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Game of Thrones - Our Watch has Ended


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1 minute ago, Calvert28 said:

Yea but even still. Jumping from tree to tree, that will make some noise and these damn things can hear a drop of blood hit the ground. How did she do it silently is more of the question. Because even if she could make it to them, the Wights themselves would be going crazy trying to get to her.

My assumption was she was in a tree nearby already when the NK entered the woods, waiting for him.

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2 minutes ago, Calvert28 said:

Yea but even still. Jumping from tree to tree, that will make some noise and these damn things can hear a drop of blood hit the ground. How did she do it silently is more of the question. Because even if she could make it to them, the Wights themselves would be going crazy trying to get to her.

We're back to the whole "How did the trained assassin who's spent years training to be silent and who JUST had a scene where she could move completely silently across a room" thing being questioned?!

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3 minutes ago, Daniel said:


Yeah, it's not.  I had just assumed it had to have been a tree since they were in the middle of the Godswood, and there isn't a structure in there within any reasonable jumping distance.

You have to understand alot of these people grew up on DBZ where the detail doesn't really matter. Just the screaming, and Ki Blasts. This sort of detail does matter in the overly detailed story that has come to HBO, because its an impossibility that shouldn't have happened.

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2 minutes ago, AFlaccoSeagulls said:

We're back to the whole "How did the trained assassin who's spent years training to be silent and who JUST had a scene where she could move completely silently across a room" thing being questioned?!

After the scene in the library? Uhhh yea it does.

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Just now, AFlaccoSeagulls said:

"How did the person who just silently avoided an entire room full of wights avoid more wights shortly after that?! It's just too unrealistic!"

Again this is where "details" matter.

Hard stone floors, and yet a drop of blood hitting the ground alerts these things to movement. They also heard or sensed heard her stabbing the other wight and came charging through the door.

So how does jumping from branch to branch with leaves which would cause noise and movement not to mention going across the snow not alert to any wandering Wight>? Stone floors help silence and she was still found. Now she's moving out in nature with a billion different things that will cause sound.

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10 minutes ago, AFlaccoSeagulls said:

"How did the person who just silently avoided an entire room full of wights avoid more wights shortly after that?! It's just too unrealistic!"

She didn't "avoid" more wights. She ran/flew through 20+ yards of wide open space, completely surrounded by hundreds of minions all staring directly at the NK. Then when they show the other white walkers exploding, they had not reacted at all, even though they show that she ran/flew right by them. No amount of stealth short of complete invisibility explains that.

I think they will explain it away as "the NK was so focused on Bran that he couldn't put attention on directing his minions, so they didn't react". Or she was in fact  completely invisible somehow.

It isn't a plot hole for me, I just wish they would have explained or shot it better so it wasn't so baffling. They clearly just wanted the shock factor of her coming out of nowhere and probably didn't bother to think about the situation.

Still nowhere near the most egregious bit of writing in that episode though.

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13 minutes ago, Calvert28 said:

You have to understand alot of these people grew up on DBZ where the detail doesn't really matter. Just the screaming, and Ki Blasts. This sort of detail does matter in the overly detailed story that has come to HBO, because its an impossibility that shouldn't have happened.

Watch it there, Broly.  I grew up on DBZ.

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2 minutes ago, Heimdallr said:

She didn't "avoid" more wights. She ran/flew through 20+ yards of wide open space, completely surrounded by hundreds of minions all staring directly at the NK. Then when they show the other white walkers exploding, they had not reacted at all, even though they show that she ran/flew right by them. No amount of stealth short of complete invisibility explains that.

Keep in mind with your responses. To many posters now. Details don't matter. Cause the villain gets stabbed and the good guys win.

2 minutes ago, Heimdallr said:

I think they will explain it away as "the NK was so focused on Bran that he couldn't put attention on directing his minions, so they didn't react". 

Which would contradict the dragon going after Jon and all the Wights going after the other heroes inside the castle if they did.

2 minutes ago, Heimdallr said:

It isn't a plot hole for me, I just wish they would have explained or shot it better so it wasn't so baffling. They clearly just wanted the shock factor of her coming out of nowhere and probably didn't bother to think about the situation

Because they can get away with it. Most people reading stories now or watch shows don't care about the details which lead up to certain events because it is really all about the "shock" value now, and what excites people the most.

