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Is that the light at the end of the tunnel? (O.T. Thread)


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1 hour ago, MWil23 said:

Twitter was a joke long before him in my opinion. I’d say that for about any platform built for hot takes 150 characters or less. It automatically lends itself to zero context or anything close to legitimate discussion. Essentially grenades lobbed back and forth.

I think that’s fair, but removing the verification system was almost unthinkable. The original blue checks lent credibility to the platform, not the individual.

it’s a great platform for a particular things such as news (either short summations or links to more in-depth details), memes/humor, etc.  It’s not a great platform for discussion.  For actual discussion I still think this type of format is best.

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2 hours ago, LETSGOBROWNIES said:

Reddit is great, discord is fine but the format kinda sucks for discussion, Facebook is for gullible boomers and Musk has made Twitter a joke tbh.  

Twitter is what you make of it. Which is why I like it. Follow things you’re interested in and not hot artists. I’ve never had an issue with it because it follow what I want to see. 

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2 hours ago, LETSGOBROWNIES said:

I think that’s fair, but removing the verification system was almost unthinkable. The original blue checks lent credibility to the platform, not the individual.

it’s a great platform for a particular things such as news (either short summations or links to more in-depth details), memes/humor, etc.  It’s not a great platform for discussion.  For actual discussion I still think this type of format is best.

I’m guessing you missed a bunch of stuff the last few years. Seems like the blue checks who thought one way were given as much power as they wanted. 

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54 minutes ago, LETSGOBROWNIES said:

Yikes lol

There’s a joke in there about the unintentional negative consequences of the fed and government intervention/minimum wage.

Realistically though, somewhere along the lines, every single government executive leader has failed the middle class since after Eisenhower was President…maybe JFK but he didn’t even serve 3 years so it’s hard to say with him.

LBJ had the Great Society but he basically killed 58,249 Americans, so let’s call that a wash.

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3 hours ago, LETSGOBROWNIES said:

Like what specifically?

If you said that the orange man was a Russian spy with a blue check mark you wouldn’t be banned. If you said that a guy who left his laptop at a repair shop did something wrong you would be banned. 

One is a true statement, one is a false statement and an opinion. Yet the ones about orange man bad were allowed. Once twitter started letting their ideas be the ones that stayed and the ideas they didn’t like be suppressed, the whole platform lost credibility with verified accounts. 

I’m not talking about if that is the real Dave Chappelle or a fake account, I’m talking about the fact they wanted you to believe if someone was verified that meant their tweets would go to the top and be seen. Weird that they allowed their opinions be the ones that mattered. Hence why I think the whole verified meant very little. Also most of the ones that were verified were somehow bots. 

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38 minutes ago, JDD said:

If you said that the orange man was a Russian spy with a blue check mark you wouldn’t be banned. If you said that a guy who left his laptop at a repair shop did something wrong you would be banned. 

One is a true statement, one is a false statement and an opinion. Yet the ones about orange man bad were allowed. Once twitter started letting their ideas be the ones that stayed and the ideas they didn’t like be suppressed, the whole platform lost credibility with verified accounts. 

I’m not talking about if that is the real Dave Chappelle or a fake account, I’m talking about the fact they wanted you to believe if someone was verified that meant their tweets would go to the top and be seen. Weird that they allowed their opinions be the ones that mattered. Hence why I think the whole verified meant very little. Also most of the ones that were verified were somehow bots. 

Who got banned?


edit: not baiting you, legit don’t know.  I’m not/have never been on Twitter.

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1 hour ago, MWil23 said:

There’s a joke in there about the unintentional negative consequences of the fed and government intervention/minimum wage.

If it’s not updated and kept current, sure.  The take home point is we as a society can’t expect companies to just do the right thing.  They won’t.


1 hour ago, MWil23 said:

Realistically though, somewhere along the lines, every single government executive leader has failed the middle class since after Eisenhower was President…maybe JFK but he didn’t even serve 3 years so it’s hard to say with him.

yep.  It’s not a partisan issue, both sides have crapped the bed.


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9 hours ago, LETSGOBROWNIES said:

Who got banned?


edit: not baiting you, legit don’t know.  I’m not/have never been on Twitter.

They started banning a bunch of people during covid and the elections. Doctors and people who didn’t agree with Covid then the election a lot of people were banned for one thing or another.


Again it was more the argument about the verified being a good thing, not what your thoughts were. Hell they banned a sitting president for misinformation but who is deeming it misinformation? 

I do feel that the way things are slanted depends on your info. I know people who have gone off the rails with politics on both side. People disliking others for politics shouldn’t be a thing. Hell most of the people in D.C. don’t hate each other, they are some of the most powerful people in the world.  They just say things to get their base riled up. You think Nancy, Bernie, Mitch, and Kevin McCarthy really hate each other and yell at each other in the streets? 


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1 hour ago, JDD said:

They started banning a bunch of people during covid and the elections. Doctors and people who didn’t agree with Covid then the election a lot of people were banned for one thing or another.

I think with that specifically it was an attempt to keep people safe. Being a doctor is cool and all, but if you’re going to tell people something that could potentially lead to a poor outcome you’d better have some data to back your statements up imo.  At some point the platform is responsible for its content and I’m not familiar with anyone being banned who actually had decent peer reviewed data in their corner.  

1 hour ago, JDD said:

Again it was more the argument about the verified being a good thing, not what your thoughts were.

It’s a good thing in the sense it let you know the person with the blue check was in fact who they said they were.  Now anyone can parody or whatever else and it leads to even more BS than before, such as the Eli Lilly situation.  It’s like Musk didn’t understand the point of the check to begin with.

1 hour ago, JDD said:

Hell they banned a sitting president for misinformation but who is deeming it misinformation? 

Literally every court his attorneys have appeared in thus far to back up his claims.  He was banned for continually stating unsubstantiated claims about election fraud and his role in the attack on the capitol. It wasn’t JUST the continuous misinformation, but inciting violence.

1 hour ago, JDD said:

I do feel that the way things are slanted depends on your info. I know people who have gone off the rails with politics on both side.

I mean, you can only slant the facts so much.

1 hour ago, JDD said:

People disliking others for politics shouldn’t be a thing.

Yeah, hard disagree.  If you’re talking about how much we should be spending on education, tax rates, etc., sure, agree to disagree, but a lot of the issues people are discussing are imo as much a representation of morality, judgment and decency as anything.

1 hour ago, JDD said:

Hell most of the people in D.C. don’t hate each other, they are some of the most powerful people in the world.  They just say things to get their base riled up. You think Nancy, Bernie, Mitch, and Kevin McCarthy really hate each other and yell at each other in the streets? 

I think most politicians are different sides of the same coin.  Any politician that takes money from lobbyists anyway.

I don’t think those narcissistic sociopaths are a representation of the people they’re supposed to advocate for who actually do have strong feelings about various issues.

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