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Criminal Minds Mafia - Town Wins


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Well guys, it’s been real. Sorry I blew day 2 and made way too many assumptions about gameplay. At least I didn’t forget my own characters name like Swag did or get caught in an outrageous and blatant lie like KOTN did, but I’ll learn from it and do better next time. Sorry I let you all down. Best wishes going forward!

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1 minute ago, AFlaccoSeagulls said:

^ No offense, MWil.

None taken buddy 👍. I’ve admitted to playing badly and stumbled through my explanations, but at least I’ve answered everything everyone has asked and haven’t ghosted or dodged.

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8 minutes ago, MWil23 said:

Well guys, it’s been real. Sorry I blew day 2 and made way too many assumptions about gameplay. At least I didn’t forget my own characters name like Swag did or get caught in an outrageous and blatant lie like KOTN did, but I’ll learn from it and do better next time. Sorry I let you all down. Best wishes going forward!

When I build thoughts about a players alignment, I virtually stack blocks so to speak with what I know of the person. The larger the blocks, the more stability. I haven’t been able to build very much with you and what I have been able to build with, has been spotty. 

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3 minutes ago, MWil23 said:

None taken buddy 👍. I’ve admitted to playing badly and stumbled through my explanations, but at least I’ve answered everything everyone has asked and haven’t ghosted or dodged.

Or “forgotten” my characters name, played out of character, and buddied up to scum like Swag.

Or lied like KOTN

and I’ve outed scum twice and was the first to put Nacho. But apparently my voting pattern doesn’t matter. I’ve also been spot on with ID on Swag and Touch, I just did a terrible job of explaining myself since Dome said Rule 2 we couldn’t copy paste anything, so I assumed that meant even mostly paraphrase. Too bad or I’d have done things differently.

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1 hour ago, MWil23 said:

Forge found a gun. That doesn’t make it the only one.


Probably because you’ve voted for me a million times and I’m not convincing you anyway. Plus I caught you in a lie today and think you’re scum but I’ve played so poorly I couldn’t get anyone to buy into that with me.

I didnt expect you to listen to me i mean why not flacco whose confirmed civ. My point is in a game this up in the air limiting options isn't logical. 

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Just now, theuntouchable said:

When I build thoughts about a players alignment, I virtually stack blocks so to speak with what I know of the person. The larger the blocks, the more stability. I haven’t been able to build very much with you and what I have been able to build with, has been spotty. 

I’ve seen my two year old build sand castles. Unfortunately I know what you mean. You have been able to build something though. You can’t say the same for others. Swag got total immunity for one bomb diffusal 

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36 minutes ago, MWil23 said:

IRL SK are almost exclusively male. In this game there’s a clear reason why gender is important.

I think the SKs would all be male in this tbh. But there are a lot of females so we can't rule that out.

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Here I was trying to show how the above post correlate to Swags claim on D1. Which I believe has now caught Mwil. Mwil claimed Monday morning that two nights ago (Monday, D1 where Swag posted this gif he invested Swag. Now he is claiming that was N2 because the gunshot stopped his N1 invest. Swag later claims he isn't part of the Team and is town. Mwils post above taken at a glance signals he is part of the Team imo. He later claims that he was being literal and that Swag (she) WAS an Agent as in not anymore. What could be construed as an agent. FBI, BAU, Secret Service...yes. Sergeant in the military...hell no. This was a play on words to make it seem like Swag was town and Mwil was confirming it. But I think messed up

Literally not what happened.  MWil came into the thread and said something about me being an agent and female, and that no Team member fits that description.  I did not disagree.  If not my first post thereafter, one of the posts shortly thereafter, I explicitly told everyone about the Lee Lemon picture as a soft claim, and claimed non-Team, and that I am not an agent of any kind, and thus would not believe MWil.  No idea how you can ostensibly read these interactions when going back for the multi-quote and simply omit that to fit this narrative. 

