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The Wire mafia - Game Over! The Barksdale Gang controls Baltimore!


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1 minute ago, squire12 said:

That is something that detracted from thd game for a good bit.  A lot of that gives me pause about Khodder.  Conveniently,  Orca is hit N1?

So, they killed Orca to lolclear Khodder who already softclaimed to lolclear, instead of keeping Orca around for an additional vote by using Khodder to persuade him.

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1 hour ago, Ragnarok said:

I would disagree with the first sentence.

So I'm half discussing the game and half not.  That seems about right.

Yes, I am gut based when there is no role evidence to suggest going in a different direction.  But there was.

As for the whole defending or not defending you part...not sure if you were expecting me to defend you or not defend you.  I've answered a number of questions about your game play as well as give my opinions on what I think you would do.  Plus, I consider you a player good enough to not need someone intervening on your behalf on a regular basis.  

I've said nothing that has caused alarm?  You lost me here.

Overall, it's a bit tinfoil-y, but not something I necessarily wouldn't do if I was scum.  Although I definitely wouldn't have planned it out that in depth.  I'd have drunkenly made it up as I went then claimed credit when it worked.


The first sentence involved your presence and abstention from pressing developments of the game.  You said you disagreed.  I asked:

57 minutes ago, SwAg said:

Ragnarok if you had to list the pressing developments of this game, what would they be?

You responded by talking about today's roleclaims, when the basis of the question was not founded in today.

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Just now, theuntouchable said:

I get the feeling you’re doing this intentionally because swag seems like the type to eventually blow up which will in turn most likely cast a large doubt upon his argument. 

No, I legitimately don't know what he is going on about now.  He lost me.

Have you ever seen me try to play dumb?  It's WIFOM-y, but I don't do that.  Because no one would believe it.

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