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STAR TREK: The Next Generation Mafia (Romulan Star Empire wins!)

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4 minutes ago, The Orca said:

Dingo changes alignment in invests

If he visited Swag N1 Domes invest would only have 3 options for Swag...Romulan, Klingon, or Federation

Swag cant be the invested Borg in Domes invest by default right?

I see what you're saying. But if that's the case, it means Swag is more than likely Romulan.

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5 minutes ago, The Orca said:

Dingo changes alignment in invests

If he visited Swag N1 Domes invest would only have 3 options for Swag...Romulan, Klingon, or Federation

Swag cant be the invested Borg in Domes invest by default right?

****, that's true.

3 minutes ago, Malfatron said:

Well then its touch

Fake mason

It's not a fake mason, Touch was lolcleared by host

2 minutes ago, Pickle Rick said:

Unless he was borg to begin with 

But he still would've been framed some other way. Honestly this probably means Swag is Romulan Star.

2 minutes ago, Malfatron said:

What if touch is a borg, and rack is his convert

Could explain racks ridiculous number of moves

You mean my regular number of moves? I used my watch/track N1 and my race invest N2. You seem to be flipping back and forth between not read up and clueless and completely read up and aware of what's happening. I'm sticking with you for today.

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2 minutes ago, kingseanjohn said:

I see what you're saying. But if that's the case, it means Swag is more than likely Romulan.

I agree but Borgs are likely converters and should be the priority today.

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3 minutes ago, The Orca said:

No cause if Dingo really visited him, he would have to appear Fed, Klingon, or Romulan in Domes invest unles Domes invest comes before the frame...which I highly doubt that

You are on the right track, but are missing the obvious:

If Swag was *Borg* he could have been made to be seen as *klignon* which would still make Domes results work.


If Swag was *Romulan* he could have been made to be seen as *Fed* which would still make Domes results work.

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2 hours ago, Matts4313 said:

You should throw this out the window as any sort of compelling piece of your case. 

Swag has shown up on 2 invest. Both of them had a borg component. Malf hasnt been CC'd as Picard. Malf is 50/50 converted and also Borg. 

I guess there is an easy way to prove this with out a CC:

Did anyone Roleblock Malf Day 1?


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2 minutes ago, Malfatron said:



9 minutes ago, The Orca said:

Dingo changes alignment in invests

If he visited Swag N1 Domes invest would only have 3 options for Swag...Romulan, Klingon, or Federation

Swag cant be the invested Borg in Domes invest by default right?

Now the real question is, did Dingo visit Swag and where's the post backing that up? Or is Orca just spitballing and trying to lead us away from Swag?

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4 minutes ago, rackcs said:
5 minutes ago, kingseanjohn said:

I see what you're saying. But if that's the case, it means Swag is more than likely Romulan.

I agree but Borgs are likely converters and should be the priority today.

Read what I wrote. He could still be the borg.

1 minute ago, Matts4313 said:

You are on the right track, but are missing the obvious:

If Swag was *Borg* he could have been made to be seen as *klignon* which would still make Domes results work.


If Swag was *Romulan* he could have been made to be seen as *Fed* which would still make Domes results work.


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2 minutes ago, Matts4313 said:

You are on the right track, but are missing the obvious:

If Swag was *Borg* he could have been made to be seen as *klignon* which would still make Domes results work.


If Swag was *Romulan* he could have been made to be seen as *Fed* which would still make Domes results work.

Ok but Borg showed up on Dome's results. Since Swag could not have shown up Borg on Dome's results due to the frame, Swag is not Borg. Touch is not Borg. That leaves Malf. Like I said, I think this means Swag is probably Romulan Star and was made to seem Fed on Dome's results by the frame.

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On 7/2/2019 at 10:37 PM, Dome said:

me use tricorder last night

me scan malf, touch and swag

mookie glen get in way, me scan them too

Me found Federation, Borg Collective and House of Duras

Glen fed, mookie duras, touch fed, swag romulan, malf Borg/Romulan/Fed (if framed)


2 minutes ago, Malfatron said:

Borgs might be able to frame ppl too

Possible for sure

1 minute ago, Matts4313 said:

You are on the right track, but are missing the obvious:

If Swag was *Borg* he could have been made to be seen as *klignon* which would still make Domes results work.


If Swag was *Romulan* he could have been made to be seen as *Fed* which would still make Domes results work.

Dome no find Klingon...incorrect 

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