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Game of Thrones - Our Watch has Ended


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2 minutes ago, AFlaccoSeagulls said:

"Let's go to a beach when this is all over" is literally saying "We're definitely dying so what does your heaven look like?"

Yea Missendai is going to die.

Theon too

Those 2 I think are locks.

Then I think it's going to be Jorah


And either Arya or Gendry.

I think Brienne will survive along with Jamie.



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1 minute ago, seminoles1 said:

Yeah, I'm sure Viserys was really empowering Dany. Seems very in character for him to do.

Oh, and none of that is in the show.

What? Yeah it was, I thought that was all in the first couple of episodes? Viserys wasn't empowering her directly, but by belittling her and then showing how weak he was, it empowered her + she figured some stuff out on her own.

Just now, The LBC said:

It's also exposition for other characters - which, it's been my opinion, has been done a decent amount in this series (i.e. the dialogue and interactions of others characters which isn't referring to a particular character or subset of characters provides some foreshadowing for that character/subset all the same - basically planting the idea in the audience's mind well in advance so it's less likely to be doubted).  I'm going to screw the quote up, but Tormund's "Well, why can't a woman be a knight?" bit does set the possibility for someone like Sansa.  The female heads of household are still, in this lore, expected to remarry and the line of succession still exercises all male heirs before ever getting to the females, and even then it looks for opportunities to branch off to other potential males before women.

The whole show is setting itself up for all traditions to be re-evaluated and thrown out the window when it's all said and done.

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1 minute ago, Calvert28 said:

Yea Missendai is going to die.

Theon too

Those 2 I think are locks.

Then I think it's going to be Jorah


And either Arya or Gendry.

I think Brienne will survive along with Jamie.

My locks for dying are:

Jorah, Grey Worm and Missandei, Theon, Jaime and Brienne. All of them will be on the front lines and Theon is gonna die by the NK.

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Just now, AFlaccoSeagulls said:

What? Yeah it was, I thought that was all in the first couple of episodes? Viserys wasn't empowering her directly, but by belittling her and then showing how weak he was, it empowered her + she figured some stuff out on her own.

The whole show is setting itself up for all traditions to be re-evaluated and thrown out the window when it's all said and done.

Well, yeah.  The whole "break the wheel" bit that Dany had was telling, but not in the way she intended it to be.  The only way for her to truly break the wheel requires her not fulfilling what she feels is her destiny or if she achieves it to abdicate the way that Jon has/would.

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2 minutes ago, The LBC said:

It's also exposition for other characters - which, it's been my opinion, has been done a decent amount in this series (i.e. the dialogue and interactions of others characters which isn't referring to a particular character or subset of characters provides some foreshadowing for that character/subset all the same - basically planting the idea in the audience's mind well in advance so it's less likely to be doubted).  I'm going to screw the quote up, but Tormund's "Well, why can't a woman be a knight?" bit does set the possibility for someone like Sansa.  The female heads of household are still, in this lore, expected to remarry and the line of succession still exercises all male heirs before ever getting to the females, and even then it looks for opportunities to branch off to other potential males before women.

Yep. People want GoT to go back to (in the words of Bobby B) "back stabbing and money grubbing and *** kissing", but that's not where the show is any more. People are about to die, and everyone knows it. There's no point in being sneaky or underhanded. "**** tradition" let's have women knights because Brienne deserves to be one, screw being an unfeeling faceless man go get laid, and forget about hiding who your parents are even if you might get BBQd for it. It underscores how helpless they all feel, and is a perfect set up for the biggest fight in cinematic history.

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4 minutes ago, The LBC said:

Well, yeah.  The whole "break the wheel" bit that Dany had was telling, but not in the way she intended it to be.  The only way for her to truly break the wheel requires her not fulfilling what she feels is her destiny or if she achieves it to abdicate the way that Jon has/would.

If Game of Thrones ends with everyone signing the Magna Carta I'm gonna lose my mind.

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1 minute ago, ramssuperbowl99 said:

Yep. People want GoT to go back to (in the words of Bobby B) "back stabbing and money grubbing and *** kissing", but that's not where the show is any more. People are about to die, and everyone knows it. There's no point in being sneaky or underhanded. "**** tradition" let's have women knights because Brienne deserves to be one, screw being an unfeeling faceless man go get laid, and forget about hiding who your parents are even if you might get BBQd for it. It underscores how helpless they all feel, and is a perfect set up for the biggest fight in cinematic history.

Jon could've told Dany before going to the crypt at night fall though. God awful timing, tbqh.

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2 minutes ago, seminoles1 said:

Yeah, I'm sure Viserys was really empowering Dany. Seems very in character for him to do.

Oh, and none of that is in the show.

When did I say he was, read the post.

Actually it is and the books as well where the show comes from. This isn't Marvel dude. Dany makes mention of it someway every season about their family. She just made mention of it again in this very last episode about them having the Throne again when she believed that she was going to marry Visarys in Targaryan fashion. But that was before plans got upended and Illyrio arranged her marriage.

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7 minutes ago, The LBC said:

Well, yeah.  The whole "break the wheel" bit that Dany had was telling, but not in the way she intended it to be.  The only way for her to truly break the wheel requires her not fulfilling what she feels is her destiny or if she achieves it to abdicate the way that Jon has/would.

That was how I thought it was going but they seem to have done a 180 on that quote by Dany and she just seems hell bent on getting the throne.

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I mean, ultimately every character with the opportunity for "the ultimate power" (sitting on the throne in the end or at least being the "defender of the realm") has been tasked with making a sacrifice at least once along the way and failed to be willing to make that sacrifice - which almost every time has resulted in their death, tracing all the way back to Ned.  Renly, Stannis, Joffrey's is a pretty minor sacrifice (but we all knew Joffrey was never going to sacrifice a damn thing), Viserys, Robb.  Now Dany's been presented with hers.  I'd argue Jon will still have to make one, because while he's been the only one willing, so far, to make those necessary sacrifices (and he's shown times he tried to fight making those sacrifices) he wasn't in the position to ascend to ultimate power while doing so, like he is now.

There's been an "absolute power corrupts absolutely" narrative from Page One in this whole thing.

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