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Gophers World Mafia, Rags & The Mother Aligned have Won!

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5 minutes ago, Ragnarok said:

Terrible advice.

Forge, do you really think that Counselor and Dingo are going to let Swag force them to risk their big win on a coin flip?  He can't speak for them.

With scum, at least we are honest villains.  

Not to mention...one of the biggest rules of Mafia.  Scum never chooses town over scum.  It's like snitches get stitches but more serious.  

Also, this is absolutely not true, lmao.  

Forge, they’re both going to shank you as soon as they get the opportunity.  If you don’t think matts and Ragnarok have a better working relationship than you and either of them, I don’t know what to tell you.

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Just now, SwAg said:

Also, this is absolutely not true, lmao.  

Forge, they’re both going to shank you as soon as they get the opportunity.  If you don’t think matts and Ragnarok have a better working relationship than you and either of them, I don’t know what to tell you.

Except that you forget I am aligned with malf.  Who Matts would never, ever let win.  And you know it.

I would be content with Matts and Forge having a coin flip as long as it meant all town was dead first.  

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"Honest villains"

Are they honest about the fact if you don't vote with them they'll die? They don't want you. They need you to keep their hopes of winning alive, none of them can win with you so you'll be sacrificed for their ego.


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Also, Forge, I’ve known Ragnarok for 8 years.  Notice how his argument wasn’t that I wouldn’t do it?  He ******* knows I will.  His argument was that Counselor and Dingo would somehow stop me and that you shouldn’t because “honor amongst scoundrels.” 

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Just now, DingoLadd said:

"Honest villains"

Are they honest about the fact if you don't vote with them they'll die? They don't want you. They need you to keep their hopes of winning alive, none of them can win with you so you'll be sacrificed for their ego.


And he won't die?  I actually want him.  At least he is fellow scum.  You're ***** *** townie.  

Y'all need him too.  So don't act like you're better than us.

And you too forget the single most important part.  There is zero chance Matts doesn't kill me to ensure malf can't backdoor into a win.

Go ahead.  One of y'all discount Matts' sincerity about not letting Malf win.  I dare you.

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On 3/30/2019 at 4:03 PM, Matts4313 said:

You are borderline getting annoying with this. 

Let's all lock in votes on me and speed round. And after I don't die, you find away to kill yourself off with stupidity. 


Agreeable? @gopherwrestler can we speed round?


On 3/30/2019 at 4:06 PM, SwAg said:

I'll call your bluff.  If you're not the drug dealer, I'll modkill myself, bro.


12 minutes ago, SwAg said:

Also, Forge, just so you know, I will follow through with it.




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Just now, SwAg said:

Also, Forge, I’ve known Ragnarok for 8 years.  Notice how his argument wasn’t that I wouldn’t do it?  He ******* knows I will.  His argument was that Counselor and Dingo would somehow stop me and that you shouldn’t because “honor amongst scoundrels.” 

You are correct.  I do believe you'd keep your word if possible.  However, he can't rely on your word because it's not entirely up to you.

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