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Death Note Mafia: Mafia Wins! (Counselor, Nazgul, Swag)


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@Counselor it's worth keeping open as an option for sure. I'm just not sure how to put together the entire any random person thing if that is the case. No in the construction of the game. Like, does it flip the random person if that is the case? Do they have investigative powers at that point, or just reliant on open claims?

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1 minute ago, DingoLadd said:

Potentially, the death note is basically corruption itself.

We should know by N5 if someone is going to use it. 

Problem is, with light and Misa out there still, we don't know if it's them, or random person A who used it, or if random person a even did get it. And if it goes somewhere randomly every time, not sure how you would stop it (maybe slow conversion / corruption over days?)

Questions for another day, I suppose

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3 hours ago, MWil23 said:

Could also be that people are upset Swag has the mask and now the only way to make sure Swag dies is to go for the lynch.

It’s somewhat amusing.

Me:  Well-reasoned theory on why the Death Note transfers.

Forge:  I don’t have to respond to you!  I’m above it all!

Forge later:  I think someone on your sensor was scum!

Crazy how his view changes on theories when the theory doesn’t implicate him, lmao.

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3 hours ago, Forge said:

I find your outward redirecting to everything not swag to be fascinating. You wouldn't happen to be light trying to protect Misa, would you?

You just sound salty that people aren’t lollynching me right off the bat, and are daring to challenge you while you obfuscate on what seems like a clear game dynamic.

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On 6/20/2019 at 7:59 PM, Malfatron said:

Meanwhile, on the other side of town. Raye Penber came home from a long day at work.

He had to try to track down some Kira suspects, and so far, no luck.

His finance was waiting for him. She tried giving him some advice on the case, but he reminded her that she was his fiance now, and not with the FBI.

"How many times must I remind her of this", he thought. "Dinner isn't even ready". His fiance went back into the bedroom.

He huffed as he opened the fridge, but caught some movement out of the corner of his eye.

He opened his mouth to yell, but it was too late. The bullet pierced his throat and he died immediately.

Orca is dead. He was Raye Penber - town

@Dome I find this write up interesting. Fiance mentioned, but no name given, and together. 

Killed with a gun....Ted? 

On 6/21/2019 at 8:00 PM, Malfatron said:

At the funeral, there was much mourning, none more so than Aiber.

Aiber had gotten to know Wedy very well and was quite sad.

Unbeknownst to him, there was a figure on top of a nearby building.

The figure readied his sniper rifle.

Aiber looked up, and caught a flicker of light from that building from the corner of his eye. He started to yell, but too late as the bullet pierced his throat.

Nacho, N2. Also a gun. Also Ted? Not that on N2, there is no clear Death note kill. 

On 6/21/2019 at 8:02 AM, Malfatron said:

Anthony Rester was having a morning whiskey.

He was planning a big investigation tonight, but for now, a whiskey and a nap is just what he needs.

Suddenly, his heart began beating quickly. He grabbed at his chest and reached for the bottle of Tums on the dresser.

It was too late.

Anthony Rester - @theuntouchable was dead. He was town - Even night Death Note cop

D2, first clear death note kill. 

On 6/22/2019 at 7:48 PM, Malfatron said:

Kiyomi Takada was undressing to take a shower.

She slipped off her bra, then got a far-away look in her eye and stared at her bra intently.
They found her later that day. She hung herself with her own bra.


@bcb1213 was Kiyomi Takada - town. Roleblocking ability.

N3, second clear death note kill. Also note there was no gun kill this night because it was also the night that Ted was lynched. 

9 hours ago, Malfatron said:

In other news, Kanichi Takimura was under heavy guard because it was indicated that he would likely die tonight.

The best of the best was guarding him, including a man named John Wick, who was a man of reputable character and talent.

Suddenly, a suspicious fly was buzzing around. It headed straight for Takimura! John Wick, a man of action, grabbed a number 2 pencil and swiftly skewered the fly. However, his momentum carried though and punctured Takimura

"Got him", Jack Wick said. He paused....."oh..."

Kanichi Takimura slumped to the ground with a pencil in his eye.

Squire - Kanichi Takimura - Weak Death Note Cop - town is dead

N4 Death note kill (confirmed Rags)

9 hours ago, Malfatron said:

Steve Mason  decided to take a break and vacation to the Amazon.
Upon arrival, he was promptly Snu Snu'ed by the Amazon women there

"Worth...it" he croacked out.

Rack - town - Steve Mason - one shot Gladiator is dead

Also a N4 death note kill. 

On 6/22/2019 at 8:23 PM, Forge said:

So you invested several people, but only used the book once? Interesting. So there is a limitation on when and how it can be used. 


On 6/22/2019 at 8:24 PM, Ragnarok said:

There are limitations, yes.  

I think the limitations is that the book gets moved around between the users every night. Perhaps they each have their own, perhaps it's just one in the construct of the game. 

So then there's the mysterious case of N4, when we had two death note deaths in the form of Squire and Rack. But There was no death note kill N2. I think that whomever had it on N2 wrote a time a couple of days later for Rack. 

On 6/22/2019 at 9:02 PM, Forge said:

Then why are you certain that Squires will happen during N4 rather than Day 4? Do you write a time? 


On 6/22/2019 at 9:04 PM, Ragnarok said:


@Dome, what do you think? 

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Just now, SwAg said:

You just sound salty that people aren’t lollynching me right off the bat, and are daring to challenge you while you obfuscate on what seems like a clear game dynamic.


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3 hours ago, Forge said:

So my ability protects against a death note kill, but that sounds like an ability that scum would have. Makes sense

So, there’s two factions, but they can’t protect from each other.  Makes sense.

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