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Player Performance Talk 2018 (How they're playing; struggles, bright spots, etc.)

Mind Character

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I thought this thread could serve as a place to discuss opinions/analysis of how players are playing from week to week outside of just the GDTs (i.e., their mistakes, bright spots, areas for improvement, who's competing/fighting, who needs to be replaced, etc..)

Let's discuss....


Quick Hitters:

1. I've rewatched the line play throughout the preseason games, and I have to say I am really really concerned about Shon Coleman and our RT/tackle play. He was completely exposed by Lamar Houston; it was awful at times.

  • Coleman really struggled in the fourth preseason game ending up on his back multiple times. On one play in the 2nd quarter he pulled to the left when the entire rest of the line was strech blocking to the right. He ran into drango and threw the play off. That type of mental error is catastrophic in a real game. His pass sets were terrible in blitz situations where he was literally running backwards giving up ground instead of chop setting and anchoring. If he didn't hold a few times, Kessler was done.  He also got pushed back easily too many times. He also missed blitz pick up a handful of times and did not sustain blocks. Mental errors and play errors made him look like a fringe roster player.
  • I'm not convinced Shon is the future, and I think he's going to be a liability at times when it comes to pass pro. He also struggles in stretch run blocking as he struggled to get a hand on the DT sliding down the line.

2. On the positive side, Austin Reiter looked stout and handled inside power and twists really well.

3. Zach Sterup shouldn't be on the roster. Got beat relentlessly from the LT position against speed rush.

4. Spencer drango looked good in spots at RT in the run and pass, but was bad in blitz pickup and coordination with handoff blocks. Also, couldn't sustain blocks and was a frequent waist bender that lost his balance.

5. Caleb Brantley looked okay but his pad level is really bad and inconsistent (literally stood straight up on contact many times). Larry Ogunjobi looked really really good in that final preseason in terms of using violent hands and relentless rush.

6. We have to sign back Tyrone Holmes..his outside jab step to inside rush is devastating. Looked good in the run.

7. I've never like Dominique Alexander...coming out of college and what he's showed in the pros...BUT he looked exceptional in his ability to diagnose and cut it loose. Looked so much faster than I remembered when he was coming out of college.

8. John Greco couldn't move laterally with any quickness...did a really bad job pulling and couldn't use power or force in lateral movement/stretch blocks. It was time for him to get cut.

9. Brandon Thompson and Marcus Burley looked great in the fourth preseason game with Thompson always in the backfield on limited snaps....Burley had a great ability to stay on top of the WR on vertical threats and he was good at disrupting their routes at the line. Sad that we didn't have a spot for them.

10. Kai really came up in run support and on underneath passes with more force to tackle than I ever saw while he was at BYU.  Loved his aggression and quick mental trigger. Big improvement on his weakness in college.



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Lost in the excitement of Peppers,Kizer, and Garrett is Emmanuel Ogbah's development.

Coming out of college it was clear that he did not yet have the knowledge, technique, and mentality to rush the passer beyond one move to the outside or a high pad-level bull rush.

We really need him to be more than just a decent player. While I expect him to struggle some this year still due to his lack of seasoning, I'm looking for a big jump; specifically, I'd like to see him string together multiple moves, improve his pad level, and his inside counter move.


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35 minutes ago, Mind Character said:

Lost in the excitement of Peppers,Kizer, and Garrett is Emmanuel Ogbah's development.

Coming out of college it was clear that he did not yet have the knowledge, technique, and mentality to rush the passer beyond one move to the outside or a high pad-level bull rush.

We really need him to be more than just a decent player. While I expect him to struggle some this year still due to his lack of seasoning, I'm looking for a big jump; specifically, I'd like to see him string together multiple moves, improve his pad level, and his inside counter move.


Ogbah might be more of a physical freak than Garrett. He's going under the radar. Last year he didn't do much until he got switched to the other side over the RT. After he did that he looked amazing. Now he'll be there all year. I think he'll get around 10 sacks. 

