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The Ill Mind of SwAg: Game Thread -- Game Over


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2 hours ago, The Orca said:

That's what I'm thinking at the moment. I'm expecting 1 of mafia kills from last night to change as well now. I hope not, but there may be someone (or group) who has a night kill that covers (switches) alignment for a day or something 

I agree that the lack of any clarification from Swag on the alignment change with Malfatron's character means that it was part of someone's role/ability.  I would have to think if it was an error in the write up, Swag would have made that known....or at least I would hope so.  

So either Malf alignment was faked for N1 and is now correct....OR it was correct N1 and now been changed to be false.  In the ill mind of Swag, seems that we should leave both options open as plausible.  I think it being faked N1 and now correct is more likely.

1 hour ago, The Orca said:

I am DMX, the Voice in SwAg's Head. What are you @Tk3

So did you make touch kill himself?

1 hour ago, The Orca said:


Harry Potter seems like a scum character for this game imo.

Also, seems like you are intentionally overlooking that Malf may or may not have been mafia. That was a huge change in the game imo

I agree on the Malf alignment change for sure.  the Harry Potter part I am not sure on yet.

1 hour ago, The Orca said:

Based on the write up and the fact Amac was mafia (unlikely the lynch alignment was tampered with), I can correctly assume Gopher and Squire are not mafia and Ted probably wasn't either (watch for that alignment to change). Amac was the killer of Malf. You were hesitant to go with Amac and Ted while more willing for Gopher. You are probably not Mafia cause you would have needlessly pushed Amac at the end, but with people not being able to vote, double posting and Pickle possibly voting in underlines....Harry Potter fits as an Other like I alluded to after your claim, also fits with your posts and Dome alluding to you and Malf would not do that in thread...which apparently is the case cause Malf was town

I disagree that Gopher (and some extension myself) should not be assumed to be not mafia.   With the alignment switch, a Janitor role would possibly be in play.  Not sure on how Swag would require a Janitor role to use their moves, but from my understanding, they would need to place a move on the person they are covering/cleaning up their alignment at the time of death.    That might open the door for several possibilities with amac, gopher, Ted and myself all targeting our moves N1 on malfatron. 

If Ted is really mafia, he could have been a janitor and been there to cover things up which would lead to the extra shots on an already dead Malf.  Upon Ted dying, might the alignment cover up be removed?  If Ted does not switch alignment, this becomes a bit more likely

If Ted's alignment does switch, (depending on what it switches to) that would mean that gopher could be a janitor role.  Not sure how or why the malf alignment would switch, unless there was some limited use of the length of time the false alignment held before switching.

A lot of this could change with/without an alignment change after N2.

Lastly, I will say that I have a strong feeling that I will at some point in time be framed for these killings.  


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5 minutes ago, squire12 said:

I agree that the lack of any clarification from Swag on the alignment change with Malfatron's character means that it was part of someone's role/ability.  I would have to think if it was an error in the write up, Swag would have made that known....or at least I would hope so.  

So either Malf alignment was faked for N1 and is now correct....OR it was correct N1 and now been changed to be false.  In the ill mind of Swag, seems that we should leave both options open as plausible.  I think it being faked N1 and now correct is more likely.

So did you make touch kill himself?

I agree on the Malf alignment change for sure.  the Harry Potter part I am not sure on yet.

I disagree that Gopher (and some extension myself) should not be assumed to be not mafia.   With the alignment switch, a Janitor role would possibly be in play.  Not sure on how Swag would require a Janitor role to use their moves, but from my understanding, they would need to place a move on the person they are covering/cleaning up their alignment at the time of death.    That might open the door for several possibilities with amac, gopher, Ted and myself all targeting our moves N1 on malfatron. 

If Ted is really mafia, he could have been a janitor and been there to cover things up which would lead to the extra shots on an already dead Malf.  Upon Ted dying, might the alignment cover up be removed?  If Ted does not switch alignment, this becomes a bit more likely

If Ted's alignment does switch, (depending on what it switches to) that would mean that gopher could be a janitor role.  Not sure how or why the malf alignment would switch, unless there was some limited use of the length of time the false alignment held before switching.

A lot of this could change with/without an alignment change after N2.

Lastly, I will say that I have a strong feeling that I will at some point in time be framed for these killings.  



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12 minutes ago, squire12 said:

@The Orca

You are the voice in swag's head?  That is something beyond ironic given your past game interactions with the host and that role!!!!

Do you have any thoughts on why touch would kill himself, if not by the Voice in SwAg's Head?

