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Dome's Saloon and House of Maidens - Duel Six- Duel Voting deadline is 10pm EST on Monday


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7 hours ago, Malfatron said:

right now, touch is my top suspect.

maybe someone like woz too

Look here, partner, I'm over the moon about that Butch.  Him and Pierre are straight shooters who watch your six in a shootout.  I reckon I ain't gonna hear none two ways about it.

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And you wonder why I carry every gun under the sun, 

Whether it’s unloaded full or an unregistered one,

No bullet you’re so full of ****, 

This gun is so full it’ll spit if I don’t pull it, 

And don’t give me no bull****, I’m not in the mood, 

I’m about to get in some feud in a parking lot with some dude. 

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7 hours ago, Dome said:

It was a bloody mess! Good thing they weren't carrying any dangerous infections like Cholera, Dysentery or Syphilis! Can you imagine if three of you had been randomly infected by the splatter of infected blood or guts?!

Hence my purchase...

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53 minutes ago, SwAg said:

Reckon you done gettin a bamboozle, but if you think it’s what not the doctor ordered, so be it, partner.

It doesn't matter, I gotta try something

2 minutes ago, Malfatron said:

yeah, that probably IS syphillis in that jar

i aint talking to anyone that liked those posts

Can't get what I already have, it's worth a shot

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30 minutes ago, theuntouchable said:

Squire is scum 

Reckon ol King too.  I was havin another gander on the day and I reckon hardly no one even recognized Waylon bein in on it.  If I didn't know any better, I'd say he was hidin in Old Man Dome's water barrel.

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Reckon we ought to either keep it quiet on who done got infected to keep the bandits a guessin.  Maybe even spread it, guarantee them Bandits ain't care enough to die for Old Man Dome's Saloon, and I ain't keen on the book learning, but I think the count says they can't keep up if we get an epidemic goin.

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