You say later, as if it wasn't one of my first posts on the subject.


So here Swag was posting a reason for his lynch D1. He had like 3 or 4 votes I think when this was posted. Blaming others imo

Or, that is an accurate assessment because I literally was being lynched for (1) no reason, (2) lols, and (3) what I thought could be malicious attempts to ship me out early.  There is no vote on me at that time that is not fairly and reasonably characterized in one of these categories. 



It definitely goes both ways.  I know you’re focused on those defending me, and I don’t mind that, but it’s not difficult for me to imagine why non-Town people would vote for me to put me into this position in the first place.  A handicap is a handicap.

Pickle was pushing hard that someone defending Swag was a SK. Swag pushed hard the other way and was adamant to look at the people pushing him


Sorry I didn't give all the people voting for me for the aforementioned reasons an auto clear and start attacking the few who defended me right off the bat.


Swag talks about his defends finally, but more as 1 of them could be a SK and 1 of the people pushing him could be as well. Sets up the next post which is Red Flag worthy now imo

You need to drop the "probably" argument.  When I made that remark, I didn't mean "Yes, according to my calculations, there is at least a 51% chance one of the three people not voting for me is the SK," then I'm going against my reads because I said the word "probably."  No one is going to believe it because it's stupid.  You tried to shoehorn me into this on D1 too.  It doesn't work that way.  Statistics do not work that way, and I'm not inclined to teach them to you now.  They're independent events, it would take at 6 random people to reach close to a 51% chance based purely on that.  So, if anything, I was wrong to say "probably."  No idea why you're trying to grasp at this straw.




Believe me, guys, I know one of my defenders is probably a SK, and probably going to murder me.  The same can be said for everyone else too.  

I’m not long for the game, lmao.  Serial Killers don’t want me alive because regardless of whether I’m Town or another SK, my best way of surviving is to find them.  

This is why I emphasize the early game record.  I have low survival expectations (call it arrogance if it helps), so I try to build something that’s going to outlive me.

He flat out claims that 1 of his defenders is a SK. At this time I think he still had a few votes. This is clearly setting something up and was an intentional post...or more grandstanding and trolling. Either way...wtf. He also starts the multiple posts about him dying, being lynched or going to be killed. Basically trying to get votes off of him, also setting up an eventual death and possibly putting us on the wrong path or where he wants us to look. Basically two SKs pushed Mwil hard early in Nacho and Whicker. Maybe they were setting up Mwil to be the fall guy at some point



Do I even need to respond to this?  Just read what I said, and read his characterization of it.  I'm apparently "claiming" one of my defenders is a SK because I sardonically acknowledged Pickle's theory and reaction gauging was a good tactic.  Then, I explained why I have low life expectancy in games, to substantiate why I try to establish a record in the game, to provide something useful in the event I die.  Then read his interpretation of that.


Whicker claims the bombs and basically says he isn't surprised about the defuses. Aside from Mwil, the interactions with Whicker and Swag are telling imo. They have a hint of knowing that other posts did not. Swag saying that it is ominous I assume to the partner aspect, then later Nacho says he doesnt and is trolling. Then Swag will push forth the partner angle

There is nothing for me to respond to.  "A hint of knowing" what?  I said it was ominous that Whicker said he planted the bombs... You know, the post immediately preceding that remark.


Basically making an excuse and reason for his role to be in the game imo. No reason to have Forge be able to defuse bombs and a normal citizen. Why? Doesnt make sense. I have been steadfast that having two bomb defusers would basically make a bomber inert. I was allowed to explain everything about the bomb, so theoretically I and Pickle and anyone else would live until we were out of defuses. That's a minimum of 4 I think. That's crazy. Basically makes Whicker a joke SK lol. One of the defusers is a fraud. I am confident. Whicker kept saying he was weak because of the defusers. What if 1 was connected to the bomber. He defuses the bombs and then everyone thinks he is civ and coasts through the game...exactly what Swag has done

No, I'm trying to decide if you're scum or not at this point.  Hence why I asked for your thoughts, too.

