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BDL Discussion Thread 2019


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5 minutes ago, Counselor said:

What percentage of a break are you talking about?

I'm going to post all three of my proposals right now I took some of the things Ted said some of the things you guys have said I've edited my proposals to SirA.

For the record the way I have them set up right now very few players on my personal roster would be allowed to be eliminated from my roster based on this proposal.

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3 minutes ago, Counselor said:

That’s right there is no deadline for the double down right?

 I do agree with jlash about using a double down during the season near to the end of that season. However the reason I disagreed with it being a good option as a new owner is that for example I inherited this team in the offseason well when you are in the offseason cap space is highly valued so you're not about to double down and give yourself less cap space that was my point

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15 minutes ago, wwhickok said:

Again a double down is not a good option for a new owner that is coming in trying to rebuild it's just not and to pretend like it is I mean come on you're selling Rotten Tomatoes to a vegetable farmer. A guy who is rebuilding has no interest in increasing the cost of his cap immediately only to get rid of a guy one year sooner it doesn't make any sense at all

A guy who is rebuilding is focused on clearing cap space for the future, and does so by trying to clear bad deals as quickly as possible. That's what double down allows, amongst other tools. Teams that are rebuilding aren't caring about immediate cap space because they aren't focused on competing. I went basically winless when I took over midseason, and I didnt get to do many things my first offseason either due to roster limitations. If you max out your cap space now to have as many bad deals offloaded next year, you will have a lot more freedom to build your team properly.

Otherwise, you can try to semi-rebuild and bid for FAs now while clearing out space as well, and sort of end up in limbo.

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Except that you are assuming that every owner thinks exactly alike and I am someone who is a fairly new owner and can tell you that I disagree with that mentality because it's not my mentality. I would approach free agency by signing guys who have some years left in the league that by the time I feel I would be competitive would still be relevant players and I wouldn't want to eliminate my complete ability to sign those players or any other player for that matter in free agency by double Downing a ton of players just to get rid of them after a single season but that's mainly because I have no interest in intentionally tanking because honestly that's probably the number one reason you would use a double down and mediately and more so numerously in my opinion

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The post I make after this is going to be my proposals now I'm not exactly word Savvy I tried to words this as easy to understand as possible I'm obviously open to discussion about list I'm willing to potentially consider rewording or resubmitted my proposals to SirA.

I'm also hopeful that the discussion revolving these proposals is actually productive instead of just flat out negative

Edited by wwhickok
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Proposals for Summer Owners Meeting:

Proposal 1: New Player Release/Partial Cap Savings Option

Allow players on one-year contracts to be cut during the offseason at 60% cost of the remaining contract. ( this means you would save 40% of the contract cost in dead money you would pay the remaining 60%)

* In accordance with this rule you would not be allowed to cut any player that you've acquired via trade in the same season.

* This rule would work the same way the same season contract signings rule does where you would not be allowed to trade hypothetically a rookie or a three up player or anyone you've signed or resigned to contracts in the same year that they were signed

If you willingly take on a player via trade you have accepted the risk of that contract therefore you should not eat be allowed to use trades as a way to cheat the cap system and save money by immediately cutting that player the same season in which you acquire them.

Proposal 2: Free Agent Signing Contract Length Change

 To further avoid loopholes in the above proposal and to eliminate the complications of some of the free-agent contract length issues that we have experience to this offseason I am proposing that all free agency contracts (exluding Shark Tank) be standardized to a 3 or 4 (vote upon?) year contract eliminating 2 & 5 year contract options (This would not effect RFA, 3Up Contracts)

Proposal 3: Eliminate Following Rule:

  • Normal cut (all year long) : Any player can be cut at any time, but the owner will pay the salary of the player for the remaining time left on the contract.

Replace above rule with following rule:

  • Escalate contract cost forward into current year cap cost.
Edited by wwhickok
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3 minutes ago, wwhickok said:

Proposals for Summer Owners Meeting:

Proposal 1: New Player Release/Partial Cap Savings Option

Allow players on one-year contracts to be cut during the offseason at 60% cost of the remaining contract. ( this means you would save 40% of the contract cost in dead money you would pay the remaining 60%)

* In accordance with this rule you would not be allowed to cut any player that you've acquired via trade in the same season.

* This rule would work the same way the same season contract signings rule does where you would not be allowed to trade hypothetically a rookie or a three up player or anyone you've signed or resigned to contracts in the same year that they were signed

If you willingly take on a player via trade you have accepted the risk of that contract therefore you should not eat be allowed to use trades as a way to cheat the cap system and save money by immediately cutting that player the same season in which you acquire them.

Proposal 2: Free Agent Signing Contract Length Change

 To further avoid loopholes in the above proposal and to eliminate the complications of some of the free-agent contract length issues that we have experience to this offseason I am proposing that all free agency contracts (exluding Shark Tank) be standardized to a 3 or 4 (vote upon?) year contract eliminating 2 & 5 year contract options (This would not effect RFA, 3Up Contracts)

Proposal 3: Eliminate Following Rule:

  • Normal cut (all year long) : Any player can be cut at any time, but the owner will pay the salary of the player for the remaining time left on the contract.

Replace above rule with following rule:

  • Escalate contract cost forward into current year cap cost.

Not a fan of limiting number of years on free agent contracts. You are taking control away from the gms. Not a fan of only having to pay 60% either. I would vote down both of those to be honest. 

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3 minutes ago, Counselor said:

@TedLavie both those players I cut are highlighted as cut in the worksheet but are still counting against my roster number

That's a presentation mistake I think

You're roster cap is only about IRL active players. If a player is a RL FA, Suspended or on IR, he doesn't count against your roster limit. In this case, I classified both dead money as RL FA to avoid the issue

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3 minutes ago, Counselor said:

Not a fan of limiting number of years on free agent contracts. You are taking control away from the gms. Not a fan of only having to pay 60% either. I would vote down both of those to be honest. 

I understand why you say this the only reason I'm even bringing that up is I feel like there needs to be some form of protection against using my first proposal as a way to benefit people in free agency by signing them to Dumbass contracts for 2 Seasons just to win a free agent over somebody else and then being able to cut them with a 40% savings for the next season but what I'm proposing is each one of these proposals be its own thing and in that first proposal I would say do we like the first proposal yes or no and then each one of those secondary items vote on those in Edition individually is that something when we feel is necessary to it yes or no does that make sense? Again I'm not words I v I kind of get long-winded trying to explain what I mean I'm not the best at that but that's why I asked you guys for your opinions so that maybe you guys can help explain what I am trying to say in a better way

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2 minutes ago, TedLavie said:

That's a presentation mistake I think

You're roster cap is only about IRL active players. If a player is a RL FA, Suspended or on IR, he doesn't count against your roster limit. In this case, I classified both dead money as RL FA to avoid the issue

So I didn’t really need to announce a cut of Blount. It’s the same thing. 

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6 minutes ago, Counselor said:

Not a fan of limiting number of years on free agent contracts. You are taking control away from the gms. Not a fan of only having to pay 60% either. I would vote down both of those to be honest. 

What do you think the percentage should be?

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