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Interesting take on Coleman, Mind Character.




[video=twitter;905399721132511232]https://twitter.com/brianspoon/status/905399721132511232[/video]<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-lang="en"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">In limited action, <a href="https://twitter.com/hashtag/Browns?src=hash">#Browns</a> Joe Thomas earned the 4th highest Run Blocking grade in the NFL this preseason (86.1). <a href="https://twitter.com/hashtag/firstoffensivelineman?src=hash">#firstoffensivelineman</a></p> Brian Spoon (@BrianSpoon) <a href="https://twitter.com/BrianSpoon/status/905057337127440385">September 5, 2017</a></blockquote>

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30 minutes ago, killin' it like ki7er said:

Interesting take on Coleman, Mind Character.




[video=twitter;905399721132511232]https://twitter.com/brianspoon/status/905399721132511232[/video]<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-lang="en"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">In limited action, <a href="https://twitter.com/hashtag/Browns?src=hash">#Browns</a> Joe Thomas earned the 4th highest Run Blocking grade in the NFL this preseason (86.1). <a href="https://twitter.com/hashtag/firstoffensivelineman?src=hash">#firstoffensivelineman</a></p> Brian Spoon (@BrianSpoon) <a href="https://twitter.com/BrianSpoon/status/905057337127440385">September 5, 2017</a></blockquote>

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@killin' it like ki7er


Intereting?? I saw hot garbage....

Yeah...if you watched every snap of his in the Chicago game you'd be laughing and shaking your head at those pseudo-analytics just like me.

There's really no substitute for actually watching each snap because those numbers are complete trash.

Here's why:

1. if a tackle gets pushed on his back but the QB gets rid of the ball before he is touched that doesn't show up in the metrics (they don't look at hurries the right way in their analysis)

2. If a tackle gives ground and gets pushed into the backfield causing the QB to move off platform and throw a bad incompletion...these don't show up in those numbers.

3. If tackle gets called for holding 4 times and has to tackle a defender (like Coleman) or b/c his pass set was so bad...that doesn't show up in the metrics.

4. On the aforementioned run play where Coleman pulled the wrong way as the rest of the line...that doesn't show up in the metrics.

5. False starts aren't factored in

I rewatched all 4 preseason games and just watched the line play snap by snap

He was awful in the Bears game.

I was going to post gifs of how bad, but the nfl has a copywriter code so I can't break the youtube clip down.

I took notes on the time (quarter/play) of the plays...so, if I can find an online source to pull from...I'll add those times to a gif compiler that will spit out those play and post it here after work. Sterup shouldn't be in the league and Coleman was bad

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5 hours ago, sdrawkcab321 said:

I think I'm most excited about joe schobert. He looks like a completely different player after losing 15 pounds. In pre season he was everywhere. His tackling is so textbook I can see him leading the league in tackles. 

Tackling was definitely a weakness coming out of Wisconsin for Joe, so Im thrilled to see him look so improved. Hopefully he keeps it up. I do think one of the reasons for that struggle was the extra bulk he had for taking on O-linemen, combined with his shorter arms(31 1/2"). A slimmer torso lets him utilize every inch of his arms.

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Shon almost had 3 quarters of some of the worst RT play I've seen in recent memory......

Here are some of the lowlights...(to avoid copyright issues a youtuber added the source video with a background)

1. Shon misses completely the reach back/ hook block allowing number 74 free access to the runner. After the play, Randell Telfer tells him and gestures "hook" This is a very basic blocking understanding. He should know "when there's a guy across from you and another lined up wide 9 of the TE, you block the guy across from you." Complete miss.



