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The Siege of Gotham Mafia - Mafia Wins!!!

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8 hours ago, domepatrol91 said:
9 hours ago, james.mcmurry13 said:

James. I think its really important that we reach a majority. We don't gain anything by waiting for night and letting so many people slide by without doing anything.

Why is it important to reach majority? How does that change the outcome as opposed to waiting for night? 

This post just doesn’t make sense, i don’t understand the logic 

civ- mafia, or mafia- mafia?

Thoughts, people?

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5 hours ago, MathMan said:
6 hours ago, Ragnarok said:

Can someone explain the james thing?

You don't like the lynch, do you?

jsmes may have voted himself because he thought it would be the best way to get votes off.

If james flips scum, I'm hunting for you, rags

Rags, I'll bet you are mafia, and you wanted to poke holes in any arguments people had with voting james.

You were looking for people to give bad reasons. Reasons that you could attack.

Seems pretty clear that you didn't like the vote at the time, and now it seems really obvious.

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5 hours ago, Ragnarok said:
5 hours ago, MathMan said:

You don't like the lynch, do you?

jsmes may have voted himself because he thought it would be the best way to get votes off.

If james flips scum, I'm hunting for you, rags

Its more that I've barely looked at this game so far.

I had another comp that took priority.


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3 hours ago, Ragnarok said:


I'm not sure if he has even posted.  Thats good enough for me.

Tried to get a bandwagon going for teude

2 hours ago, Ragnarok said:


voted against me in BB.  Im still hurt.

Follows the bandwagon for LTBF (after me and Whicker votes for LTBF)


2 hours ago, Ragnarok said:


The Im not important comment struck me as something scum would say to not appear desperate.

Oh, and then right before nightfall, votes for james along with a legit reason so he looks good upon James' flip.

The thing is that.....Why only NOW are you saying that the "important comment" was suspicious.

 James made that comment  on page 41, which was BEFORE you voted both tuede and ltbf, trying to get someone lynched other than James, but not be too obvious about it.


My vote for today is Ragnarok

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If you need an explanation, I was already planning on voting james before I went teude.  I just wanted to see if anyone would hop on either lynch to try and move things away from him if they thought they could get movement and save him.

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4 hours ago, james.mcmurry13 said:
4 hours ago, MathMan said:


never mind.

at least say whether we are making a big mistake or something



3 hours ago, MathMan said:



3 hours ago, MathMan said:

I didn't like it either. But it had to be done. Based on his response, I don't think he is scum.

A mafia guy would have said he was important.


3 hours ago, Ragnarok said:


I'm not sure if he has even posted.  Thats good enough for me.


3 hours ago, Whicker said:

LTBF let's do this


3 hours ago, Ragnarok said:


voted against me in BB.  Im still hurt.


2 hours ago, MathMan said:



2 hours ago, Whicker said:



2 hours ago, Ragnarok said:

Scum xmad tends to get antsy and overexplain.  But he could be trying something new.


2 hours ago, Ragnarok said:


The Im not important comment struck me as something scum would say to not appear desperate.


Rag's last vote was at 9:52 PM. 8 minutes until the deadline.

Rag said that James's "I'm not important comment"  struck him as something scum would say, but he went in so many different directions before that trying to get a different lynch.

Look at the poor reasons he gave for voting LTBF and teude.

His reasoning for voting James was stronger than his reasoning for voting anyone else, but he waited until the last minute to do so.

He gave a strong reason and voted James at the end to make himself look good.

But Rag was willing to vote out other players for much weaker reasons before that. It's clear that he was wanting to lynch anyone but James.


Also, don't forget this on pg 37

6 hours ago, Ragnarok said:

Can someone explain the james thing?

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On 6/7/2018 at 9:44 PM, domepatrol91 said:

i wouldn't be stunned if james is mafia

It'd be ballsy, but not unprecedented for dome to say this about james if both were scum.  Especially if he thought it would move off james eventually.  Townie lean

On 6/7/2018 at 10:04 PM, MD4L said:

Untouchable and James are rather reasonable choices.

Same as above.  Townie lean.

