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4 hours ago, NS922 said:

As a person who is a junior to someone who isn't rich, I prefer it like that. It would be a lot harder to make my own identity if he was rich and/or famous. And he goes by a nickname anyway, so we have the same name but we aren't called the same thing.

I'd rather live in a millionaires shadows and go on vacation to Paris and Rome and stuff each year then be my own person and go on vacation to six flags tbh.

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1 minute ago, HorizontoZenith said:

That is because you burned off less calories to that point in your life and suffered the consequences of your decisions compared to the decisions of your friend. 

I mean, I was being sarcastic but as kids that's not really how that works. Plus even as adults it's not so cut and dry as burning calories vs eating calories. For anyone who isn't an olympic level athelete, you are burning most of your calories naturally, not by exercising, and people's BMR's can vary a lot, especially people with certain diseases. And all that is discounting things like mental health disorders and socioeconomic status which could further impact a persons weight outside of them just being a lazy pos like everybody thinks.

Personally, I'm fat mostly because I just enjoy food and don't feel like exercising with like 20% of it being that I don't really have time to exercise and 10% being that I don't have the time to always eat healthy, but there are other people that are nearly as fat as I am that eat half as much and exercise just as much.

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7 minutes ago, TXsteeler said:

I'd rather live in a millionaires shadows and go on vacation to Paris and Rome and stuff each year then be my own person and go on vacation to six flags tbh.

Maybe at first, but when that stuff becomes routine, what else is there? What do you have to be proud of after never earning anything and having nothing to achieve?

2 minutes ago, TXsteeler said:

I mean, I was being sarcastic but as kids that's not really how that works. Plus even as adults it's not so cut and dry as burning calories vs eating calories. For anyone who isn't an olympic level athelete, you are burning most of your calories naturally, not by exercising, and people's BMR's can vary a lot, especially people with certain diseases. And all that is discounting things like mental health disorders and socioeconomic status which could further impact a persons weight outside of them just being a lazy pos like everybody thinks.

Personally, I'm fat mostly because I just enjoy food and don't feel like exercising with like 20% of it being that I don't really have time to exercise and 10% being that I don't have the time to always eat healthy, but there are other people that are nearly as fat as I am that eat half as much and exercise just as much.

I don't mean to be rude, but......it mostly does come down to being lazy. Having a healthy diet is a lot easier than people think. There's just so much food they're not willing to give up, and I understand that.

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1 minute ago, NS922 said:

Maybe at first, but when that stuff becomes routine, what else is there? What do you have to be proud of after never earning anything and having nothing to achieve?

I don't mean to be rude, but......it mostly does come down to being lazy. Having a healthy diet is a lot easier than people think. There's just so much food they're not willing to give up, and I understand that.

Did you literally ignore everything but the bolded lmao?

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1 minute ago, NS922 said:

What do you have to be proud of after never earning anything and having nothing to achieve?

Oh also, who says you can't earn anything or achieve anything just because you have rich parents? Tbh, most people don't really do much of either in their lives outside of having a family and maybe owning a home at some point, maybe graduating college if you count that? Your parents being rich doesn't make any of that less likely to happen or less your accomplishments, just maybe easier in some ways.

Also, being poor becomes routine too, and i'd rather be bored in Paris, France then in Paris, Texas.

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4 minutes ago, TXsteeler said:

Did you literally ignore everything but the bolded lmao?

There's no need to address any of that because it's irrelevant if you have a good diet (and by diet, I really mean lifestyle. You can't "go on a diet" for a month and stay in shape after that).

1 minute ago, TXsteeler said:

Oh also, who says you can't earn anything or achieve anything just because you have rich parents? Tbh, most people don't really do much of either in their lives outside of having a family and maybe owning a home at some point, maybe graduating college if you count that? Your parents being rich doesn't make any of that less likely to happen or less your accomplishments, just maybe easier in some ways.

Also, being poor becomes routine too, and i'd rather be bored in Paris, France then in Paris, Texas.

When being poor becomes routine, that's your motivation to actually achieve something and make it different. You strive to become successful. If you start off rich and that gets boring, then what? You strive to be poor? Idk, maybe that actually would work.

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Just now, NS922 said:

There's no need to address any of that because it's irrelevant if you have a good diet (and by diet, I really mean lifestyle. You can't "go on a diet" for a month and stay in shape after that).

There's no need to address the differences in people's Basal Metabolic Rate's and the effects various diseases have on them when BMR is what burns the vast majority of your daily caloric intake, or the effects mental health disorders or socioeconomic status can have on your diet because they are irrelevant?

This is the most Naive post i've ever seen on this forum where I didn't think the other person was outright trolling me.

2 minutes ago, NS922 said:

If you start off rich and that gets boring, then what? You strive to be poor? Idk, maybe that actually would work.

