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Overwatch Mafia 2.0 - Game Over - The Six Stack Wins!!!


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25 minutes ago, Woz said:
25 minutes ago, squire12 said:
30 minutes ago, Pickle Rick said:

I said being **** on all game put me in a bad mood and probably pushed me to use it as opposed to hold it all game as I was planning to do from the beginning.  The reason i used it on bcb was not bc of that however 

How exactly have you been **** on this game?

... yeah, I would like to hear an answer to this one. :D

Pickle with the scum slip....he is being **** on in the scum chatty

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17 minutes ago, Woz said:

Yes, he pushed Malf, and pushed him hard in D1.

But what has he done since?

Keep in mind that Malf's power was predicated on a one time use. It wouldn't surprise me that A) he used it well before he was the target, B) was playing ultra scummy, and C) set up Danger as the hero.

That malf vote is interesting.  Danger placed his vote early and often, possibly playing the long game as mafia.  

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6 minutes ago, Danger said:

ok so. I do want to say, I don't think the role of tracker particularly would benefit the mafia all that much in a game where they know who is all what role and every person's affiliation. It gives them very little utility. Nor do I think Ragnarok is any more guilty by his pharsing/actions than anyone else.

It's a catch 22 really.  They also could take it so town couldn't 

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21 minutes ago, Danger said:

Quick lynching is only a quality of life thing. If anything the it benefits the mafia. IF there's a mislynch mafia will go with it hence meaning it's more likely to go through if the mafia is ok with it and tags some votes on board with it.

In the case of Dome it's only a quality of life thing and it was completely obvious, outside of blatant situations, it should be avoided.

@Whicker I don't suppose there's someway for me to utilize my roleblock to block fin's martyrdom? 

I think that would depend on the order of moves being processed.

Seems like the vengeful hit would go after a pardon....the lynch has to be successful is I think  what the wording says.

The was that list of moves posted somewhere.

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On 5/12/2019 at 2:12 AM, Whicker said:

Order of Actions

Pardons (Mercy/Baptiste)
Commuter (Reaper)
Roleblocks (Sombra/Winston/Brigitte/Reinhardt)
Redirects (Pharah/Brigitte)
Protections (Zarya/Brigitte)
Vote manipulations
Hits (Vig → Scum)
Tracker/Watcher (Hanzo/Widow)

Based on this, it would seem like the vengeful might be blockable?


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15 minutes ago, Woz said:

@Whicker - is my interpretation of Danger's powers correct? Does "any" action include Junkrat's vig-after-lynch kill? Does "any" action include mafia's factional kill?

It is a normal roleblock as you'd find in any mafia game. It cannot stop Junkrat as Junkrat is lynched and cannot be targeted. It can and will stop the mafia factional kill if the correct target is chosen

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Day 7

7. Flacco – Zarya (Non-Consecutive Doctor) – Pickle (194)

10. Woz – Mei (2-shot Lynchproof)Danger (207)

12. Fin – Junkrat (Vengeful Vigilante)Pickle (192)

14. Danger – Reinhardt (1-shot Multiple Roleblocker)

16. Rick – Mercy (1-shot Governor) – Squire (189)

17. Rag – Hanzo (Tracker) – Pickle (193)

18. Mwil – Zenyatta (Loverizer/Haterizer) – Bcb (188), Pickle (189), Bcb (196), Mwil (196), Bcb (97), Pickle (197), Bcb (202)

20. Bcb – Moira (Strong Loverizer) – Rags (194), Mwil (194), Bcb (196), Rags (199)

21. Matts – Reaper (2-shot Commuter) – Rags (203)

22. Touch – Orisa (1-shot Vote Motivator) – Pickle (188), Unvote (193), Bcb (195), Mwil (196), Rags (203)

24. Squire – Soldier 76 (Vanilla Townie) – Pickle (188)


Vote Count (6 to lynch)
4 Pickle – Squire, Fin, Rag, Flacco
3 Rags – Bcb, Matts, Touch
2 Squire –
Zenyatta, Pickle
1 Bcb – Mwil
1 Danger - Woz

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31 minutes ago, bcb1213 said:

It's a catch 22 really.  They also could take it so town couldn't 

Yeah somehow I doubt it. This logic makes more sense for the civs because they had 18 powers, whereas the Mafia got 6. They're going to want to make use of every ability they can.

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2 minutes ago, Danger said:

Yeah somehow I doubt it. This logic makes more sense for the civs because they had 18 powers, whereas the Mafia got 6. They're going to want to make use of every ability they can.

Well at his point in the draft it was mostly vote manipulators and the role James took 

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