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WEEK 2 GDT - Chiefs @ Steelers


Who Wins?  

17 members have voted

  1. 1. Who ya got?

    • Steelers by 8+
    • Steelers by 1-7
    • Chiefs by 1-7
    • Chiefs by 8+
    • A TIE!!! hahahahaha

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I dont think Brown was saying he wanted to be traded....I think he was just responding to another idiot claiming Ben made him.    Fans treats players like crap sometimes, then cry if the player reacts negatively.    Brown needs to grow the f**k up and be concerned more about the team and less about his stats, but there are alot of fans and writers that need to be ripped a new one.

Mark Madden is a fat talentless hack.    I get annoyed when anyone even mentions his name.

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2 hours ago, FourThreeMafia said:

I dont think Brown was saying he wanted to be traded....I think he was just responding to another idiot claiming Ben made him.    Fans treats players like crap sometimes, then cry if the player reacts negatively.    Brown needs to grow the f**k up and be concerned more about the team and less about his stats, but there are alot of fans and writers that need to be ripped a new one.

Mark Madden is a fat talentless hack.    I get annoyed when anyone even mentions his name.

While I agree with all of this:

I think Brown had plenty of reason to be pissed.  All his completions came within 5 yards of the LOS, ran 1 crossing route (thank you NFL Next Gen stats for that).  He was on a lot of short curls, and lots of outs.  When he ran deep routes, he was getting WIDE open and Ben was flat out missing him.  On the season Ben is terrible passing past 15 yards so far, and sports the second worst Air Yards Differential (Takes Actual Air Yards - Intended Air Yards).

Like I kinda hinted at last week and in game this week:

Something is up with Ben.  Suddenly he's not as accurate and can't get the ball there on deep passes.  Week 1 was rain.  I wonder what the excuse is this week?  It wasn't the defense because the passes were there.  It was the elbow.  And like I said in game, if he can't complete a pass past a certain distance because of that then he shouldn't be playing.

The connection between Ben and AB is also off because Ben had off days when AB was practicing at camp, and then AB was hurt when Ben played, Ben barely played in PS, and now he had almost a complete week off.  I don't care how old Ben in but can't take this much time off.  Especially with a first time offensive coordinator.

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Also, people complain about Brown being selfish.  Meanwhile:

~Brown has taken 2 below market deals from the Steelers, Bell is saying what Brown got isn't good enough for him (Bell)

~Brown showed up and put in work when he wanted a new contract, Bell has sat out twice.

~Brown works his tail off every day (and frankly who gives two craps if it was with Harrison in a public gym at one point), Bell was at a club at 4 am week 1 (reportedly drinking heavily) and jetski-ing week 2 (Yea, great way to protect your body, open ocean jet skis)


So if Brown is selfish, because the best player on the team thinks him getting the ball is the best way to win; what's Bell?

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2 hours ago, warfelg said:

While I agree with all of this:

I think Brown had plenty of reason to be pissed.  All his completions came within 5 yards of the LOS, ran 1 crossing route (thank you NFL Next Gen stats for that).  He was on a lot of short curls, and lots of outs.  When he ran deep routes, he was getting WIDE open and Ben was flat out missing him.  On the season Ben is terrible passing past 15 yards so far, and sports the second worst Air Yards Differential (Takes Actual Air Yards - Intended Air Yards).

Like I kinda hinted at last week and in game this week:

Something is up with Ben.  Suddenly he's not as accurate and can't get the ball there on deep passes.  Week 1 was rain.  I wonder what the excuse is this week?  It wasn't the defense because the passes were there.  It was the elbow.  And like I said in game, if he can't complete a pass past a certain distance because of that then he shouldn't be playing.

The connection between Ben and AB is also off because Ben had off days when AB was practicing at camp, and then AB was hurt when Ben played, Ben barely played in PS, and now he had almost a complete week off.  I don't care how old Ben in but can't take this much time off.  Especially with a first time offensive coordinator.

I know this was probably just worded wrong, but I wouldnt say he cant get the ball there.....that makes it sound like he is throwing it short, when in reality, he is overthrowing players most of the time.

I agree something seems off, though.    I also COMPLETELY agree that Ben shouldnt get as much time off as he does during preseason, and actually just noted that the other day.    Some QB's arent affected as much, but Ben is.   He needs his reps.   Looking good in practice doesnt count.    He should be playing 4 quarters during the preseason, as opposed to what?   A quarter and some change?     

