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The Ill Mind of SwAg: Game Thread -- Game Over


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6 minutes ago, SwAg said:

Alright, everything is coming in the next hour.  

Last night went off the rails due to an active shooter nearby situation and my girlfriend having a meltdown about it.

Maybe one of your swag attributes were coming after real life swag but got role blocked or somethin’

probably not what happened 

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1 hour ago, SwAg said:

Alright, everything is coming in the next hour.  

Last night went off the rails due to an active shooter nearby situation and my girlfriend having a meltdown about it.

only acceptable if she was in yoga pants

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Day 5:

So, what do we do now?

We don't have any new information...

What do we do without an ability that reveals all the mechanics of the game to us?!


So, how about we lynch NS dude is sketch af

Yeah, he claimed Jesus, Satan, and Darth Vader.



No, no.  Wait... KSJ role claim or die.

**** all of you.



Any last words?

No, **** you.

The crowd enclosed upon KSJ.  They taunted him for his lack of commitment and showed him old photographs in which he had a receding hairline.  Bet you wish you invented something for this, huh?  The crowd is merciless and begin accusing him of having a tiny pecker and being a pedo like that British diver in Thailand or whatever.  Then one member of the crowd broke rank and began flailing on KSJ, which the rest of the crowd joined in upon.  After a few moments, KSJ moved no more.

KSJ is dead.  He was Elon Musk, SwAg's Narcissism, Town-Aligned.

Night 5:

There is no hiding from Lord Voldemort, Orca.

The chilling, high voice reverberated through the cul-de-sac.  The hooded figured glided through the center toward Orca's home.

Come out, face me... At least you can die with what little dignity you have remaining...

The figure reached a rundown looking house and scrutinized it.  He drew his wand and with a few furious slashes and incantations, began to dismantle it.  After a few moments the figure paused because he heard the unmistakable sound of...


Even more bizarrely, the music was accompanied by...



Orca charged out of his house with a gun and began firing.  The figure was taken aback, but was able to parry the dumb muggles attempts to save himself.


Orca pulled out an RPG and took a shot the figure, but he made the classic mistake of aiming for the person, rather than the ground underneath them.  RIP aimbots.


Green light burst through the night, and Orca was no more.

Orca is dead.  He was DMX, Voice in SwAg's Head, Mafia-Aligned.


bcb was sitting at home, plotting devious devices and inventions for his culinary reality show on Food Network.

Yeah, yeah!  And then, they have to do all of their mixing AND cooking in this paper bag! Muahahaha!

A knock on the door alerted the Master of Culinary Deviance to the presence of another.  Pretty late for a visitor... bcb grabs a butcher knife and slowly approaches the door.  bcb lost his head completely and immediately upon opening the door took a wild, ferocious swing...but no one was there.

What the?.

bcb looked around to see if he could spy the visitor, but then looked down to see a package addressed to him... with a note!  It read:

Enclosed is your state-of-the-art hydrodynamic spatula with port and starboard attachments and turbo drive.


bcb was so excited that he began ripping and tearing at the paper.  In the excitement, he eventually lost his grip and the package fell.  As it fell he caught a glimpse of the side... A warning to handle with care... Before bcb could attempt to find cover, the package struck the ground. 


A massive explosion left no survivors.

bcb is dead.  He was Alton Brown, Cooking with SwAg, Town-Aligned.


KOTN was at home doing nothing.  He was reminiscing on some wild adventures he and Charlie had.

You never know what could be down there!  Could be cool!

After a few moments of happy reflection, KOTN realizes he is f*cking hungry.  He could eat a damn anteater.  He was about to be upset, but then he recalls that stranger gave him that exotic sandwich that he was saving for later.  He gets the sandwich from the fridge and takes a big bite.

Mmmm! Snake meat!

Whatever else KOTN might have said was not known, as he began to asphyxiate.  Coughing, he fell to the ground and blearily stared into the distance.

KOTN is dead.  He was Frank Reynolds, SwAg's "Fort Knox," Town-Aligned.

The earth underneath the Town trembled.  The sky was in disarray as a multi-colored mess.  Something is happening... The subconscious is losing control.


You there!  Idiot, mongoloid, moron!  Yes you!  Why are you so dumb?

Hockey turned to look at the man.

What?  I'm the richest man in the world (for now, divorce, yikes).

Oh yes, I forgot that your financial status is directly related to your intelligence.  Got any other brainbusters for me, edgelord?

Bro, I'm just trying to go home.  I don't know what your deal is.

Yeah, because you're a f*cktard with a prime number of chromies, you f*cking edgelord beta cuck.

Dude, wtf?

I bet you bang dudes too, not there is anything wrong with that.  I do it all the time, but it probably gets @ you.  Why not tell your ex-wife and mother I said hello, oh wait, don't bother, I'mma go f*ck em both, you soy boy pleb. So Crates, Out.

Hockey stood there for a moment in quiet contemplation of everything that had just occurred.  He then turned slowly and walked home.

My life is a f*cking joke.

No further commotion occurred throughout the night.  All was quiet.  But as the remaining villagers walked toward the Town square, all could see the horrifying image of Hockey hanging from his exorbitant chandelier. 

Hockey is dead.  He was Jeff Bezos, SwAg's Capitalist Greed, Mafia-Aligned.

It is now Day 6!  With 5 alive and voting, it's 3 to lynch!

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