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7 minutes ago, squire12 said:

Can someone give me a quick rundown on the case for Dingo?

I know about the late vote switch onto Pickle on D1 that could be an attempt to look good.  Is there more additional info?

I am free at work for the next 10-15 minutes, then have a full schedule of appointments until 7 CST

Can you give us a reason?

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3 minutes ago, theuntouchable said:

This is the biggest thing that sticks out to me. 

he claims that my reads have been trash which is odd because my biggest push was pickle and the other bigger pushes were swag and VMD who are by no means cleared civs (especially swag at the point this was made) 

IMO the only way he’d know my reads were trash is if he knew outright those two were civs. 

I can see that as being a reason for you.  Are others jumping on because of that?  Or is there more?

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Just now, squire12 said:

Other that what I noted about the late D1 switch, nothing really stood out.

Well he has been oddly defensive for when pushed about questioning Whicker based on Whicker's post counts last game (when he was the mod), he has not been helpful, what touch said, and then finally the numbers are not in his favor cause they lean statistically to the fact that he is scum. 


Just now, bcb1213 said:

I think we should at least let dingo talk 

Agreed. I was wondering if someone would hammer quickly but they didnt

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1 hour ago, VikeManDan said:

A lot of activity from pages 88-98. I have no idea if this post makes any sense or is helpful. Perhaps someone can summarize this better?

It would appear though that Orca started the Matts lynch. Final votes on Matts lynch (page 99): Dingo, Orca, SwAg, Matts, Whicker, VMD…

From those 6 votes…

Matts – was the lynch

Orca – led the lynch

SwAg, - self-preservation and now can only type vowels

Whicker – could only type vowels

VMD – claimed civ and self-preservation

Dingo – mysteriously quiet the entire time (from 61 – 100 Dingo has 9 posts on roughly ~40 pages. (Pages 67 (2), 68 (1), 85 (1 – votes for squire), 89 (1), 91 (3 – including vote on Matts), 100 (1).)

Playing the numbers here. We can all agree that 1/6 of these votes (Matts) was civ. What are the odds the other 5 are all civ?

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17 minutes ago, VikeManDan said:

Playing the numbers here. We can all agree that 1/6 of these votes (Matts) was civ. What are the odds the other 5 are all civ?

It's possible but maybe not likley. There were a few games where I think Malf was lynched by all civs and civs followed that assumption that there had to be a mafia in there, down the wrong path

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20 hours ago, DingoLadd said:

Man people can't take an exaggerated statement at face value, there was nothing to that post Whicker just tried to turn it into something because he has a hunch he needs to justify.

Look on the bright side, Jason Garret is gonna get a contract extension and Dak's gonna get 100+ million all while Amari Cooper gets 5 targets.


20 hours ago, DingoLadd said:

I'll switch to Matts. I think he gives us the most info with his death 

I was referring to the Happy Holidays mafia game in which Whicker was mafia, not the game he was host... Why would I criticize him for not posting similar to the game in which he was a host..?


18 hours ago, DingoLadd said:

I'd say I regret lynching Matts but he didn't even attempt to stop his own lynch, sucks we lost our detective. I wonder if there were multiple of them or if he was the only one. 





Should be the focus of D3. 


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