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FF Big Big Brother 8: Finn wins! Postgame show NOW


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40 minutes ago, Nazgul said:

I vote to evict Beef Supreme, @ET80.

So, needless to say - I'm disappointed. You and I worked well together, we pulled off some good results, and - most importantly - I paid my debt to you for working to get you out first in BB7. I legitimately felt bad for that, and I put in work to cover that debt through this game.

However... your true colors showed. You can't change your stripes, now can you? Once a backstabber, always a backstabber. 

Now... you've incurred another debt. One that will not be paid so easily. Going forward, my ONLY obligation in games such as this is to make sure you're the first to go. BB9, Survivor, Saw (hosted by @Pickle Rick) whatever - my only win condition will be to eliminate you. You've seen me hold a grudge, you've seen me execute to the point of ruining my entire game in BB7, so you know this is not an empty threat - it's foreshadowing.

You might as well find something else to do to occupy yourself on this site, because games like this will be pointless for you. BDL won't save you. MoL won't save you. Your brother won't save you. Nobody will save you.

@Adrenaline_Flux - I'm more sad than disappointed. You're in a rare space, you're one of four people from this site I've actually met in person. I don't make it a habit to introduce myself to strangers on the internet, but you are in that space. We communicate outside this site, we joke around with our inner sanctum (you've attacked @fretgod99 for me on more than one occasion).

So, I am really sad you felt as if you couldn't talk to me during the Fin v Touch vote. That move in essence - it doomed me. It put the numbers against me this vote, and an ET v Touch vote would have been more advantageous for me. Perhaps that butterfly effect leads to a different result, but... We'll never know. But, we do know that had you talked to me, we could have planned out our next step. That "until the end" question you asked me? We could have got there.

I'm going to vote for in the end because you're my friend. I just hope next time, you can trust me as a friend...and not a competitor.

@FinneasGage - Much like the noble cockaroach, you survive. There is a moral to be had about being lucky vs being smart, but it falls on dumb ears trying to explain it to you. 

@Outpost31 - well, we got close. Further than I thought we'd get.


Always a pleasure, @Malfatron, you always bring in fun and fresh challenges and give us an awesome platform for competition; You're truly the game master of this little community, thank you again!

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