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What Are You Thinking About v.CC


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Just now, LETSGOBROWNIES said:

You’re correct, lazy wording on my part, but I’m pretty sure you understood the point.

Yes I did, the distinction is important though. The ironic part though is that the group who costs us most in terms of healthcare in America is also the same group that votes the most against improving the situation. It's like a weird societal representation of a drowning person freaking out and attacking the person trying to rescue them, drowning them both in the process.

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4 minutes ago, TXsteeler said:

Can you give an example of how it could impact other aspects of our society?

We’ve already listed some.

If access to healthcare is a right, is food? “Why not make food cheaper and more accessible to everyone.  Eliminate these huge profits from companies like Monsanto or Tyson and everyone pays less.”

“Why not elimate the huge profits for _____ manufacturer and make ______ more affordable.” 


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1 minute ago, LETSGOBROWNIES said:

We’ve already listed some.

If access to healthcare is a right, is food? “Why not make food cheaper and more accessible to everyone.  Eliminate these huge profits from companies like Monsanto or Tyson and everyone pays less.”

“Why not elimate the huge profits for _____ manufacturer and make ______ more affordable.” 


Ok, so why not? What bad comes of it?

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4 minutes ago, TXsteeler said:

So, which part do you disagree with?

The idea that government interference will reduce costs within X industry. It flies in the face of so many real world examples it blows me away people still believe the government can swoop it and fix all the inequities that exist within a capitalist society.

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4 minutes ago, cddolphin said:

The idea that government interference will reduce costs within X industry. It flies in the face of so many real world examples it blows me away people still believe the government can swoop it and fix all the inequities that exist within a capitalist society.

My example you responded to with "whew lad" was a private citizen doing it.

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10 minutes ago, iPwn said:

Did socializing the fire department slippery slope us to communism? Asking for a friend

Did we socialize that nationally? Or are those departments run on local govt budgets?

Coulda swore a lot of the country still used volunteer fire departments as they don’t have the socialized kind...

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1 minute ago, TXsteeler said:

My example you responded to with "whew lad" was a private citizen doing it.

LIS, we’ll see how Amazon/Berkshire/Chase do with their plan for employees.

Who knows, could change the whole industry.  I’m not a betting man, but I wouldn’t bet against Bezos and Buffet.

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12 minutes ago, LETSGOBROWNIES said:

In some examples?


So if we have non profit grocery stores and non profit health insurance, we will be taken over by a dictator?

What about when my local electric is government run, or the public schools I've been going to?

Omg dude, are we in a communist dictatorship right now?

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