On 6/8/2018 at 1:06 PM, Woz said:

Building my post list as we speak. Yes, they've all posted, with james having the most traffic (but it's very subdued)

This is very townie imo.  Calling james for subdued, but frequent traffic?  Not something a scummate would do.  

On 6/8/2018 at 2:00 PM, Woz said:

Went back and looked at your activity in the thread. Beyond mentioning possibilities of voting for touch (whom you did vote later on), james, and jfin, you haven't contributed a lot so far other than to pull an attitude.

I'm willing to listen. I can definitely understand the touch suspicion (signal-to-noise ratio sucks there), and if jfin were alone I could maybe agree (I think taking malf out this juncture would be a massive mistake). James I'm not sure about; I'm giving him the benefit of the doubt right now because he slow played Wrestlemafia as well.

Still, the only thing that makes any sense to me at this juncture is that you are a Tanner role, but I cannot figure out who that would be in a Gotham universe.

So, if you are truly town, stop moping and art looking.

But then he backs off it a touch.

On 6/8/2018 at 4:06 PM, MD4L said:

Teude, untouchable, Mookie all had some type of scumminess around them. Voting James.M13 isn't a terrible idea. Bucsfan and Woz seem inspired to be positively influential so they're the safest bet of players not vote. Whicker is an interesting prop bc there's some heat against.

Uncommitted to voting james.

On 6/8/2018 at 4:31 PM, bucsfan333 said:


Let's do it.

I just don't see scum doing this when he did.

On 6/8/2018 at 5:59 PM, MD4L said:



On 6/8/2018 at 8:18 PM, Whicker said:



16 hours ago, theuntouchable said:

Let’s try james

Mostly the same, but this is where I think scum could be hopping on the bandwagon.

15 hours ago, bucsfan333 said:

Darth, gopher, Olly, and james are all guys I'd be fine with lynching today.

Bucs is pretty clear imo.

13 hours ago, LetTheBallFly said:

For a few minutes before I go exercise....seems like the votes piled up on James and people kind of dissappeared

Gopher where have you been?

Trying to cast doubt on James?  In recent games, people have mentioned how scum will drop early games votes and vanish.  

10 hours ago, bcb1213 said:

Yea, not gonna be let that one slide.  Why?  Obviously many agree with the James thing, why the others. 

This could go both ways, but guessing townie.

8 hours ago, Darth Pees said:

It's N1 let's get this over with. James

This seems townie.

8 hours ago, domepatrol91 said:

Was it that quick? Whicker got to 5 just as fast before stalling out and then people went to James, he stalled out at 5 too for a while then a couple votes (including his own) pushed him to 7 I think

its very odd to me that he’s not fighting it at all. 

Yeah, dome is lock clear in my book.

7 hours ago, Whicker said:

Not quite as confident in a James lynch any more 


6 hours ago, Whicker said:

Don't like a Teude lynch. Don't love a James lynch anymore. Bucs, md4l, and Woz I think are pretty civvy


6 hours ago, MathMan said:

Darth seemed to want people to validate this so that james would be a safe place to put his vote.


But that didn't really happen

So do you think Darth is clear now?

6 hours ago, domepatrol91 said:

Don’t like that last Ole post at all. Let’s stay on James 

Yup.  Clear.

6 hours ago, Whicker said:

Serious time. I would rather go Darth than James. Can this happen? 


5 hours ago, OleXmad said:

Even you must remember who you're dealing with Bcb, I am that stupid. 

It brought something to my attention that I didn't notice, specifically how Darth voted for James. 

I want you to explain this again real slow.

5 hours ago, Whicker said:


If James flips civ then Darth gets first looks tomorrow

So do you think Darth is clear now?

Decent Townie Group

Townie Lean


Scum Lean



I put this in a format I haven't seen here a lot but a ton elsewhere.  Everyone is in one of 5 groups.  James flipping scum was huge and helps clear a number of people.  And clearing people is as important as finding scum.  

Feel free to state why you should be in a different group or ask why someone was in a particular group.  Although my multi quote should give some evidence for my reasoning.  

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