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The Siege of Gotham Mafia - Mafia Wins!!!

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1 hour ago, Whicker said:

All my future games will have hard deadlines and short nights. When I hosted Fallout I gave 30 minutes for moves and no one missed any except Mission 

yep. with the potential of days last 2+ real time days everyone should be fine getting in moves. I do like 12 hour nights if the day was less than 24 hours though.

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1 hour ago, Whicker said:

All my future games will have hard deadlines and short nights. When I hosted Fallout I gave 30 minutes for moves and no one missed any except Mission 

I've been working on a game and think I might try 1 day limits...but with a majority lynch as well

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As the van pulled up to the street corner, the driver noticed that the entire intersection had been blocked off by patrol cars, while police tape sectioned off a small area underneath a light pole that was not working.  The man driving pulled up to the barricade and parked his van.  He got out and put on his jacket, with CORONER written in yellow letters on the back.  Snow was falling as the sun started to peak through the high rises that lined the downtown streets.  

The coroner walked up to the police tape and leaned under it.  Almost immediately he noticed a mask laying on the ground next to a body.  The snow started falling faster now as the man started to check the body for I.D. or clues as to who he was.  Checking each pocket of the man laying dead on the ground was a waste of time, there was no I.D.  The man reached in to check the inside jacket pocket, "Ow," the man screamed as he cut himself on two empty and partly shattered vials.  He pulled them out while licking the finger he had just cut.  He looked at the vials more closely, as he did he fell to his knees with his jaw dropped.  One vial read Vaccine and the other labeled MAE6513 - Mutated Airborne Ebola.  

The coroner finally stood up and in a rush started barking orders, "Get this man to the Medical Examiner's office immediately and everyone here needs to be quarantined.  See if the doctors at the University can help us, because we need to know what this is and if anyone has been infected.  If they have been, let's hope those nerds can cure whatever this stuff is.  Let's move people, we can't be wasting time."

As the coroner turned to leave he stopped and picked up the mask laying next to the body, he noticed a name inscribed on the bottom seam, Scarecrow.  He logged the name in his note pad and drove off.

@LetTheBallFly is dead, he was Jonathan Crane/Scarecrow - Other aligned

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