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TAET: This Ain't Eagles Talk | RIP Jlash


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Great example is bodybuilder, the pros really do have the best genetics to build mass. But most of them natty even with the worlds best genetics don't break 200 lbs, very few did. Then they get on the gear and they blow up like 50-60 lbs of muscle.  That is with the worlds best genetics tho. 

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8 minutes ago, Bednarik60 said:

@BLick12 the reality is unless your some genetic freak, if you were to get anywhere near single digit body fat i bet you would barely be 165 lbs. 

Well, obviously, I'm 5'10.  But my goal isn't to get to single digit body fat, I really don't care about being shredded, at 190 I likely wouldn't be close to single digit body fat.  As long as I feel good about how I look and feel the benefits of being healthier, I don't feel the need to look like a professional body builder. As everyone on the forum has said, you have different goals than other people, that's also fine.

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1 minute ago, Jlash said:

A few years back I got all bloated up. Eating like trash, drinking a ton. I started running, lifting a little bit and just ate much less trash and lost close to 40 lbs. I wasn't jacked or anything in the slightest, just got back to a normal non disgusting weight. 

the late night drinking + that redic last drunk meal of the night usually involving melting cheese on something = BLOAT GONE WILD!!! 

Thats cool tho man you got after a little running to, i love bodybuilding and all that meat head stuff but doing some cardio is really a good thing, the heart is what keeps you in the game longer nit biceps veins or lats. I need to do more my self. 

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Just now, Bednarik60 said:

the late night drinking + that redic last drunk meal of the night usually involving melting cheese on something = BLOAT GONE WILD!!! 

Thats cool tho man you got after a little running to, i love bodybuilding and all that meat head stuff but doing some cardio is really a good thing, the heart is what keeps you in the game longer nit biceps veins or lats. I need to do more my self. 

Running is the worst. It really is unbelievably boring and tedious to me. I have to have a goal in the future like a 5/10k just to have a reason to do it. 

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16 minutes ago, Bednarik60 said:

Are you really carrying more muscle? Can you see definition to prove so? Or is it more bloat? 

Let me guess your shirts are fitting tighter then ever lol? Good indicator. 

I'm not saying I'm jacked, lol. I'm saying I'm more muscular than I was the last time I was at 200 pounds and was strictly running (read: not saying much).  I'm sure if I took a picture of my back now compared to then, it would look different.  It's not going to impress you, but its better than being 200 pound without much muscle.

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Body fat to is a symbol of your character and discipline. I don't want to be in a foxhole or in a fight with some one who can't go a week with out ice cream. Yes that is how i view every relationship with every man, how would we do in either a foxhole or a fight together, cause this is America and we fight in foxholes and we fight back to back against our opponents like Bubba and Forest. America. 

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3 minutes ago, BLick12 said:

I'm not saying I'm jacked, lol. I'm saying I'm more muscular than I was the last time I was at 200 pounds and was strictly running (read: not saying much).  I'm sure if I took a picture of my back now compared to then, it would look different.  It's not going to impress you, but its better than being 200 pound without much muscle.

Ide still f%^& dont get me wrong. Just think you have more of a Peter Quill physique waiting to happen. 

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7 minutes ago, Jlash said:

Running is the worst. It really is unbelievably boring. 

Yeah i have no clue where your mind has to go to do some serious long distance running, i just can't imagine even running longer then 20 minutes with out wanting to kill my self from the boredom. 

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Unless you've got great genetics AND have been juicing with proper cycles for a bit of a time, you're generally gonna look like guy A once you start entering 8% BF territory. For a natty, IMO 12-14% is the sweet spot, or basically as much fat as you can hold while still having a visible 6 pack in average lighting. For some that can't happen until they're at even less than 10, others can get away with it at 14%. 

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20 minutes ago, Bednarik60 said:

Ide still f%^& dont get me wrong. Just think you have more of a Peter Quill physique waiting to happen. 

haha - I appreciate it, but I don't know about that. I will say though, dedicating myself to this has made me really enjoy going to the gym again and I'm also in the camp that absolutely loathes running... but it's a necessary evil.

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