If you start off rich and it get's boring you can literally go do whatever you want, you have zero roadblocks. Try writing or painting or singing, go to school for anything, buy a farm, start a business, etc. Are you really trying to frame this as if being poor is easier or better in any way whatsoever than being rich? I take it back, you have to be trolling me.

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6 minutes ago, TXsteeler said:

There's no need to address the differences in people's Basal Metabolic Rate's and the effects various diseases have on them when BMR is what burns the vast majority of your daily caloric intake, or the effects mental health disorders or socioeconomic status can have on your diet?


6 minutes ago, TXsteeler said:

If you start off rich and it get's boring you can literally go do whatever you want, you have zero roadblocks. Try writing or painting or singing, go to school for anything, buy a farm, start a business, etc. Are you really trying to frame this as if being poor is easier or better in any way whatsoever than being rich? I take it back, you have to be trolling me.

It's all a matter of perspective.

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Just now, TXsteeler said:

There's no need to address the differences in people's Basal Metabolic Rate's and the effects various diseases have on them when BMR is what burns the vast majority of your daily caloric intake, or the effects mental health disorders or socioeconomic status can have on your diet because they are irrelevant?

How did I know someone would bring this up?  Everybody has their obstacles.  It's up to them to overcome those obstacles.  Your obstacle is you don't want to exercise and you don't want to eat healthy.  You don't overcome it, your friend who fit through the fence did. 

There is no condition on the planet that makes it impossible for someone to be fit and healthy.  I myself have a thyroid condition.  Do I sit and complain and eat potato chips because it's going to be harder for me to stay fit?  Nope, I work harder, I eat healthier. 

And to the people who say they can't afford it.  That is literally the worst damn excuse I have ever heard in my life.  It is literally cheaper to eat less food than it is to eat more food.  Last time I checked, walking is free, and so are the stairs. 


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17 minutes ago, HorizontoZenith said:

And to the people who say they can't afford it.  That is literally the worst damn excuse I have ever heard in my life.  It is literally cheaper to eat less food than it is to eat more food.  Last time I checked, walking is free, and so are the stairs. 


Factor on the cost of meds/treatment for hypertension, diabetes, high cholesterol, arthritis, gout, etc, all of which are either caused or exacerbated by being overweight and it becomes even more absurd of an excuse.

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1 hour ago, TXsteeler said:

I mean, the only thing I can think of that thin people are advantaged by (outside of health and not being fat-shamed, neither of which count really) is that clothes are easier to shop for, but what do obese people get?

Not a lot. But one thing I’ve noticed is that it’s socially acceptable for fat people to say you’re too skinny. But talk about their weight and you’re a monster. 

I can work all day and not get tired and have perfect bowel movements. But tell me again how you’re the healthy one 

And riding around on the scooters at the grocery store even though they’re not disabled 

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7 minutes ago, HorizontoZenith said:

Your obstacle is you don't want to exercise and you don't want to eat healthy.  You don't overcome it, your friend who fit through the fence did. 

Again, I was being sarcastic and again, kids don't "overcome" being fat, they just grow differently.


9 minutes ago, HorizontoZenith said:

There is no condition on the planet that makes it impossible for someone to be fit and healthy.

I assume your being hyperbolic but I'm still gonna point out that there are plenty of diseases like gigantism or ALS or even just being paralyzed which can make it literally impossible to be "fit". And of course you are simplifying it by saying people who don't work harder to overcome their own personal health issues are just being lazy. 

12 minutes ago, HorizontoZenith said:

And to the people who say they can't afford it.  That is literally the worst damn excuse I have ever heard in my life.  It is literally cheaper to eat less food than it is to eat more food.  Last time I checked, walking is free, and so are the stairs. 

Ever heard of a "food desert"? No, of course you haven't, most people haven't. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Food_desert there ya go.

I'll also take this time to point out that you are completely ignoring the nutrition side of eating, sometimes less isn't always best when your already vitamin defficient. 

And sure walking is free, but many people work in offices where they have to spend 8 hours a day (or more) sitting at a desk and an hour or two driving to and from work. With kids it can become real easy to end up spending another couple hours driving around doing stuff with/for them and by the time you add in all the miscellaneous stuff you do in a day and your at a point where you have to dedicate close to half the free time you have left in the day to exercising just to get close to the calories burned someone with a blue collar job burns in a day.

You've also still managed to ignore how mental health factors in and nobody's mentioned the fact that most people spend the first 18ish years of their lives with someone else totally in control of their nutritional options, and many parents don't set their kids up with the best options and teach them the best ways to live their lives.

Like I said before, thin privilege is obviously not a real thing in any meaningful sense, but people who disparidge fat people or act like the difference between being fat and being fit is as simple as you make it out to be are being completely disingenuous.

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