Most people that were following this show even posters I read commenting on the Prophecy and debating about who it could be leading up to this season automatically dismiss the entire thing just because the show runners did it as well. It was important when they decided to focus on it but now they just decided to go in a completely different direction they just say "well it probably didn't matter anyways". It's sad so many people are willing just to be told what to think.

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3 minutes ago, Daniel said:

Watch it there, Broly.  I grew up on DBZ.

So did I. But I also grew up on other stories that detailed what happened to the characters before and after and during and why it happened that way or had to happen that way. I grew to love the thought process over why things had to happen the way it did. But alot of people now days do care to be bothered with it. It happened and that's all that counts mentality is why we get so many watered down stories and endings when they have everything there to make great endings. As a few posters have already pointed out you can see a real difference in writing quality between season 1-4 and then after that till now and everything just went downhill in a bad way.

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Everyone complaining about plot armor. There has literally never been a story where characters don't have plot armor. If they are need for the plot they can't die. Telling the plot won't work otherwise. Every character that has ever died in any medium has never been needed later for the plot in their alive state. Sometimes their death is needed to drive the plot, but that is not relevant. The only thing GRRM did was trick people into thinking who was important for the plot when they weren't. That is why killing Ned and Robb seemed like him going against plot armor. But their importance was a merely a red herring. They were never important for the plot and therefore didn't need armor. No story teller kills indiscriminately. 

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2 minutes ago, Calvert28 said:

So did I. But I also grew up on other stories that detailed what happened to the characters before and after and during and why it happened that way or had to happen that way. I grew to love the thought process over why things had to happen the way it did. But alot of people now days do care to be bothered with it. It happened and that's all that counts mentality is why we get so many watered down stories and endings when they have everything there to make great endings. As a few posters have already pointed out you can see a real difference in writing quality between season 1-4 and then after that till now and everything just went downhill in a bad way.

Yeah, but I wouldn't blame it much on what people read/watch as actual children.  Kids entertainment is directed explicitly towards people with undeveloped brains after all.

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17 minutes ago, Heimdallr said:

She didn't "avoid" more wights. She ran/flew through 20+ yards of wide open space, completely surrounded by hundreds of minions all staring directly at the NK. Then when they show the other white walkers exploding, they had not reacted at all, even though they show that she ran/flew right by them. No amount of stealth short of complete invisibility explains that.

I'll have to re-watch it again, but I'm fairly certain everything explodes chronologically just for effect. As soon as the NK is destroyed, all functionality is gone and from what I recall, Wights only move at the direction of the NK. He didn't think he was gonna get stabbed by Arya so none of them moved until he was dead. 

She ran/flew through 20+ yards (again, this is an assumption by you) because she's that quiet. It's really that simple. Whether or not you choose to believe that is up to you, but the show has laid out how quiet and stealthy she is.

17 minutes ago, Heimdallr said:

I think they will explain it away as "the NK was so focused on Bran that he couldn't put attention on directing his minions, so they didn't react". Or she was in fact  completely invisible somehow.

NK controls the wights, NK didn't suspect anyone would come and Arya's quiet/stealthy enough to not alarm them. Simple.

17 minutes ago, Heimdallr said:

It isn't a plot hole for me, I just wish they would have explained or shot it better so it wasn't so baffling. They clearly just wanted the shock factor of her coming out of nowhere and probably didn't bother to think about the situation.

Probably. I couldn't care less either way.

17 minutes ago, Heimdallr said:

Still nowhere near the most egregious bit of writing in that episode though.

Absolutely agreed.

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5 minutes ago, Daniel said:

Yeah, but I wouldn't blame it much on what people read/watch as actual children.  Kids entertainment is directed explicitly towards people with undeveloped brains after all.

And that's excusable. But this season and past seasons with all of it's plot holes seems like it's written by Kids Entertainment and people are gushing over how great it is. Obviously you can't account for every situation. But alot of people just seem to not care about any plotholes and that's actually a disturbing thought.

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