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2 hours ago, warfelg said:

Something is up with Ben.  Suddenly he's not as accurate and can't get the ball there on deep passes.

ben claimed he was in the best shape of this life and his arm is more accurate than ever xD  . I never saw the arm accuracy at all in the preseason and I am calling it hype because as we know we haven't seen it at all this regular season and that's  an understatement . 


14 minutes ago, August4th said:

if tom brady needs to play several quarters in preseason; so does ben tbh

Brady also has a real coach . This steelers team is just not operating properly,  the QB's training camp starts in september, just look at stats over the last 3 years and it's bad.


2 hours ago, warfelg said:

I don't care how old Ben in but can't take this much time off.  Especially with a first time offensive coordinator.

More reps wouldn't hurt and the OC needs the players to get on the same page and the last thing he needs is players yelling at him  on the sidelines (right or wrong). 

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2 hours ago, warfelg said:

Also, people complain about Brown being selfish.  Meanwhile:

~Brown has taken 2 below market deals from the Steelers, Bell is saying what Brown got isn't good enough for him (Bell)

~Brown showed up and put in work when he wanted a new contract, Bell has sat out twice.

~Brown works his tail off every day (and frankly who gives two craps if it was with Harrison in a public gym at one point), Bell was at a club at 4 am week 1 (reportedly drinking heavily) and jetski-ing week 2 (Yea, great way to protect your body, open ocean jet skis)


So if Brown is selfish, because the best player on the team thinks him getting the ball is the best way to win; what's Bell?

I dont think there are many people defending Bell whilst attacking Brown.   Most people who are bashing Brown probably hate Bell.

In regards to your points...

1) Brown didnt take two below market deals.    Not at all.   The first deal was widely considered too much money for him AT THE TIME for a guy who only had one good season at the time.   They offered the same money to Wallace, which he turned down, so the Steelers gave it to Brown.   The second deal made him the highest paid WR in the league AT THE TIME.

2) Brown got a contract extension after his second year in the league.   He outplayed it after a few years, but he wasnt lacking the same long term security Bell is.   RB's also have shorter shelf lifes than WRs.   I dont like the way Bell has acted, but they are different situations.

3)  TO had a prolific work ethic too.    Not comparing Brown to TO, per se, but that doesnt necessarily mean Brown isnt selfish.

Look, Brown is a bit of a diva.   There is no way around it.   Is he on TO's level?  No...but he gets pissy when he isnt getting his touches.    So, to a point, Brown is selfish.   It's tolerable within reason, but he needs to accept he isnt going to always get 100+ yards a game, whether its due to weather, injuries or something else.    I understand he wants to be part of the game and have some success, but he also needs to roll with the punches sometimes, as well.

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5 hours ago, August4th said:

this is what preseason is for lol

Ben should figure out that James isn't 10ft tall and that he should throw to open WR's.  As you said, that is what preseason is for, and since 2015, september has been preseason for ben.Int/TD ratio is about 50/50.  

I don't blame AB. Maybe it will take a stand by a key player to force some changes. This team needs to win, but the schedule isn't easy as it was last year.  If ben keeps getting 3 and out while the D lets the other teams score at will then all we will watch is street football and passing.  Nothing to look forward to is this D that the steelers are putting on the field. Allowing 45 and 42 point vs the last 2 winning teams they have played.

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1 hour ago, wwhickok said:

I feel like Ben always blames the WRs for incompletions and then ultimately says he is underpaid. When will Ben take ownership of his shortcomings?

he just likes to start off bad and get into a shootout . He promotes  the new steelers ,(passing steelers) , not the old steelers ground game and TOP. When you are down 21-0 and have a few 3 and outs and are terrible, then the shootout is about to happen.  

Ben hasn't played well in september from 2015 onward, so this is actually the beginning of camp for him but he is getting game cheques

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8 minutes ago, 3rivers said:

he just likes to start off bad and get into a shootout . He promotes  the new steelers ,(passing steelers) , not the old steelers ground game and TOP. When you are down 21-0 and have a few 3 and outs and are terrible, then the shootout is about to happen.  

Ben hasn't played well in september from 2015 onward, so this is actually the beginning of camp for him but he is getting game cheques

Bens collecting game checks???


Ben is basically at 4200 with 31 tds 11 ints  in his last 14 games....

What are you talking about?

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5 hours ago, wwhickok said:

I feel like Ben always blames the WRs for incompletions and then ultimately says he is underpaid. When will Ben take ownership of his shortcomings?

When has he ever blamed his WRs?   Please provide exact quotes and/or video/audio evidence.

I can provide many instances of Ben saying in press conferences that HE needs to play better.  Never heard him once blame a WR or OLine, but I admittedly, I may have missed it....so please, provide just one instance of this.   Thanks.

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