It is ironic xD

No idea why he would kill himself. Maybe he tried to kill Rags and failed cause the AHern looking guy got him first and Rags was his wincon, or tried to convert him and failed resulting in his death.  It for sure wasn't me. Id love to take credit for being the Voice in SwAg's Head killing SwAg in the Ill Mind of SwAg game 

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12 minutes ago, squire12 said:

@The Orca

You are the voice in swag's head?  That is something beyond ironic given your past game interactions with the host and that role!!!!

Do you have any thoughts on why touch would kill himself, if not by the Voice in SwAg's Head?

The voice in his head would certainly be a Mafia role, right?

I'm voting for The Orca. Keeping him around is like a ticking time bomb.

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29 minutes ago, Dome said:

So do we think amac is scum then? Did his hit of malf change his role for a night, or did another scum have to visit malf to make that mechanic happen?

No idea. I havent seen a limited time frame coverup before on a night kill

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1 hour ago, Dome said:

So do we think amac is scum then? Did his hit of malf change his role for a night, or did another scum have to visit malf to make that mechanic happen?


31 minutes ago, The Orca said:

No idea. I havent seen a limited time frame coverup before on a night kill

I am wondering if Ted was a Janitor that covered the Malf alignment and when he died, that was removed to reveal the real Malf alignment.

The other option could be gopher was the one that covered Malf alignment after N1, then did the same to Ted N2.  Could the role only be able to cover 1 alignment at a time?

Given the Ill mind of Swag game title, I think all options should be considered.

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9 minutes ago, squire12 said:


I am wondering if Ted was a Janitor that covered the Malf alignment and when he died, that was removed to reveal the real Malf alignment.

The other option could be gopher was the one that covered Malf alignment after N1, then did the same to Ted N2.  Could the role only be able to cover 1 alignment at a time?

Given the Ill mind of Swag game title, I think all options should be considered.

That is possible. Might not know until tomorrow though for sure

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On 1/14/2019 at 2:58 PM, KOTN-93 said:

Since its a SwAg game Do I just talk a lot?

Certainly something you have not done this game is talk.  Don't be afraid of offering some thoughts.  @KOTN-93

These are the rest of KOTN posts since the start of the game.

On 1/17/2019 at 9:22 PM, KOTN-93 said:

Whats up guys?


On 1/17/2019 at 11:04 PM, KOTN-93 said:


Quick vote that followed Malfs vote on Tk3

On 1/18/2019 at 4:12 PM, KOTN-93 said:

Is shady playing? 


On 1/18/2019 at 8:06 PM, KOTN-93 said:

Gross. Swole. How is a no lynch helpful?


On 1/19/2019 at 8:42 AM, KOTN-93 said:

Dont like the no lynch why not just sit and watch if your unsure. Still swole but uneasy about squire too.


On 1/19/2019 at 11:05 AM, KOTN-93 said:

Do we know a ratio or are we at SwAgs mercy?


On 1/19/2019 at 3:27 PM, KOTN-93 said:

Xmad. Knew the no lynch yesterday vote felt off Malf turning up mafia makes it worse. Its a good vote to me.

Votes for someone that was killed on N1

On 1/20/2019 at 8:42 AM, KOTN-93 said:



Malfatron mentioned that mafia might make a few posts, vote and hide.  Might hit with KOTN

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3 minutes ago, squire12 said:

Certainly something you have not done this game is talk.  Don't be afraid of offering some thoughts.  @KOTN-93

These are the rest of KOTN posts since the start of the game.


Quick vote that followed Malfs vote on Tk3





Votes for someone that was killed on N1


Malfatron mentioned that mafia might make a few posts, vote and hide.  Might hit with KOTN

I think KSJ and MD4L are similar to this style as well. Kotn

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On 1/20/2019 at 2:41 PM, bcb1213 said:

Knowing swag, Aaron hernandez could be town 


On 1/20/2019 at 2:43 PM, Ragnarok said:

Knowing Swag, Aaron Hernandez could 100% be town.  That goes back to our WF days.

@MD4L  Can you add anything to this?  Rags is dead, bcb is silenced in the infirmary for the day.    I thought you had some previous history with Swag.

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13 minutes ago, The Orca said:

I think KSJ and MD4L are similar to this style as well. Kotn

KSJ has been a low activity player in the games I recall playing with him.  Not sure I have seen him as mafia in any of those.  I recall he said he was going to the AFCCG yesterday, so that might explain little posting yesterday and somewhat today.  

MD4L was pretty active on D1, less so yesterday.  I know he was pushing Ragnarok, not sure if it was this game driven or out of fear/respect for Ragnarok as  a player.

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