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Gophers World Mafia, Rags & The Mother Aligned have Won!

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3 minutes ago, Counselor said:

Let’s kill Matts and then I’ll modkill myself and leave Swag and Rags and you @Forge

or would I still get hit? Who has the hit?

Well, don’t do that til Forge and I lock on Rag tomorrow if he accepts.

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2 minutes ago, SwAg said:

Taking self-imposed Ls to thwart matts and Malf.

They can’t even whine because they’re advocating Forge not act in his best interest already.  So, can’t whine about me doing it.

Get dicked, *******.

If he goes into the final 3 way tie, he has a 33% chance of winning with no BS games involved. That is in his best interest. 

Plus he participates in a legendary game his first one. 

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Just now, Matts4313 said:

If he goes into the final 3 way tie, he has a 33% chance of winning with no BS games involved. That is in his best interest. 

Plus he participates in a legendary game his first one. 

He wins if he votes for you, pretty clear what is better.

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9 minutes ago, SwAg said:

Yeah, but that’s not your win condition anymore.  

Your first game legacy is going to be throwing away a shot at a win for some non-existent principled stand while being conned by matts and Ragnarok, instead of exiting a game on equal footing as me.

Like it wasnt for me to drag you sorry scrubs to like 4-5 scum. But I did it anyways because it made for a better game. 

3 minutes ago, SwAg said:

Now your first game legacy could be winning and making me your *****.  Promise that’s better than anything they could ever offer.

You arent that special. Name the starting right guard in the ice bowl without looking it up. You cant. You arent as important as the epicness of this game. 

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Just now, Counselor said:

@Forge if you vote Matt’s off with us and then get Rags off next I promise on my modhood (I’ll give up being a mod if I lie) that I will modkill myself 

Counselor, it is considered very, very poor form to make bets involving out of game aspects.  

One, you can't really be held to it.

Two, it's essentially cheating.  

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Just now, Matts4313 said:

Just an FYI this is poor mafia etiquette. 


Just now, Ragnarok said:

Counselor, it is considered very, very poor form to make bets involving out of game aspects.  

One, you can't really be held to it.

Two, it's essentially cheating.  

Sorry didn’t know

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Just now, Counselor said:


Sorry didn’t know

While they’re right, you don’t have to really listen to them after all the external game offers exchanged earlier in which they partook.

They’re just upset now because they’re concerned.

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1 minute ago, SwAg said:

While they’re right, you don’t have to really listen to them after all the external game offers exchanged earlier in which they partook.

They’re just upset now because they’re concerned.

What external game offer?

The only one I ever even functionally responded to was you talking about job help which I think we both would agree actually had nothing to do with the game.  

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