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Game of Thrones - Our Watch has Ended


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15 minutes ago, Leader said:


Melisandre met up with Arya and the two reminisced about the time that Mel told her that she would shut many eyes, including blue eyes, back in season 3. While many originally thought that the blue eyes she referenced were her own, her prediction turned out to be much more impactful. By dropping Syrio Forel’s famous line of “What do we say to the god of death,” Mel prompted Arya to respond “Not today” and sprint off. Arya, of course, went on to kill the Night King — he of the piercing blue eyes.

Considering many people in the world have blue eyes, that's not impactful, nor clever it's just dumb. And for the sake of "shock value" none the less.

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Just now, Silver&Black88 said:

I don't think its nearly as bad as Dexter. I mean, there's still time to ruin it, but really? You aren't even going to wait until the final episode? Wow.

Yea I have standards with stories. Get over it. You don't rewrite something like that just to add a twist and give the finger to fans waiting 8 years to see how that would unfold just to ignore it entirely . Again you want that level of writing or directing. Go watch a soap opera to be entertained.

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4 minutes ago, Blackstar12 said:

So how are they going to replenish the forces they lost. They got decimated by the undead what other allies will help them?

Only the Knights of the Vale were there. If Yohn could get half the treatment he deserved. He could round up 25k or so from the Vale.

Edmure is somewhere in the Riverlands. If not, House Tully faithful would rally to Sansa as heir.

House Tarth would be on the table. Any Brotherhood members likely.  Tyrion could regather a few hundred of his Vale creatures. Redwynes seem like they would pitch in because of Olenna being one. Iron Islands being taken by Yara in name of Dany.

Theres tons to work with in the regard. Though Im sure not a single thing I mentioned will happen.

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1 minute ago, Calvert28 said:

Yea I have standards with stories. Get over it. You don't rewrite something like that just to add a twist and give the finger to fans waiting 8 years to see how that would unfold just to ignore it entirely . Again you want that level of writing or directing. Go watch a soap opera to be entertained.

Yeah, you're right, how dare I say anything that isn't exactly in line with your opinion.

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27 minutes ago, sunnygsm said:

Ghost and both dragons survived based on next week's promo. 

Um not sure how there can be 2 dragons left alive when Drogon killed Viserion and then Drogon died (and then died again). Rhaegal is the only one left.

EDIT: I see people saying it was Viserion who was fighting Jon at the end, not Drogon. The heck? I thought Drogon killed Viserion early on in the episode???

20 minutes ago, Knowledge said:

Is Rhaegal dead? 

No, he was the one surrounding Dany at the end.

18 minutes ago, Calvert28 said:

Just Rewatched it and yea this is without a doubt worse then Dexter not even gonna wait till the end episode to call it. I Never seen a show or movie eliminate the main plotline( that they explain as apart of the show or movie itself) just for the sake of shock value. That is soap opera level writing.

This is a horrible take. Like, really bad.

13 minutes ago, sunnygsm said:

I thought Bran was going to interact with the night king, but nope. After 8 seasons all he seemingly did was walk to Winterfell and die (with some casualties). 

Bran's entire character arc and how it relates to the NK needs some major explaining to do, because I still have no idea why the NK risked everything to kill Bran, only to die himself.

Edited by AFlaccoSeagulls
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1 minute ago, Silver&Black88 said:

Yeah, you're right, how dare I say anything that isn't exactly in line with your standards


Again you want piss poor writing with whacky unexpected results go watch a Nickelodeon show or something. You'll get the same level of thought process used in the show here.

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17 minutes ago, AFlaccoSeagulls said:

This is a horrible take. Like, really bad.


I really do question people who say crap like this.

Like is there any standards what so ever outside of great CGI?

Like maybe an explanation of how one person can survive being surrounded by like 300 zombies? How a person can teleport from deep inside the castle to a place that was surrounded by zombies? Why they would say this enemy can only be killed by this person which narrows it down to like one or two people yet they ignore it entirely to just create a "surprise!" effect? Or setting up the main villain of the series as someone who was so stupid they basically walked into a jail cell and got themselves captured and yet now they are this series version of Professor Moriarty? How they can teleport from one end of the entire continent to the other. There are so many things thats wrong with this show and I was willing to forgive them all just to see this one plotline fullfilled and they ignored it entirely after waiting 8 damn years for it to be explained.

I get it, most people don't have any vested interest when it comes to these stories and are easily entertained and distracted by the glamour they put on to make up for lazy writing.

Edited by Calvert28
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