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10 hours ago, The_Slamman said:

You know what’s super lame?  Calling people haters for merely pointing out the obvious.

This is the counter circle jerk. 

Dont play the victim. 

I dont call people a hater because they call Dak a middle of the pack QB. I call them a hater because they say "he literally cant throw the ball 6 yards".  Lets all be intellectually honest. 

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5 hours ago, HDsportsfan said:

Pretty tough throw to do consistently....dropping it in like that between two defenders. But yes, it would be nice if we can get more of those out of him.

It would be nice if we could just get him to throw the damned ball. And when he does, have it be for more than 5 yards, and actually be an accurate throw, especially when the receiver is wide open.

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8 hours ago, plan9misfit said:

It would be nice if we could just get him to throw the damned ball. And when he does, have it be for more than 5 yards, and actually be an accurate throw, especially when the receiver is wide open.

Please see Matts comment above 

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On 12/25/2018 at 1:11 AM, quiller said:

 I take umbrage with the constant bashing that DAK is not accurate he is one if the more accurate young passers in the game his problem is not accuracy 

My mind is blown. How can you watch Dak and think he is one of the most accurate passers in the game?


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1 hour ago, DaBoys said:

There isn't ONE professional football mind who believes Dak is an accurate thrower of the football. Not one. Not a single one.


1 hour ago, DaBoys said:

My mind is blown. How can you watch Dak and think he is one of the most accurate passers in the game?


TBH Daks Accuracy is debatable. It depends on how you are looking at it. 

Dak is amazing at getting it into the catchable radius. 

Dak 99% of the time relies on his athletic ability to get it there, so the actual ball placement is suspect.

But you can not call an often 70% QB inaccurate. The dude just needs to fix his feet.

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30 minutes ago, Matts4313 said:




1. I stand corrected 

2. Skip Bayless also thinks he's accurate lol so theres two.

3. This was 7 months ago

4. He labels him accurate based on his completion percentage, which is a lazy as hell way to judge. For instance, Daks % is better than Troy Aikmans. Would you like to debate who is more accurate at throwing a football? Troy or Dak? I bet Troy could beat him in a contest wearing a suit and tie just like DAVID Carr did.

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4 minutes ago, DaBoys said:

1. I stand corrected 

2. Skip Bayless also thinks he's accurate lol so theres two.

3. This was 7 months ago

4. He labels him accurate based on his completion percentage, which is a lazy as hell way to judge. For instance, Daks % is better than Troy Aikmans. Would you like to debate who is more accurate at throwing a football? Troy or Dak? I bet Troy could beat him in a contest wearing a suit and tie just like DAVID Carr did.

Troy threw a ish ton of INTs. Troy was a pure timing QB. There is a reason he took so many hits. He was a very robotic QB. 

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34 minutes ago, Matts4313 said:

Troy threw a ish ton of INTs. Troy was a pure timing QB. There is a reason he took so many hits. He was a very robotic QB. 

Right right right BUT who was more accurate at throwing? If we set up a target 35 yards or so down field and asked Troy and Dak to throw who would win? 


Troy right? I mean we have seen the pro bowl skills competition Daks rookie year, the David Carr contest on TV, and even a contest between Dak and JG at practice.  Dak loses every time. Why?

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1 minute ago, DaBoys said:

Right right right BUT who was more accurate at throwing? If we set up a target 35 yards or so down field and asked Troy and Dak to throw who would win? 


Troy right? I mean we have seen the pro bowl skills competition, the David Carr contrst, and even a contest between Dak and JG.  Dak loses every time. Why?

Troy would win. Troy was deadly accurate under the right circumstances. He might be able to beat any QB ever. That isn't a fair comp.


But that said, if there was a rusher in there face, I would take Dak. Well, honestly I would take Rodger. Then Romo. Then Danny. But Dak before Troy.

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Point is, we know Dak Isn't as accurate as the other guys. We've seen it demonstrated. But Dak has a higher completion % than any of them ever did. 


If so facto completion % is a terrible way to judge accuracy. 



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