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What Are You Thinking About v.CC


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8 minutes ago, Adrenaline_Flux said:

so I am the true architect of the future and dome is a glorified filthy thief?

This sounds about right.

Story time/ In HS my art teacher was lazy AF and just let us draw whatever we wanted and turn it in for the days grade. I would just copy whatever the kid next to me was drawing every day and because this lady went to my grandparents church, she always gave me a better grade than the kid I was copying. The kid voiced his complaints several times and she told him "Dome can draw the same things as you if he wants. I grade based on what I know each of you is capable of and how much work I think you put into a drawing." She said that to him. She said I can rip him off and continue to get a better grade because my doodles were legitimately better than his. And I smiled at this kid every day, and continued to do it the rest of the trimester. /storytime

So I wouldn't put it past me by any means.

Edited by Dome
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Just now, Adrenaline_Flux said:

@Dome twist: HE was that restaurant's owner.

"My name's _____ ______ and I was a restaurant owner whose carelessness cost me my wife. Now, I travel the country visiting local restaurants with just one goal: prevent that from happening ever again.

This, is Beef."


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