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Gophers World Mafia, Rags & The Mother Aligned have Won!

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6 minutes ago, gopherwrestler said:

Hey I’m here. So who is left alive and how should we end this, I am free all night, give me options

Swag was lynched. Counselor hit. 

Rags, Matt's and I would basically like to do a flip for winner given we are all scum from different factions. As Matt's said, rnjesus

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 Dingo mod killed himself by posting his role PM.  Myself, Matts, and Forge locked our votes into Swag.  Matts said he was going to kill the final townie.

Matts, Forge, and I are all going to vote for each other and want to do a 3-way coin flip to determine which scum faction wins.

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On 4/4/2019 at 12:28 AM, DingoLadd said:

My ace in the hole? Modkill myself and let the chaos reign supreme. 

Gopher this was a fantastic game and good luck sorting through the wreckage. 

The Pastor: @DingoLadd


Town - Aligned (Green Text)

Mass Roleblock:

You have the ability to save all, on any night of your choice (one-shot) you get to put out a mass roleblock. After during night, all other players moves will be roleblocked.


Side Note:

you know Malf is The Love-Able Child, town aligned, you may not announce this in thread

Dingo's mod kill move.

On 4/4/2019 at 1:35 AM, Matts4313 said:


Swag - 3 - Matts (Locked), Forge (Locked), Rags (Locked)

Matts - 2 - Swag, Counselor

@gopherwrestler => Should be final VC, as I am assuming you are killing Dingo. 

Use my hit on Counselor. If you havent read up, we 3 would like RNJesus to pick the winner with an epic write up. Should be game. 

The vote count.

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10 minutes ago, gopherwrestler said:

Will you host scum bots? For the grand finale? That sounds way more entertaining than my game


give me about 15 minutes to post the game.

all moves will be in chatty, so its totally transparent

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