No, I'm fairly certain the bomb dynamic was to plant two and make me decide correctly.  We happened to find Whicker early, which basically nullified the mechanic.  You can't make game mechanic assessments on balance in the abstract based upon how they played out in practice.  If Whicker survived longer, I would be out of defuses after 2, and thus couldn't save anyone.  I had pause in defusing you because I didn't know the dynamic, and wanted to know what others thought about other bombers because I didn't want to use my last defuse on you if bombings were going to continue.



Whicker and Forge confirmed duo.

Spoken as fact opposite Nacho. They are basically causing the WIFOM we are at now imo


Yeah, if you ignore what was happening at the time.  There is a reason why like five people liked that post.  Forge and Whicker both seemed to be spiraling, and I made a comedic observation.  Grasping at straws.


Swag starts pushing Forge who claimed bomb defuser on D1 and D2. Swag made multiple attempts to make it seem like Forge was an imposter. When in fact Forge was a member of the team

Okay?  How am I supposed to know he's a team member?  And because he's a team member doesn't make me a fake defuser. You're just attributing exclusivity to things without logic.  Whicker was the Bomber.  I have an invest substantiating I have bomb components.  I have two write ups defusing bombs.  If there is another bomb, then yeah, you can be worried and have it be justified.  In this scenario I'm... with Whicker as another Bomber?  Or a SK who knows the identity of others?  Either way, it makes no sense.


Using real life got in the way...what has Swag been doing. Claiming he cant participate fully until school is out in May, says he isn't interested in the game and doesnt want to commit time to the game

With all due respect, **** off.  I have been explicitly clear that I'm not using real life for a pass in any way.  I'm not going to sit here and justify placing my academic and professional life ahead of a ******* forum game.  Ted doesn't stay up all ******* night because he has to sleep.  KSJ disappears for days at a time because undergrad so hard, bro.  I literally said I have school to explain why I'm not around certain hours.  While I am here, I am responsive and receptive to the game.  So, if you can grant everyone else leeway, you can do the same to me, or **** off.  I didn't even ******* sign up for this game.  I said I wanted the Pirate Game, and received a Role PM for Criminal Minds despite not signing up.


Looking back, seriously another post that seems to be of knowledge and if not...just plain trolling

Yeah, boys.  Whicker claimed two alternative and contradictory positions.  I acknowledged one of them is likely true and we're stuck to discern which one.  That vaunted knowledge post.  I basically slipped, bigly.


Using a SK to make himself look better. Why imo. No reason to make this post

This doesn't even make sense.  Whicker agreed with me.  I made a joke about how by idea appears worse because the outed SK agreed with it.


[Forge Quotes]

Yeah, crazy how I'm skeptical of the person who (1) did not understand his role, (2) claimed a substantially similar role, and (3) attempted to mimic my role mechanic, despite it being likely very clear that is not how his role worked.  Contemporaneously, every bit of that skepticism was absolutely justified, and I relented whenever Forge seemed sincere and began to seem more Town.

You're going back through with a revisionist and retrospective lens to portray actions that were contemporaneously reasonable, and even prudent, as scum play.


What exactly am I lying low from?  I've claimed everything about me, and have been on the receiving end of 2-3 invests depending on who you believe, while having a demonstrated thread ability, and no further bombings having occurred.  You're just misunderstanding the likely bomb dynamic.

If you want to push me for not caring, trolling, or inactivity, that would actually be a bona fide avenue.  Not randomly and arbitrarily assigning value to this type of nonsense.

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Full disclosure, I am 💯 going to flip Stacy Sanders, purple. Read the OP when I’m gone. I soft claimed this a few days ago right after Gideon mentioning it immediately after them “knowing we were here as soon as we land”. 


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