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Overwatch Mafia 2.0 - Game Over - The Six Stack Wins!!!


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Day 8

7. Flacco – Zarya (Non-Consecutive Doctor)

10. Woz – Mei (2-shot Lynchproof)

12. Fin – Junkrat (Vengeful Vigilante)

14. Danger – Reinhardt (1-shot Multiple Roleblocker) – Squire (216)

16. Rick – Mercy (1-shot Governor)

17. Rag – Hanzo (Tracker)

18. Mwil – Zenyatta (Loverizer/Haterizer) – Squire (217)

20. Bcb – Moira (Strong Loverizer)

22. Touch – Orisa (1-shot Vote Motivator) – Squire (215)

24. Squire – Soldier 76 (Vanilla Townie)


Vote Count (6 to lynch)
3 Squire – Touch, Danger, MWil

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19 minutes ago, Danger said:

Mwil is going to be a much bigger factor in things moving forward, that +1 becomes much bigger as the player pool gets smaller.

Please remember this post once I flip Town.

TBH, Danger all but ghosted yesterday and aside from pushing Malf night 1 hasn't given a strong town vibe.

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10 minutes ago, bcb1213 said:

Cause there's no advantage to it besides helping scum.  We have the numbers right now and there's no reason to tilt them if you're wrong.  Why I haven't used mine since n1

That's all I was asking.

TBH, I'll gladly give my +1 to a consensus vote, or I could use it as a -1.

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Just now, Danger said:

That would give me better peace of mind truthfully.

I'm not against this at all, but who would I use it on?

*Anyone who votes FOR Flacco probably deserves to out themselves as scum

*Anyone who votes PR after yesterday is probably scum

*Anyone who votes for Naz, Squire, or Rags has the potential of being EITHER Town or Scum (those will probably be the three most likely votes going forward)

*Woz and BCB are looking good after yesterday...no real reason to vote them

*Until we eliminate #5, no one should be voting Finn at this point IMO

That leaves you and me (I can't +/- myself) who have 1 vote for scum and have been up and down in the minds of others

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2 minutes ago, theuntouchable said:

Does anyone know offhand if Matts has posted anything prior to his vote yesterday after taking over for naz?? 

His last post was THURSDAY NIGHT before voting 2 times yesterday.

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56 minutes ago, theuntouchable said:

It could be, it could be. 

I’m hearing a lot of it could be, but not much of “I think it is”

As town, I do not know who is mafia.  At this point, I feel my best help to town is ensure that those that are remaining tomorrow think things through fully and look at all the combinations and what might be the best play.

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1 minute ago, squire12 said:

As town, I do not know who is mafia.  At this point, I feel my best help to town is ensure that those that are remaining tomorrow think things through fully and look at all the combinations and what might be the best play.

Who is the best in your opinion then? Pickle would certainly be playing the long game/happy to go for his own scum teammates (multiple times) if he's scum, which isn't likely, albeit not impossible.

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4 minutes ago, squire12 said:

As town, I do not know who is mafia.  At this point, I feel my best help to town is ensure that those that are remaining tomorrow think things through fully and look at all the combinations and what might be the best play.

That’s my point tho. Saying “think it through” means absolutely nothing. 

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3 minutes ago, MWil23 said:

Who is the best in your opinion then? Pickle would certainly be playing the long game/happy to go for his own scum teammates (multiple times) if he's scum, which isn't likely, albeit not impossible.

Why would pickle be doing that but I haven’t been? 

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After I am lynched today and flip town, mafia gets another kill (assuming they do in worst case scenario) it is 6-2.

Who is the collective next likely scum candidate?  There are a few combinations of mafia remaining pairs that could be really dangerous with another mislynch.

Woz has 2 lynch proofs and can last 2 days.  If it gets to 4-2, he uses his lynch proof and gets a kill each night and it is at best it is 2-2.

Either combo of Danger + Mwil/Rags is an issue as I noted earlier.  

Finn with his vengeful is also a problem if in the last 2 mafia.  

I option would be to have Finn hit me today if he would agree to be the lynch and then take me out with his vengeful hit.    I would need to think through a good number of scenarios for that to be a viable plan.


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4 minutes ago, theuntouchable said:

That’s my point tho. Saying “think it through” means absolutely nothing. 

From your POV, you feel really strongly I am mafia.  I am not trying to change your mind on that.  

From my POV, knowing that I am town, I need you to be thinking of things and how what I am bringing up today play out.   I will leave it at that.

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