a white QB beating Kaepernick in the SB.
  13. End of an era. Wish Matt the best and hope he gets the ring he deserves. Looking at NFL Gen people are still underrating him massively. Not big on the draft but I've heard rumours next years QB class is going to be good so I don't mind tanking a bit.
  14. This being America also means that justice can be bought and it's possible he'll get preferential treatment. See the Ray Lewis case as an example. Anyways, will be nice to see the other side of the fence for once when it comes to disrespecting the franchise QB.
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