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Marvel Mafia - The game is over, the Sinister Six have conquered Earth!


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"Oh boy, that flavor text from the night writeup sounds obvious. I think there's gonna be two...no, three...no, four kills tonight! We have to get this right."

Narrator: "They don't."

Squire12 is not giving up easily, he's fighting back against the townspeople attacking him. There's just too many of them however and they beat him into submission. No matter how many kicks, punches, and **** slaps he takes though, squire12 won't die. Eventually they get him tied up and take him over to the lake.

"No ******* way, you guys can't do this to me!"

As squire12 fights against the ropes, they throw him in. Bubbles form on the surface but after a minute the bubbles slow down and soon they stop. A couple of people dive in and drag his lifeless body to the surface.

Squire12 is dead. He was Wolverine, Avengers-Aligned.

As everyone returns to town, they hear a noise coming from the morgue. As they all filter in to see what happened they witness a horrible sight.

mission27 is still dead. He was Rocket Raccoon, Skrull-Aligned.

It is now Night 13. You have until Thursday at 8:30 AM EST to get your night moves in.

@Dome, @Counselor, @Tk3, @Matts4313

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24 minutes ago, Matts4313 said:

Also Squire, it has bothered me that you killed Mwill. The 100% person we all wanted to lynch. Gives you the LOLclear. 

I figured I was a potential hit candidate, so hitting a prime mafia read that I had (along with others) felt like the right use of my 2nd shot.

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6 minutes ago, rackcs said:

As everyone returns to town, they hear a noise coming from the morgue. As they all filter in to see what happened they witness a horrible sight.

mission27 is still dead. He was Rocket Raccoon, Skrull-Aligned.


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3 minutes ago, Counselor said:

You are converted man

Dont be brain dead. I am literally the reason we lynched Mission. I tried to do it the day before as well. 

I am not converted. Take a leap of faith. If we dont roleblock Dome, we are lylo or possibly lose the game. 

If you dont want to motivate me again after tonight, that is fine. But I cant roleblock him with out your move. 

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