2. The very next play: he's put on his back due to waist bending reach and loss of balance causing Kessler to have to flee the pocket



3. A few plays later, Shon is Judo tossed to the ground right off the snap ( it's hard to even locate him b/c he's so far away from the ball under the Centers feet and almost takes out their knee...he ends up 4 yards beyond the LOS on his knees due to waist bending/reaching...his man after tossing Shon to the ground blows up a pulling Greco and running Matthew Dayes. Shon gets off the ground with his arms in a shrug position like "did I do that"



4. ON THE FREAKING NEXT PLAY more gems....Gets beat bad outside....he holds; gets a penalty...if he doesn't hold Kessler is done. Even with the hold...Kessler is under duress



5. Here he reaches and gives the edge to the DE and has to tackle him... holding...at this point I'm thinking "he's a wrecking machine..."



6. And the beat goes on....not sure what technique this is...starts bailing out backward headed right for Kessler...by the time the Defensive player contacts Shon...he's let him in the backfield into Kessler's vision and throwing lane.



There were many other plays where Shon struggled or held or got beat or simply went the wrong way (left when the rest of the line pulled right) that I noted in my recap earlier. If he doesn't pick up his play we have a serious problem....because if he stinks his back up..well....his plays were just as bad or even worse

...NEVER FEAR Zach Sterup is here (I know this is at LT in the game, but this is what it looked like at RT for Sterup in the game as well)



So, when clowns tweet out stuff like..



.I laugh and realize the guy hasn't watched a single play for real...metrics are only as good as their contexts.....Shon struggled in the other games as well and the majority of his snaps came from playing 3 quarters in the bears game. So, wth are these tweet sports analysts talking about...They love their simple numbers but they aren't even aware of analytics and metrics that may actually capture the play performance...

We are in trouble at the tackle position...and Spencer Drango or Zach Sterup are not going to save us...please play better Shon...


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11 hours ago, Mind Character said:

Shon almost had 3 quarters of some of the worst RT play I've seen in recent memory......

Here are some of the lowlights...(to avoid copyright issues a youtuber added the source video with a background)

1. Shon misses completely the reach back/ hook block allowing number 74 free access to the runner. After the play, Randell Telfer tells him and gestures "hook" This is a very basic blocking understanding. He should know "when there's a guy across from you and another lined up wide 9 of the TE, you block the guy across from you." Complete miss.



2. The very next play: he's put on his back due to waist bending reach and loss of balance causing Kessler to have to flee the pocket



3. A few plays later, Shon is Judo tossed to the ground right off the snap ( it's hard to even locate him b/c he's so far away from the ball under the Centers feet and almost takes out their knee...he ends up 4 yards beyond the LOS on his knees due to waist bending/reaching...his man after tossing Shon to the ground blows up a pulling Greco and running Matthew Dayes. Shon gets off the ground with his arms in a shrug position like "did I do that"



4. ON THE FREAKING NEXT PLAY more gems....Gets beat bad outside....he holds; gets a penalty...if he doesn't hold Kessler is done. Even with the hold...Kessler is under duress



5. Here he reaches and gives the edge to the DE and has to tackle him... holding...at this point I'm thinking "he's a wrecking machine..."



6. And the beat goes on....not sure what technique this is...starts bailing out backward headed right for Kessler...by the time the Defensive player contacts Shon...he's let him in the backfield into Kessler's vision and throwing lane.



There were many other plays where Shon struggled or held or got beat or simply went the wrong way (left when the rest of the line pulled right) that I noted in my recap earlier. If he doesn't pick up his play we have a serious problem....because if he stinks his back up..well....his plays were just as bad or even worse

...NEVER FEAR Zach Sterup is here (I know this is at LT in the game, but this is what it looked like at RT for Sterup in the game as well)



So, when clowns tweet out stuff like..



.I laugh and realize the guy hasn't watched a single play for real...metrics are only as good as their contexts.....Shon struggled in the other games as well and the majority of his snaps came from playing 3 quarters in the bears game. So, wth are these tweet sports analysts talking about...They love their simple numbers but they aren't even aware of analytics and metrics that may actually capture the play performance...

We are in trouble at the tackle position...and Spencer Drango or Zach Sterup are not going to save us...please play better Shon...


Sterup's out of there...

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